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Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD

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Everything posted by Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD

  1. Im making a call out post on twitter.com BE THERE OR BE SQUARED
  3. August 13 1940, there will be no more lure arnolds.
  4. I was at house house eating dorito when phone ring "Club penguin is kil" no
  5. I have not even used alt accounts??? when have i used alt accounts??? i am littarly a leutnant in the panzers, i need the discords to log recruits and get recruits into the server. i dont know who told you that i have alt accounts but that is just wrong.
  6. Can you please name one thing, it doesent even make sense. did i say something that broke the rules???
  7. Name Lure Arnold IV SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:421716108 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: major whoreson How long is your ban for?: Permanetly Why were you banned?: "saying something dumb" Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I am apart of the 912 Armoured Company and i need to access the discords so i can log recruits and see important info like radio freq and announcments, the only thing i remember was i was talking on the main promethesus discord and was trying to say the word racism, but i was then banned from the main promethesus discord. I only want to be unbanned from army discord.Im sorry for saying something that was not allowed in the discords, but major whoreson does not remember why he banned me soooo he told me to reapeal a month later. Additional Information: my discord is trevor_lawrence_burner_account16 if you need it

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