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  1. +1 (theres a gun pointed to my head)
  2. would you or would you not wanted night time added, i want to know what people honestly think. Think about it, night time, a curfew being added, and Intelligence agency pulling covert operations in the night, doesnt that sound cool?
  3. Everyone deserves a second chance i believe. smol +1
  4. so glad, please dont make anymore chars on the server, Thanks!
  5. You forgot to add a value into the "time played" section, fill that out before hound outright denies you for it. +1
  6. Name: Furniture SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:597810493 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Coffee Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Propkill Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: When I was banned, I realized my grave mistake so I decided to serve my full ban sentence to learn a lesson, I have now served my full two week sentence, and am here to apologize regarding what I had done, From now on I will think deeply before acting, and will be more mature with things like this, and will better myself in order to prevent anything such as this from occurring once more. Additional Information: No additional information.
  7. Your Name: Furniture SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:597810493 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Lawson How long is your ban for?: 1 Week Why were you banned?: MRDM Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I have come to appeal my 1 week ban in regards to me MRDMing. I want to come forward and apologize for what I had done that day. I broke the rules by running over a crowd and have been punished appropriately. I wasn't thinking at the time and didn't think about the consequences that would come with doing so. This is my first ban and I have been contributing to the larp and (aside from this incident) have been following the rules. I again apologize for doing something so stupid and hope to be unbanned. Additional Information: I just want to hopefully be unbanned before this Sunday, I want to be there for the ceremony of Mr, Gottingen.

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