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  1. Turais

    meem staff app v2

    +1 Solid application and hes fun to interact with, I believe he'd make a good addition to the staff team
  2. +1 Solid application and been around for a long time, from the times I have interacted with him seems like a fun individual, overall would make a good staff
  3. +1 I didnt interacted a whole lot with you however the times when I interacted with you was really fun, the application looks good on its own too so I think you would make a good addition to the staff team
  4. Turais

    Rayan Staff app.

    +1 Really fun guy to roleplay with & would make a perfect addition to the staff team
  5. Character's name & rank: NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Erwin Wolff SteamID32: 76561199133353133 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): De Spi | Cravfe Explain why you were PK'd: PK ordered by the War Minister Rayden Smacht (NHC PK) Why should you be un-PK'd?: The situation seemed like it was an RDM, it was after 10-15 minutes later I learned that the situation was actually staged for a PK, while within the sit I wasnt given the reason the NHC PK was ordered there was no reason a PK would be ordered in my stay within the ICC, after around 30 minutes of PK being issued I learned the NHC PK was issued due to my character "subverting military intelligence, stealing rosters, radio freqs & uniforms sending people into the military to infiltrate the MGD ranks" in which I did take radio freqs of people who were brought in but I did not steal uniforms or sent people into the ICC in military clothing, and the claim of "subverting military intelligence" is a really vague claim and can be drawn to every direction, like what was Erwin Wolff subverting and how was he doing it I wasnt really provided by any proof of the claims or anything, I would at least like to have the proofs which were provided to the UA member. Additional Information: I understand the chances of this appeal going through is really slim, my intentions with this appeal is to at least get my hands on the evidences that was provided to the staff members who issued the PK. Thank you for your time!
  6. +1 Had multiple interactions with him, I agree with Mical, hes mature & competent, application on its own looks well writen as well so I believe he'd make a good addition to the staff team
  7. Hello! I'm the staff member that issued the ban, First of all I thought I made it extremely clear the reason of your ban is because you committed RDM and the massive amount of Previous Offenses you had, your ban has nothing to do with you being involved with the minges, you blantly committed RDM and due to you having so many previous offenses I saw the 5 day ban as a disciplinary action that was needed.
  8. Neutral leaning towards -1 Application on its own looks fine, however I never seen you and I dont think I ever had an interaction with you.
  9. Turais

    Staff app

    +1 Had multiple interactions with him, great roleplayer and due to him being in the server for a long time he knows how the server functions, and what the rules are, would make a perfect addition to the staff team.
  10. +1 Knew him for a long time, great larper, has potential, and in my opinion would make the perfect staff member.
  11. Turais

    Ban appeal

    Hello! I'm the staff member who issued the ban, I'll swiftly go over the reasonings why I banned you, Lets go over why I issued the ban, the reason I banned you was, I picked up a ticket that was originally made by you regarding luftwaffe spawn being prop-blocked I picked up the ticket and went to the airfield the main gates weren't prop blocked then I went to the actual tower that luftwaffe spawned in I checked everything but there was no props to be seen, at least in my point of view, after then a CO of the Luftwaffe came into the spawn and detained you after that asked me to discharge you the second you were being discharged you disconnected, he thought you LTAPed I checked the logs told him you disconnected, he was a bit fed up and said you did this 3 more times which I was provided evidence for by another Army member.
  12. Hello! I'm the staff member who PKd your character, like I said in the sit breaking FearRP in order to free yourself from the situation is allowed and completely fine, however if you die when trying to free yourself the other side who is robbing/kidnapping you can request your character to be PKd (Perma Killed) which happened in this situation, you can remake a character and keep playing the server that is completely fine. Again being PKd is a normal thing most characters dies at some point you can just make another one and continue roleplaying!
  13. +1 Knew him for a while now, great larper and has potential
  14. +1 Had a lot of interactions with him a lot he is a perfect larper & he has a good understanding of server rules
  15. +1 Great larper, has experience and would make a perfect addition to the staff team

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