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Everything posted by Hambugler
Introduction Information Section Steam Name: hambugler SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Discord Username/ID: hambugler Timezone: EST Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 1mo 3w 6d 1h 48m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Was trusted before trusted was removed. Do you have a mic & will you use it?: I do and yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I'm obviously active on the server more, but I am consistently active on the forums and that would only increase with me being staff. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Mical Jordin. Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Mical Jordin, Shepherd, Spooks, Arrow, Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Leutnant Lucius Helga - Recently transferred Deputy Chief of the main division in the Heer, leads individuals in groups and starts drama when it warrants it. Sekretar Emmerich Vogelbaum - Deputy Chief of Amt-III (Science Ministry) was appointed yesterday (As of 12/21/24). Will manage projects under the department and ensure everything runs smoothy. Hauptgefreiter Linden Hügel - Enlisted in Air Force recruits when on the char, follows in groups, and is manpower when there is drama. How long have you been roleplaying?: 3-4 years, darkRP mostly. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: NITRP (2023-08-28); Was banned for NITRP, I do not remember the context, but it was valid. | NITRP, PO'S (2023-09-28): Was banned for changing my name to something stupid while in a sit I believe, this was also justified. | Degeneracy, Prop Abuse, NITRP (2023-10-20): This was for prop flinging, again; justified. | Prop Minging, PO's (2023-10-25) | rdm x2 (2023-11-01): Was banned for shooting rdming and revenge rdming Jimmy. | RDM, LTAP, NITRP (2023-11-08): I do not remember the context but I doubt it was invalid. | Global Rule 1. | Character Rule 11. (2023-12-10) | rdm (2023-12-23): This was when I shot someone to save my friend from being arrested, this ban was justified. | NITRP | MASS RDM | LTAP | POs (2024-01-24): This is when I was mad about the previous ban so I just mass RDMed and intended to get permad, (this would never happen again; if I ever got bored of the server I'd simply resign from staff and leave) | Retard of the week. (2024-02-08): Do not remember the context but this was when I was trying to get Perma banned. | RDM | Many POs (Edited by Hound: 11th ban. You do not learn your lessons. Begone) (2024-04-29): This was when I was perma banned, I mass RDM'd and then was initially two week banned but then permad. These bans were for the most part from last year and I haven't received a note since my Perma Ban. (nine months ago) I regret these bans and I think I've proven myself to be a functioning member of the community since I was just a generic minge. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Was mod on Icefuse's DarkRP server about 2 years ago now, which was my only modding experience. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I know I have history of being a minge, but this almost a year ago now. I understand those who have their doubts, but I think I've proven myself since my perma ban. I am active on the server and would increase my activity by becoming staff because it would give me something to do. I know the rules well and would be impartial when taking and reviewing tickets; I'd be listening to both sides closely and making my verdict based soley off of the evidence and story from both sides, I'd efficiently get a good assessment of the situation and then judge based on it. I'd also be quick to take tickets and would happily help new members when necessary, with questions about the game mode itself or just questions about the rules in general. Though as I mentioned before I think I'd be impartial, I wouldn't have much of an issue with punishing people who deserve it like minges or people who are just purposefully circumventing the rules and know better, for people who are new to the server and know less about the rules I'd be a lot more sympathetic towards. If given staff I'd also think that I'd be setting a good precedent for players not only on my staff char but also some of my normal characters which staff are supposed to do. If given staff I'd also be making sure or preventing RDM (for example) from happening [I.E.]: I see a minge run into an RP scenario at the ICC with a machine gun on his back I'd likely just freeze him before he mows down everyone and then just disrupts the RP from taking place. Other then that, I think I'm prepared to become staff and It's been something I've been thinking about for a while now and I believe that I'd do it well. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties of staff are to take tickets that are made, help new players with anything needed like questions. I think I'd do both of these main things well and efficiently free from any real error. I have modding experience in the past, I know how to use the admin stick and be impartial and be effective in decision making and being communitive. Another responsibility that you have on staff is to just simply not break the rules, now this can mean just not getting banned/infraction/noted and also not appearing out of character in an in-character situation, RDMing, or any other rule breaking that may not be reported. You need to be professional on and off of the staff char itself and I think I can bring what's needed not only for the staff role but also what's needed just for the game mode itself and do my job here well. Thanks for reading!
