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Everything posted by R4ged

  1. R4ged

    meem staff app v2

    Neutral. Leaning more toward +1 I've almost never incountered you in roleplay but thats dew to the fact that I'm not that popular on characters, but you are quite good at what you do as I have seen you do some good within staff and within roleplay as a bird.
  2. +1 Good within roleplay, and pretty good application.
  3. R4ged

    Rayan Staff app.

    I see that everyone here is believe you would be a good addition, I might as well. But, as others have seen you I have not and I am active on this server. You rarely are doing anything with staff, I do recognize this name but I recommend getting more involved in the community, more characters to expand your reach on staff and more recognizable. Neutral
  4. R4ged

    Fix Key System

    It actually is an option for only you to have access to a property, but then again others ICly require access as it is under the MOF.
  5. -1, if the LaPo can organize themselves to not be minges this would be a great Idea. But if LaPo only has these lockpicks, what's stopping them from selling them to Civilians?
  6. Description of the idea: Whenever you jump you see a yellow bar, this suggestion is for when you run as well. Why should this be added?: If you are chasing someone down they could run out of stamina, or stop people from running all the time since its unrealistic for people to be able to continuously run. What negatives could this have?: The people who are chasing someone could run out of stamina, and if the runner is max stamina they could get away. Additional information: This is the bar in question.
  7. Neutral. I don't really see you around all that much, and from my timing being I have never seen your characters names. Good application well in text, but I recommend to get more involved and be well known in the community.
  8. R4ged

    Unfair PK

    Hello, stalwart. I am the staff member that Pked you. The reason you were PKed was not because of the situation of being punched and you taking cover, it was from when you were by the factory/black market and then you ran down the alleyway but before you ran down that alleyway you were getting robbed. Which by terms of FearRP rule #1 States: "While under FearRP you are required to oblige by the commands of your captor. If you attempt to escape or pull out a weapon to fight back but are killed that would then display a disregard for your own safety. This is a calculated risk you took, or a denial to value your own life, which will result in your PK." by not following this rule it then could result to your PK. Now for during the actual PK sit, I brought you in the room to tell you that this character is being Pked. I said to you that you broke this rule and it is final, I may have not let you speak but you were continuously talking, trying to argue when the video provided to me what was evidence for your PK shows you not following the command of the person aim the weapon at your head, and then you proceed to run down the alleyway which resulted in your death. Video in question: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1280998469884182618/1334611422625140776/MomentsclipfromJan302025.mp4?ex=679d293f&is=679bd7bf&hm=9388fbc1a95ead2f1b9faed7e6b53bb0637b3f34d633d318e431125799e7e918& From this video you acknowledge that the person who was robbing you by you looking at him within talking range, you then proceed to run down the alley in hopes of getting away, and then you are shot. Have a good day. To use the link input it into discord.
  9. I love the Idea of weapons or drugs being dropped on death, but as the two individuals said that weapons if dropped could cause Mass RDM if a civilian picks it up. So with some reasoning if guns dropped in areas of say the ICC, or during raids in important areas, then the idea of weapons being dropped might actually work. But it would be hard to code if thats doing so, I will say no on weapons being dropped. But if drugs were dropped it would make them more special to carry say if you are being kidnapped and you die but aren't PK'd, then all of your drugs you have on your character will just drop for some other person to find. I say if UA does take this suggestion, making drugs drop on death would be a valuable idea. Neutral.
  10. Neutral. Same as arrow, haven't seen you around all that much. Get more characters that are more public figures. Good application though.
  11. Neutral. Haven't really seen you all that much, but good application though.
  12. +1, Fun person to hang with and pretty competent.
  13. I see, apology's if you felt panicky. If you asked for a time out so you could catch your head I would have let you. But as for the ban you can watch it from the 2nd clip, once the Kommissaranwarter dropped you stopped shooting which in my eyes seemed like the 1st clip was from the intent of that, since he shot you and that your weapon was raised for about 3 seconds before shooting the Kommissaranwarter. I along with the "Laughing," you weren't necessarily laughing but it was heard in your voice when you were talking, and to me and the Kommissaranwarter it sounded like you were giggling for a bit and was holding down when you were talking. And from what you said, If from that point you were feeling panicky was possibly the trembling from ones voice. Apology's if I made you like that. But from the signs of the sit, I try not to take sides even if the evidence was all pointed to yes. I now understand that your story is much more then just Revenge RDM, even if the clip 1 was 45 minutes instead of 30 the timing wouldn't matter. All acts that are committed can be used as evidence so from the him shooting you to you shooting him, I felt it necessary to ban you for 6 days since from your explanation was rather poorly said. If the clip of him shooting you wasn't provided this act wouldn't have possibly made it to a ban. But I now see that a ban for 6 days is a little unnecessary but from the evidence I provided it can still show you being shot and then you shooting him. This is shown in his logs, the clip, and your logs. I will see about lowering your ban to now 1 day since 2 day ban would have been liked more then 6 days. I understand that from what you say is saying you didn't try to shoot him, but words are words. If you have clips that can prove ones innocence's say a clip of that Civilian, or you standing for a minute and readjusting. Feel free to respond again, I'll see about lowering it to at least 1 day from now. Have a good rest of your day.
  14. Hello, The reason I banned you wasn't because of the Kommissaranwärter. I banned you because he supplied me with 2 videos, Video one showing you being shot by the Kommissaranwärter, and Video two is of him looking into the crowd by the fountain. As I was looking over this video on the 2nd one I brought you to the sit and you said to me "The Kommissaranwärter was behind the civilian." But once the Kommissaranwärter Dropped dead, you stopped shooting. You also said the Civilian was moving around in circles and after some argument you then said the civilian was B Hopping. Even if you killed the Civilian, which I would say would be quite impossible as you fired 4 rounds at the Kommissaranwarter and nothing more. You never even mentioned you stopped to think about what you did after you shot the Kommissaranwarter. When you were explaining your story you never told me half the things you mentioned on this Appeal, You also were laughing behind the microphone. It was clearly heard by me and the Kommissaranwärter. So after some consideration I banned you for 6 days because video one that was supplied to me was showing the Kommissaranwarter shooting you. You then noticed the same person who shot you on the street and were thinking to shoot him possibly thinking nothing bad would happen. And in this section you should have made a ticket instead of taking it into your own hands. Instead you decided to shoot the Civilian while not maintaining Trigger discipline, you didn't even watch for your comrade behind the Civilian, you never tried moving. All Past offences matter in every ticket. Even if it was 1 years ago the problem would still matter. I get it on how talking in a language you don't know is very difficult, but chat also exists. Since this appeal shows you can type you could have used it when you were explaining your side of the story. I understand that you feel this is unjust but all evidence pointed to the obvious. The Evidence in point: Video 1: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jfErb0NXvjhhHnu5e?invite=cr-MSxyazksMTU3MzA0NTE3LA Video 2: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jfEMVSDZ2JZMVC1_9?invite=cr-MSx1N00sMTU3MzA0NTE3LA If you still feel its unjust UA can decrease the ban to 3 or 2 days. Have yourself a wonderful day.
  15. +1 Whenever I encounter him either during tickets or within RP he is calm and collected and respects staff. If he is ever accepted I wish him good luck.
  16. R4ged

