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  1. Sppoky

    i been perma ban

    They put in no effort!
  2. What could make this different that any other criminal thing?
  3. PK bans are not punishments like normal bans, you died while starting a shootout. Everyone gets PK'd once make this a learning experience.
  4. Of course I cant know as I was in a locked room for an hour.
  5. I am Meinulf Hunt the guy that was in the cell next to him, So I can say this right now he did not rat on me as they were all going in circles and they did not get anything. They were using scare tactics and somehow things left the BB to the interior Minister. Now I personally think I was not ratted on by the way the military acted as they left me in a room for an hour and just asked the basic questions and nothing to scare me. I think Wilhelm was sadly blamed for something he did not do.
  6. Hi, I was at the von trapp PK, I was the one to order the PK and to have killed Von Trapp not denis. Von Trapps detainment was ordered by the inspector of the NSB and I had pointed my gun at him to let go of Max Maelk who he was letting out of the cell. It seems denis got hit for grief.
  7. Sppoky

    PK Appeal

    You cant apologize to get un PK'd, PK is not like a ban you cant just apologize.
  8. You clearly were yelling "We are being detained at the ICC" even when under gunpoint -1
  9. Sppoky

    meem staff app

    Some learning should happen, minor set backs make you bashful, I dont think he is ready for staff yet. -1
  10. People who appeal these kinds of bans take a year to reflected and write more then one sentence.

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