Given that we were both PKed under the same grounds for the exact same situation; I think I'm involved enough to at least say that all of the advertisements were me. I won't refute my PK because I accept it as valid, but I don't think that he should've been PK'd for guilt-by-association if that was the direct reason.
I think a better alternative is make shooting tires more stable.
+1 Wooooooooooooooooo
https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ijy6qTxmCioK_iIvN/d1337aMXkjmo?invite=cr-MSxIa3gsMjA2MDk1NDAyLA there was two heer and they weren’t unarmed. Both of us had guns pointed at you. Then you ran into one of the ICC buildings and shot at us.
Agreed, things could have been 100% said better on my part but I was extremely frustrated that I was being accused of making a false staff ticket for "signed my own NDA I made for someone else", I linked an (https://imgur.com/W8dTt25) link showing that he did indeed sign my name down. I get that the original screenshot I showed you might've looked confusing as I was too, but I can assure you that I did not write my own signature down and the screenshot would prove this. Your next point being that "he may have asked a colleague for your name, seen it on paperwork, or even if you RP'd '/me signs document'" is implausible as no other colleagues present ever once uttered my name or said my name ICly other than me using LOOC, he was also tied up and blindfolded for the most part. He also did not send any screenshot proving that he had my f3 after making 3 excuses to why he can't get a "steam screenshot" or a clip. Also I'm sorry for calling you names, there is no justification for that, and I got really heated which isn't an excuse to take out on you as you were just an outsider party to the situation.
Your Name: hambugler ( Stuart Schafer ) SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Player's Name(s): Adler Burfast Player's SteamID32(s): STEAM_0:1:551360735 Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): Metagame (maybe powergame don't really know if UA approval is needed to forge a signature) Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): https://imgur.com/2JZDKoX | https://imgur.com/3L0TRTt | https://imgur.com/W8dTt25 Additional Information: I kidnapped an NSB named Adler Burfast and tried to get him to sign an NDA he agreed at first (chatlogs of the entire situation) and said he'll sign it, then as a joke or something he put my name down so I made a staff ticket for metagame since he wouldn't have my name IC and would have got my name through OOC means since I used LOOC occasionally during the detainment. He claimed that he "had my f3" but then said that he (chief inspector of the NSB) didn't have a clipping software or couldn't figure out steam screenshots to send proof he had my f3 (https://imgur.com/9X8uZQa), The staff member who took it (Vixx) said that there wasn't enough proof for metagame even though there was a screenshot of my signature on the document and him admitting to putting it there, I personally believe that this was just blatant metagame. Notes: I was heated at this time so I do understand why the staff member couldn't get enough 'evidence' since I was just yapping alot.