    False PK

    My apologies if this was not you, but when I was going over the logs of the person who wanted the PK, Your name was a the top and he confirmed it to be you as you were the last person he had killed when I took the ticket. If this was indeed not you I apologize but this would be further under UA discretion now.
  17. R4ged

    False PK

    I was the staff member who issued the PK, the reason on why you were Pked is because the clip that is shown displays you driving away with guns pointed at you, If this was a real life scenario you would have a stopped your vehicle and raised your hands. Moments before the clip the NSB members ask for you to exit the vehicle and you didn't which then the clip above shows the rest of this PK. Before the PK ticket was made you were within the MOI, they ask why you were there then you left, after that interaction they later saw you outside the MOI in your car they asked for you leave the Car and you proceeded to drive away. If you find this PK unworthy then you are incorrect. they initiated FearRP with their guns raised, which by the rules of server you are to follow what they ask and to fear for your characters life. These rules are stated under FearRP rules: 1, 3, 10. And General Rule 7. https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/ImperialRP_Rules#FearRP_Rules I hope from this interaction you had with the NSB would teach a lesson on the current rules and IC aspects of the Larp environment. Have a Great day
  18. The reason why the Feldjagers NCO's and CO's Dm amount is low is because the amount of DM that is set isn't set up properly on the Uniforms its the base set. This problem is a Developer issue.
  19. Neutral I've never personally seen you before, but thats probably from your lack of IC characters. your app is okay, but make if more appealing to someone's eye, add some colour perhaps.
  20. -1 I believe I've seen you around occasionally, but having that much notes wouldn't be a good colour for staff. No offence.
  21. +1 This seems like an amazing Idea, I love the thought put out on this. I hope one day that this Organization actually prevails. God Bless!
  22. Having a general Char with Trusted is the go to. But you wouldn't really have a lot to use it mostly, I would suggest getting more characters who would be able to use trusted the most. Neutral
  23. I would recommend getting more characters to use trusted on. NEUTRAL

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