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Everything posted by leo

  2. Description of the idea: Bring back the amazing stacker tool. Why should this be added?: So we don't have shit checkpoints, can make quality-dupes. It's so much easier then what we have now. A lot of the old-dupes that were super-useful was either used with stacker, or precision tools. What negatives could this have?: People used to abuse it a bit so probably would require a bit of moderation or some kind of setup to have it work with either VIPS, or specific-players... maybe like a flag or something? I mean personally I used to build dupes, and things but now I don't want to manually-place every single item, when stacker I can easily do it, and make it of quality. Additional information: The LGBTQ Community supports this post.
  3. I hope you're the next liveleaks video.
  4. +1 Good guy, would do good on staff!
  5. leo

    RDM Report

    this was already handled in a sit. idk why you make a player report because you didn't like the outcome the staff member did. If you had a issue, you could've discussed it in the sit.
  6. Maybe if you weren't absolute retards in game, these people wouldn't "target" you. They don't target you because of your ooc background, they target you because you're autistic retards in a roleplay server with descriptions of "brazillians" and doing actions that result in your death. you were killed in roleplay. so how about you roleplay, in a server that speaks english. playing the "discriminatory" card is wild.
  7. leo

    PK Appeal

    You were killed for various reasons. Quite simply as you've mentioned, there's some loose ends that the NSB knew about. In addition, the amount of people who have given evidence of you killing NSB Agents, authorizing raids and etc. We had several casefiles on you, including information from individual's that was close to you. In the end the people who you worked with so close was the ones that compiled enough for you to be executed. Yesturday's events was the final straw, and your participation in those events including the missions you assigned. Overall, We've been aiming for this for a while. It was kept secret, and the people you tried to kill overall got you killed first.
  8. I thought I already unbanned you, my sincere apologies. didn't see your latest message.
  9. simply, you got caught. we had evidence (some not even in that case file) and you got killed.
  10. I just want you to know, the idea that you praise, and are rooting for is the same idea that would've killed you, and put you in a mass-grave pit with the rest of your inbred-DNA. In no way shape or form, would they praise you, or would even tolerate such a creature like yourself. You talk so poorly about the community, and how he is a shitty owner, but you are here on HIS forums making a ban appeal to the COMMUNITY that you desperately so want to become your ideal world, and your mentally-ill thoughts. You can't stand being away from something so close to what you want, but far enough that you don't have access to it. craving it probably like a wild dog with rabis... Honestly not even sure what you thought would happen. Did you think other people would praise you for your efforts? or your shrine of National Socialist things? Do you think "haha this would get him"? Can you explain your thought process, as if you weren't on medication and on the verge of just having a full on breakdown.. Please explain, because I think you are the prime example of the exact thing we aim to prevent from coming back from this gamemode.

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