Introduction Information Section Steam Name: hambugler SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Discord Username/ID: hambugler Timezone: EST Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 3w 3d 13h 56m (longer before reset) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: I do and yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I'm obviously active on the server more, but I am consistently active on the forums and that would only increase with me being staff. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Saito Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): just lavinder, Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: - Ministerialdirektor Josef Krausser: Chief of the Coalition Administrative bureau within the Partei-Hauptburo, takes care of most administrative action in the party as well as approving/denying transfers. - Staatssekretär Horatio Turbot: State Secretary in the Ministry of Procurement (Office B "Distribution"), manages distribution of weapons within the ministry and helps build relations with customers in the MOI, Military and volkswatch. - Gefrieter Flynn Krieger: Enlisted in the Kaisergarde, eventually plan to apply for KSD with this character but it was created a few days ago. - Grenadier Stuart Schäfer: Currently an Enlisted in the Feldjagers hopes to apply for MGD very shortly and do some intelligenceRP again. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've Been roleplaying for 4 years on FiveM and 3 years on GMod. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: - RDM x7 (10/25/23)(11/1/23)(12/14/23)(12/27/23)(2/24/24) (At least in bans, probably more in notes): Almost every single one of the RDM bans/notes was completely intentional on my part and was blatant minging on my part as I knew what I was doing. For this I would just have to say that I quit this altogether and found actual enjoyment from RP'ing as different characters and I think that my track record would back this up considering I haven't been in a staff sit on the opposing end since my unban. - NITRP x5 (8/27/23)(9/25/23)(10/19/23)(11/1/23)(12/27/23) | Prop Minging x2: This is another situation with the RDM bans/notes and general 'mingery' it was my personal intention to act like this and I haven't since, I understand that this is something some can't look past in accepting a staff application but there was observed change on my part which is mainly why I believe I was allowed the trusted-flag in the first place. - Metagame: On the 10/25/23 ban I did metagame and it was caught which is why I don't know why it wasn't included in the ban message. This was a case where I tried to free one of my friends from the BB cells and RDM'd two of the people in and died. I got the information from a discord call I was in and refuted that it was metagame until it became apparent, and I eventually accepted it. This was a situation where I wasen't minging but still actively breaking the rules. To prevent this, I would (and have) simply play the gamemode normally and not try to seek any out of character benefit or cheat it in anyway. - Global Rule #1: I was messing with Jimmy on a minge char and was pissing him off intentionally by asking stupid questions and trespassing in his reichstag office. To prevent this in the future (and now) I have stopped minging and associating with the minge reputation and trying to get along with everyone since my unban. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?: Was mod on Icefuse's DarkRP server about 2 years ago now, which was my only modding experience and then I became inactive and quit the gamemode essentially all together because it became stale by the time I reached staff. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team? [300 words or more]: I am on late nights (normally past 12:00 AM) which is arguably when staff is most needed, not just because of the rule breaking that happens most of the time but also when some people need model/faction/name changes or have any general questions. There is of course pantheon button spamming, prop minge and RDM that happens later in the night which can get incredibly annoying when there is no staff on to take care of it which is why having active staff during this time will help roleplay stay somewhat active during the late night. I understand and accept that I have made many mistakes within my time here; and I get that some can't look past my extensive infraction history, but I do believe that my days of major rule breaking is evidently over as I have gained relatively high-positions and maintained a clean infraction-record even gaining trusted. I have learned the gamemode, how to play it seriously, and build a community presence which is evident with my overall community stance currently which I would say is positive. The main reason I do want to become staff to help others understand the server with the many avenues there are when you are staff like answering questions, punishing when rules are broken, and explaining how they were broken and how to deal with situations similar to it better in the future. I would stay consistently active on my staff character throughout my time here, it will likely be the char I am most active on and dedicated to, I would make sure that tickets are not being lingered for 20+ minutes and would actively answer any and all questions and punishing when necessary. I truly do enjoy this server and I want others to feel the same and not just resort to shooting and annoying people for personal entertainment like I previously did. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties of staff are to enforce the rules of the server and moderate staff situations (sits) without bias and with respect assess the situation at hand and come to a conclusion on what appropriate action needs to be taken. In some instances, this can be banning, noting or giving a verbal warning to the opposing side. Most of the administrative action taken depends on the players past history/offences on the server and the severity of the situation. A major responsibility that staff members need to be aware of is activity and communication as you need to communicate often on what rule was broken, what the punishment will be and how to improve in the future to avoid it. It's also important that throughout the staff sit you are without bias observing the situation and coming to a conclusion on how to proceed forward in the most professional way possible. Answering questions is another aspect of the position and having a very good grasp of the rules to adequately assess not only a situation but also a question and answer it in the most accurate way possible is essential. Notes: N/A
+1 Like the idea and would add to the overall political environment going around right now. Haven't really seen or heard a lot about you guys though, hopefully just because you are 'secret' organization.
