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Aurelius of Phoenix

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Everything posted by Aurelius of Phoenix

  1. I couldn't even find a funny way to sarcastically say you should be unbanned -1
  2. NEUTRAL I've taken tickets from you and I've seen you're a very active member of the community, You generally care for your factions and I do believe your word in wanting to help people but I'm unsure about some parts of the application and the replies to it.
  3. +1 This guy cares about his factions I've taken many of his tickets during different stints, Upon more the guy is Active and has good qualities for staff and could be a great addition to the staff team.
  4. -1 App lacks a lot, Not too much community presence, time spent on the server, etc etc
  5. +1 Cares about his faction, Taken tickets and seen a good community presence.
  6. +1 Not taken many tickets from you or seen you much, Seems like a solid app and you seem to have some good community presence
  7. NEUTRAL Have Not seen much of you on the server, Your application looks good but community presence is lacking and I cannot make a Valid Judgement.
  8. you are a Fuckin G for this part
  9. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Aurelius of Phoenix SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:542330088 Discord Username/ID: aureliusofphoenix Timezone: EST Age: 17 Time Played (check with !time): 7hrs (Before Reset It was about 2 weeks) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I’m pretty active on the server getting on daily, The forums not so much but im willing to change such with the forums activity Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Alexj Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify):Alexj, Saito,Koifish Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Major Christopher Hauser II- Hauser is a Gardekorps Der Innenminister Major his duties day by day are vital to the Ministry of the Interior. He guards Innenminister Luther daily and assists in the security of Minister Luther and other various VIPs to make Germany and the Interior Ministry a Safer place. PolizeiOberdiner Kai Kennat- Kenat is a lower enlisted within the Landespolizei his duties are to maintain order within the city as any other LAPO officer would, He can be seen Daily patrolling and ensuring the most severe civil wrongdoers are being punished. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been roleplaying on Garry’s mod funnily enough the first day I got my first Gaming PC in January 2023 so about a year and 4 months. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Ive never received an infraction on the server Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Over the year I have played Garry’s mod I've staffed on only a few servers BUT most were nutscript and from my memory of course I remember some basic commands such as /charsetname and other things as such. Even though I'm aware there are differences in staffing such as the admin stick being available for Prometheus staff members, I'm willing to learn the rest step by step. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I’ve Been playing the server on and off since March of 2023 and I have played full-time since December, I've been an active community member getting on daily, and I've made friends with people through the time I have played some being staff. I've played on the server and know faces that being said I can confidently say I'm well-versed in the server and its style of roleplay. On top of that it is also the fact I don't get on this server because in NHC or a General and I'm practically forced to It is the fact I've enjoyed the server, its style of roleplay, community, etc etc As a player, I've seen many things and I have a few things I'd like to do with being a staff member. Firstly the Lack of moderators scares me to some degree and it has forwarded my reason for applying to be a staff member. I've seen a lack of tickets being taken and it's a common thing to see and it's sometimes the talk of the server, I wish to as staff try and help the community and further the development of the thing we all love ROLEPLAY. Beyond that I'm a very good people person The main issue some staff members have is that they aren't understanding and are very cynical to players and carefree with what they say of course respect is a two-way street but as a staff member I will put respect first and try to preserve it even with Certain players whom cannot give said respect back. Alongside that, I have a lot of desire to help others and make my outgoingness known to others and that is something I'm very open and willing to spread because like with respect it is something that should be preserved especially in a staff role like this you should always attempt to be outgoing and truly care for the populus of the server. Finally, I truly enjoy learning and practicing what I learn Something about me is that I love to play Guitar and I love to learn more about the instrument itself daily and if you have ever gotten into Guitar you understand that it takes dedication. But that isn't my main point it's that I am open to learning and understanding parts of staffing and moderating this server as a whole over time and I'm not opposed to asking for help or anything of that sort. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duty of a staff member is something that is very simple but its responsibilities are strong, I’ve always seen as a player and General member that the Duties and responsibilities are to Monitor the server and ensure it is stable meaning that they are watching over players and the Discords to ensure that people are not engaging in conduct that is against the rules or disrupting the server and ensuring that swift action is taken. Beyond the safety aspect, a staff member is always expected to uphold the values and uphold the morale of the players within the server, This can be done by adhering to tickets answering questions from the player populous, and explaining things such as how this server operates and how roleplay is conducted and the unique style of roleplay that is presented on this server. But in my opinion, the main duty of a staff member is true professionalism and ensuring that a staff member is not engaging in any Negative behavior and always upholding respect with players (Even when they're rowdy) Notes:
  10. +1 The realest mf in the Gardekorps (Plus I think this guy is the second cousin's nephew of the Prince of Saudi Watch out if you -1)

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