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Everything posted by R4ged

  1. +1 Wonderful person to have an interaction with.
  2. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: XXR4geDozM SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:503351460 Discord Username: r4gedozm1lk Discord ID: 531954053161418764 Timezone: EST Age: 17 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 4d 8h 24m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes, and absolutely. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am occasionally active on forums, but on the server I am the most active. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Coffee Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Kalizar, Marshal. Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Hänz Müller, He is the staatsekretar and 3rd in command of the Ministry of Finance, his everyday activity's include but not limited too, assisting the Finance minister with auditing and maintains the personnel and Ministerial Directives that the personnel follow. Heinrich Hausmann, He is a KSD-Stabsmeister in the Chancellors personnel guard, his duties include guarding high ranking Ministers, the Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor. Yükon Movrich, He is a Hauptmann of the Kaiserguard, his main duties include but not limited too, Recruitment of the Kaiserguard, Training of certs and information giver to any that require. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying on Garry's mod for about 2 years, other platforms has been about 5 years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have not been Banned, warned, or kicked at anytime within Prometheus. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I've been an administrator, apart of a Root team and I worked with developers on the configuration of Nutscript. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe it is essential to pick the finest people towards a staff team, I myself do not believe I fit within this category, but with doing so In hope I achieve this and pass, I will dedicate myself to the greatness in the Prometheus Staff team. With courage, and passion I can find myself to be apart of the community Internally and externally. With that said, I believe I can see myself being a great candidate for the Prometheus Network Staff team. Before the time of the creation of this application, I have planted myself into the community learning all I could about how the place works, what's happening, where and how the In Character government works, I still have not learn all I could, but with my presence in the Staff team I could learn even more. With that note, I have been apart of the community long since before the restart of old Prometheus, I have much experience of being a staff member and have done an amazing job of ones management of a Discord server. I am quick to respond and think in the kindness of others, I can have a genuine dedications to any decision I make insuring Prometheus is a fun and welcoming place. Another Reason I think I can be a great Candidate is because of my significant amount of experience of staff commands and console commands, I can handle immense situations, and take tickets to completion as I take them. I say that my work as a staff member will excel towards greatness of my current duration on Prometheus Networks. Everyone's Schedule and availability is always determined by what players call "Peak Hours" although other players may be wanting more of Prometheus and in doing of this I can say that once my application has been accepted I can say to all people reading this, I will be a active. And not just active, I will be the most active during "Off hours" such as dealing with the community members, taking tickets daily, and finding people who are in need of help and information that I can hopefully deliver. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: Ones duties and responsibility's is always determined by ones act, but as I try to make myself be at my greatest. The duties and responsibilities of a staff member at Prometheus are involved into the community, always ensuring the players adhere to the server rules established on the forms, and of these rules each and everyone of the staff members are to enforce this rules insuring the server isn't mayhem. It is essential to all staff members in making sure all players are not interrupting roleplay situations by breaking the rules. Adding on to this, Staff members are to educate all rule breakers on how they could fix their problems and advise them on how they could fix them. Staff members of the Prometheus staff team should always attempt to maintain a professional manner when going about their jobs, as they are the only one to ensure the server isn't being targeted by people who wish to ruin other players experiences by "RDMing" them or "VDM", Staff personnel are main representatives of the server and can be a significantly big Influence.
  3. Amazing writing on this application, even the word count is more then expecting. A million +1 And a over great person to larp with.
  4. Steam Name: XXR4geDozM SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:503351460 Discord Username: r4gedozm1lk Discord ID: 531954053161418764 Are you VIP?: Yes I have purchased Berlin VIP. Time Played: My current time is 5 days 17 hours and 11 minutes. I have also been a member of this server before the reset, I had about 2 or so 2 weeks then. Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Staatssekretär Hänz Müller - This is my main character, he is within the Ministry of Finance at the position of Buroleiter. His main tasks are upholding the Ministerial Policies and Directives and keeping optimum efficiency while maintaining the personnel within the Department. Oberleutnant Hendrick Bought - This is a Side character I have, He is a Luftwaffe CO and in the Luftkompanie “Odin”. He mainly does what the chief says while also recruiting, and securing the Base Fort Olympus. What will you use the trusted rank for?: I will be using trusted to promote personnel for their hard work, and to also put new people within the factions I reside. I also wish to help the staff members and save their time instead of bothering them, as I am on the server 24/7 all the time. Staff Recommendations: N/A

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