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Everything posted by Solomons

  1. +1 Definitely would be fun and be a perfect spice up of roleplay.
  2. Definite +1 Have seen you on the server before, good roleplayer, good rule follower. I support your goal to becoming staff.
  3. He was about to be flinged by a prop because of that minge prop abusing and so he drove into him to prevent that. Of course VDM is not allowed. But neither is prop minging.
  4. +1 Good larper, good guy.
  5. Solomons

    PK appeal

    Hello, you were PK'ed according to this evidence https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2fFmMts14Iiy1z/BSMB9HQqsRYL?invite=cr-MSxJTEksMzA4Mzc0NDAs?mobilebypass=true UA will pass the verdict
  6. Solomons

    meem staff app

    As many other's have said you can be bashful and lose your cool Neutral
  7. Solomons


    This PK was justified as seen in the clip below https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2d8wOJFwUJEehu/5l2gYfi1DA7Z?invite=cr-MSxhWU8sMjE2Mzg0OTE1LA?mobilebypass=true On another note, in my opinion this guy is still new so he might have been unaware of the fearRP guidelines exactly. He was very respectful and friendly in the ticket and did not have any outbursts like other have had in other cases. I leave all the rest to UA's discretion.
  8. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Kruprecht SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:608551650 Discord Username/ID: virsnieks Timezone: GMT+2 Age: 19 Time Played (check with !time): 4h54m (Currently) And 2m+ before the relaunch Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, and I will always use it. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I play every day, but I do not really use the forums. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Yes, Da Epic Goose Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Da Epic Goose Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Gehilfe James Lannister - I am a Landesgericht Richter, at most I’m in-game talking to other people within the party and chancellery and waiting for trials to take place. When a trial takes place, I investigate the trial and the defense on the charges they are being accused of to decide on if they are guilty or not, to punish them accordingly by the penal code. Matrosenobergefreiter Ronald Wishnow - I am a marine and a navy warplanner. Most of the time I am taking part in patrols, wargames when they take place, war planning meetings as well as pen pushing on the documentive side of war planning. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been in the 42rp community for 4 years, I started out with werewolf gaming (DarkRP 42rp) and Typhon Networks in the old days, and I have been joining and playing on new servers ever since, but now I play on Prometheus as I have found it to be the best in terms of gameplay, roleplay as well as the staff. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have a singular ban for NITRP and FailRP which I have appealed long ago. (It was on the 11th of July 2023.) I was pissed off for being banned at first, but after a little time and thinking I cooled off and saw that I was in the wrong and that the staff member was only doing their job. I then decided to politely appeal the ban and the appeal was accepted. I learned that I should just simply follow the rules more and infractions like these will not occur to me in the future. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have my fair knowledge of staffing, as I have done it before on werewolf gaming where I served as a Senior Moderator up until it shutting down. I have been a Moderator on the infamous Typhon for a good while, but then I left the community and a little while after it shut down. Other less notable communities are Pax Networks where I was a Moderator since the beginning until the end, which shut down just today. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I do believe I should be selected to be apart of the staff team because of my timezone, previous experience as staff and lastly, experience as a team leader. I have a quite unique timezone which means that not only I would be moderating on peak hours, but I could also be on the server’s less active hours aka “Minge hours” when there aren’t many people on and mainly minges get on to ruin the fun. I could help counter that by surveilling within these inactive hours. Another big aspect is that I have a vast experience with moderation within Garry’s Mod. I have been a staff member in the aforementioned 42 roleplay communities and I have held positions in the past in other gamemodes as well, such as DarkRP, HL2rp, CityRP. During this time, I have dealt with players, minges, and all the common issues people come in contact with. So I could call myself a seasoned staff member. Not only that, but I understand players better as I roleplay a lot myself and this helps me get a better understanding of the players mentality in a way. When tickets for rdm, ltap or anything else, I will of course have prior knowledge in dealing with such situations and will be able to take control and handle them much better and with ease than that of someone new to staffing. Leadership is one of my most crucial traits. I have experience in being a team leader within the staff teams that I've been apart of, either as a senior moderator or as an upper administrator. To top it off, I was also chosen to be the chief of various departments within Prometheus, such as the GSP back when it was still a thing, where I had to manage and recruit personnel. This trait naturally helps me better communicate and better work together with my fellow moderators and build better relations with them to create effective teamwork between everyone. This will also help me in the later stages of my staffing career for when I am to get promoted. In cases where other moderators from the staff team need help or assistance with handling tickets, with permanent kill approvals, or notes on players, I shall be there to help and try to do my best to get the correct punishment for the player involved. My vast knowledge will also contribute when in some time I progress further onto joining the recruitment team or mentorship team where I will be sharing my knowledge and guiding other staff members on how to handle stressful issues or with any problems they may come in contact with while doing their job. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As a moderator you would be responsible for ensuring the player base is having a safe and good time on the server and be available whenever they are in need of assistance and support. A moderator’s job will mostly be dealing with people that need to be set up to their in character ranks/titles, as well as setting up new people that are being recruited into a faction. The next major factor will be keeping people with unacceptable behavior out of the server, the so called “Minges'' that are abundant and always joining servers to grief and make other people’s time on the server unenjoyable, As a staff member, you will be dealing with reports concerning RDMing, VDMing, prop abusing, and mic spamming. You will always have to ensure that support is easy to access and always available to resolve any issue quickly and effectively to the best of your knowledge. If you are to come across an issue that requires someone of a higher rank in staff you are to contact a member of the staff team that holds said position and transfer the ticket to them to handle. The main responsibility of a moderator is to keep the community safe from people with weird and unwanted behaviour as well as keeping a watch on the activities of players. Notes: -

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