Introduction Information Section
Steam Name: Seiker
SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:181990539
Discord Username/ID: munussigsigga
Timezone: UTC-3
Age: 18
Time Played (check with !time): Prometheus | Your total time is 4d 22h 48m. It used to be around 2mo before the reset.
Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator
Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes.
Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am consistently active on the server, however I have not checked the forums on a long while except to read Staff applications. I am willing to be more active on the forums if necessary.
Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Yes, Doofles.
Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Doofles, meem
Basic Information Section
IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:
1. Ministerialrat Vort Müller: Vort Müller is a Judge from the Ministry of Justice, holding the title of Richterpräsident des Landesgericht. His duties are to oversee members of the Landesgericht, preside over semi-important cases, review BAR exams for Judges and make sure filing of documents is correct. His everyday activities consist of writing presiding over cases, helping Assistant Judges learn the process of a court trial so they can be full Judges too and from time to time, write warrants on members of the government in very dire situations. His job is political and requires him to be in meetings with members of all organizations to coordinate the flow of justice correctly.
2. Grenadier Kimchi Goethe: Kimchi Goethe is a Grenadier in the Kaisergarde, his duties are to guard the Kaisergarde base and buildings he is ordered to. His day to day activities only consist of his duties and making sure all the doors are locked in the Interior buildings.
3. Haramaru Koshima: Haramaru Koshima was the previous owner of Tiny Tokyo before it was driven into bankruptcy by Tiny China, his duties consisted of cooking meals and managing the restaurant and his employees. Now, he sits at the park doing mostly nothing.
4. Meridian Möllenhorst: Meridian is a schizophrenic 64 year-old man who used to be a part of the People's Watch. His duties consist in spreading crazy conspiracy theories about secret underground laboratories underneath Berlin and to annoy law enforcement officers.
5. Polizeianwärter Karl Müller: Karl Müller is a Polizeianwärter in the Landespolizei whose duties consist of trafficking cars near the Landespolizei station and arresting civilians and government members in which case they have committed a crime. His day to day activities are the same as his duties, though he also enjoys fishing.
How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying in Garry's Mod since 2016 in HogwartsRP and DarkRP, however I began roleplaying in WWII RP since late 2021, when I first joined Prometheus.
Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Yes, I have no notes and one single ban from 8 months ago for RDM and NITRP by Maverick. I also have infractions I did when I was staff back in 2022, here is a list of them:
11/27/22 - Setting his player model along with another player to Zombies
12/5/22 - Turned into a Pickle Jar and was running around the Inside of the RS with people.
12/8/22 - Setting himself as big H.
12/19/22 - Grabbing people with his physgun while on his IC character numerous times
12/19/22 - Caught physgunning a person to the skybox and then unfreezing them once hit the skybox
12/29/22 - After dropping a player from a roof, he teleported them back onto the roof
I have however learned from these mistakes of 2 years ago and I no longer seek to be funny with the staff permisssions I am given, as well as re-reading all the newly implemented rules that I was missing during my break. Now, I only seek to take tickets in the dire moments of the server where no other staff is taking them and help the community as much as I can without disturbing the flow of RP.
Staff Knowledge Section
What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?
I have been playing Garry's Mod since 2016 for DarkRP and HogwartsRP. I also have previous experience from playing 1942RP since 2021 as well as MafiaRP at the same time. I also played other Nutscript based gamemodes such as Warhammer40kRP, GeorgeOrwell1984RP and LondonRP.
Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: During the past few months, I have been very active in the server and since I was removed from the staff team last time, Ihave practiced discipline and maturity with other staff teams I have worked for, outside Garry's Mod or inside of it. Friends who also had very good experience with being staff have also helped me improve my behavior while staffing for other networks and I have used situations that I learnt from Prometheus during my tenure as staff to deal with those other situations in other Garry's Mod communities. I have also learned from my mistakes and have seen them happen on other staff members and members of the other communities I have staffed for. I ama also capable of acting mature and taking serious situations as serious as they can be without joking about it. I am able to deal with type of player without getting frustrated or stressed. I am also open to learn and work with more staff members as well since working in pairs is something I enjoy and I think it's a great learning method. Now that I have grown as a person since two years ago, I feel ready to staff in Prometheus and set a good example for both players and staff alike, by treating all situations fairly without any bias I may have against other players taken into account. I am also a person who is very forgiving and I analyze all the facts and situations correctly before I ensue a punishment. Before I ban or note someone, I would like to make sure they are punished as less as possible if I see a chance that the person can learn from their mistakes. I proved all of these things by not receiving any infractions or bans for the past few weeks and month.
What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]:
The Staff Team's duties are to maintain the server's players by enforcing the rules, global rules without interfering as much as they can into the roleplay as to not break the flow of it. They are also open to help members of the community that need it. Moderators are tasked with taking tickets and banning players depending on the severity of the rule break. They also handle PK (player kills) and make sure the PK guidelines are followed and that both parties have understood the situation. It is also their duty to educate the player if they committed a rulebreak instead of just banning them or noting them. They are ensured that one way or another, the player does not repeat their mistake again and are as honest as possible. Moderators are also tasked to interact with the community either in the Out of Character chat or in the forums and are also tasked with recommending players for positions in the community such as Trusted or even Moderator.
Notes: N/A