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Everything posted by Doofles

  1. I checked three different AI checkers and all were a 100% hit on your text. Why did you use AI to write your entire unban reason? Those get auto denied. Doesn't sound like taking full responsibility to me. Natural -1 from me.
  2. Doofles

    Unfair PK

    No, you shouldn't. It will be looked at when they have time. Making a ticket does not make the process quicker.
  3. Doofles

    ban appeal

    With the amount of effort put in the appeal, like the spelling errors and I don't really see an apology for twice alting on our community. You wish to be unbanned. Well most people who are banned want that but you know they actually apologize for their actions.
  4. Doofles

    Ban Appeal

    Why did you wait 6 months to appeal this ban? You were there what actions did you take? I feel like I am missing context in this appeal. With the amount of information provided I can only assume you either did a stupid IC choice or broke server rules and got banned for it. Disputes like this likely get accepted.
  5. -1 Needs a lot more work. Considering you keep talking about previous server settings. Low playtime in the current one even if you played previous timeline. Lacking knowledge. Why would a polish resistance group be in the German Capital? Like every resistance movement wouldnt they be in their native country.
  6. I had you in a sit when you asked for help and I told you to use the template and where to find it. Use this template: Character's name & rank: SteamID32: Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Explain why you were PK'd: Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information: Otherwise it is going to be denied by Upper Administration.
  7. +1 I agreed to staff recommend you because I've had positive experience with you on the server and discord. dedicated roleplayer who deserve a change at becoming a staff member and help the community.
  8. If only NHC could have phones what is the point. That is a low percentage of the player base. Realisticly it was more available. You want to put effort into developing that. Which could be used to do something for regular player.
  9. What negatives could this have?: People can abuse the phone by spam calling NHC offices, but that's it That was the best part. Spamming the MOI as a Enlisted Soldier.
  10. +1 I think he deserves a spot in the staff team again. Never had issues with him.
  11. REDUCE?? even lower? That's it we're going on a strike no more military policing. (jk)
  12. +1 Great activity and decent app. Willing to give him a shot at staff.
  13. -1 You know how to have less officers in the faction or people becoming a CO too quickly? Don't promote people every single day. Just because you're able to do it doesn't mean you have to. You're looking for a solution that can already be handled IC. You forgot to add Unteroffizier and Unterfeldwebel.
  14. Why are you bumping old topics?
  15. Doofles

    Ban Appeal

    Neutral I am unsure about this appeal. Upper Administration didn't like the actions you commited and you were banned for that. Usually when you get permabanned and get unbanned and commit the same mistake again. it's an unappealable ban. Why should you get unbanned this time around? current reason is I want to LARP and I can create fun RP situations/fun story telling. I'd like to add I myself didn't have bad interactions with you.
  16. +1 I have seen your around from time to time. Didn't witness you break any rules. Even if I don't really interact with you, because I play different factions. Your app is well written and deserve a change at staff.
  17. +1 Good App deserves a change.
  18. We're in 1940 and the first radar gun was used by one town in 1947. How do you wish to use it ICly? You are not able to screenshot or video of it. It would still be your word against the defendant.
  19. +1 Dedicated RPer. I have not seen him minge around, he should deserve a change at staff.
  20. -1 ChatGPT womp womp. That means this is gonna be denied for zero effort.
  21. Wrong Forum section. PK Appeal here Use this Template: Use this template. Edit this topic with the above template and request a member of UA to move your post to the correct section. You got PK'd under the FearRP guideline use that in your appeal.

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