I just want you to know, the idea that you praise, and are rooting for is the same idea that would've killed you, and put you in a mass-grave pit with the rest of your inbred-DNA.
In no way shape or form, would they praise you, or would even tolerate such a creature like yourself.
You talk so poorly about the community, and how he is a shitty owner, but you are here on HIS forums making a ban appeal to the COMMUNITY that you desperately so want to become your ideal world, and your mentally-ill thoughts. You can't stand being away from something so close to what you want, but far enough that you don't have access to it. craving it probably like a wild dog with rabis...
Honestly not even sure what you thought would happen. Did you think other people would praise you for your efforts? or your shrine of National Socialist things? Do you think "haha this would get him"? Can you explain your thought process, as if you weren't on medication and on the verge of just having a full on breakdown..
Please explain, because I think you are the prime example of the exact thing we aim to prevent from coming back from this gamemode.