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Everything posted by evan.

  1. evan.

    meem staff app v2

    -1 Due to the fact I have witnessed you be rude and disrespectful to new staff members.
  2. +1 would be glad to have you on the staff team
  3. +1 Been here for a while and I think you would be a great fit for the team!
  4. +1 Seen you a lot and very active within the community!
  5. +1 would be a great addition to the staff team.
  6. +1 Very known and would be a great help to the team.
  7. +1 Great guy knows so much and would be a good catch for the staff team.
  8. evan.

    Baton Update

    -1 No thank you minges will abuse this hard.
  9. +1 Great guy and a very active member within the community and is always willing to learn more and help new players that join Prometheus. Goodluck!
  10. +1 Great guy knows what he is doing he deserves it.
  11. +1 I have seen you in the server before I know for a fact that this will be used for good.
  12. Hello this is evan I banned you because you were getting robbed in the clip and as you were getting tied up you decided to leave the game instead of roleplaying it out. yes, you had a gun, but it was on safety. yes, this might be disappointing, but you can't just leave the game because you get tied up and you know that.
  13. +1 he is a very active member in the community has helped me in KG a lot
  14. +1 Amazing guy needs to be on the staff team asap!
  15. Thank you all for your support now we shall wait God Bless.

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