Steam Name: hambugler SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Discord Username/ID: hambugler Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 2w 6d 10h 4m (more before reset) Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Manpower/Recruiting focused: (Main) Leutnant Richard Müller: Recently transferred Leutnant in the Air Force, guards the feldmarchall when around and recruits as much as possible. Amstrat Karl Merker: CO in the DRK focused on manpower and treating patients in the possible in the hospital as well as trying to get a M.D. This is the character that I will be playing more now that he has something motivated to work for, he was previously in the NSB. Document focused: Staatssekretär Horatio Turbot: State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tasked with managing ambassadors duties and assignments as well as funding for the ministry. Ministerialrat Josef Krausser: CO in the Party (Office of Coalition Administration command staff), tasked on maintain stability in all of the party offices as well as approving transfers, document management etc... I will also recruit individual's (normally CO's) into the office with approval from the chief that wish to be there. Leutnant Richard Müller: Recently transferred Leutnant in the Air Force, guards the feldmarchall when around and recruits as much as possible. Miscellaneous: August Thälmann: Civilian character, plans to do some sort of communistRP with. Not yet situated. What will you use the trusted rank for?: Like stated mostly in the first application, I will use the trusted rank for mostly my manpower focused characters to help recruit at night (which is when I'm most on and staff are most of the time least present) or when no staff are available. I understand why my PO's contributed to the last denial but it's been three months since my unban and my last PO on my record was my Pban on the 8th of February, I think it's clear that at this point I have no mal-intention on the server. As you see I have characters that would benefit from the flag and I would only use it for good, thank you for reading. Staff Recommendations: just lavinder
Edit: I am now the Direktor der GPA Presseburo on Josef Krausser (ministerialrat)
Steam Name: hambugler SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Discord Username/ID: hambugler Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 1w 6d 4h 44m (had longer before reset) Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Vizegeneralstaatsanwalt Karl Hofbaüer (Unterstaatsekretar): Helps co-run the General-Attorney's office with the Generalstaatsanwalt, investigates and prosecutes serious crimes, ensures the District Attorney's are actively recruiting and running their District smoothly. Regierungsrat Richard Müller (main): Does weapon deals for the MOI & Military (rarely volkswatch), recruits/promotes, and assists with most financial funding for the Ministry to help factory building and other projects run smoother. Regierungsrat Horatio Turbot: Ambassador to Japan, former CO in the marines, and writes letters back to Germany normally weekly or every 5 days. NSB-Polizeihauptmeister Karl Merker: Helps out with some investigations in the NSB as well as occasionally helping people transferring transfer over to the NSB. (Plans on transferring to LaPo soon which would make it more common for recruiting.) Edit: Direktor der GPA Presseburo on Josef Krausser (ministerialrat) Josef Krausser: Direktor der GPA Presseburo in the Party and will be building the office from the ground up. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I'm on late at nights and when staff is normally least present, this is when im normally recruiting and RPing. I would use the trusted role solely for this and to make sure my recruits and people I promote are put into their faction and correct uniform smoother instead of waiting sometimes a half-hour for staff. Staff Recommendations: None.
+1 He's normally on pretty late at night which is when staff is least-active, this could highly benefit those who he recruits.
Your Name: Hambugler SteamID32: 76561199062987199 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Hound/Brownpug How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: RDM (+ massive PO's) Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I totally accept and understand why I was banned in the first place, what I did was moronic and I was expecting the perm ban fully -- I also can accept that my PO's were a large part in the overall ban being a permanent one, and if unbanned I understand that further punishment will likely lead to a perma again. The reason I make this ban appeal is because I wish to return to the community and see the new map while also meeting some old friends. Again, my behavior was childish and at best autistic, thank you for reading this ban appeal and I hope to play on the server once more. Additional Information: (Since the forums reset slug gave me permission to make a new ban appeal partially because I felt that the last one was half-baked and not truly sincere)
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