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  1. Hello! I'm the staff member who PKd your character, like I said in the sit breaking FearRP in order to free yourself from the situation is allowed and completely fine, however if you die when trying to free yourself the other side who is robbing/kidnapping you can request your character to be PKd (Perma Killed) which happened in this situation, you can remake a character and keep playing the server that is completely fine. Again being PKd is a normal thing most characters dies at some point you can just make another one and continue roleplaying!
  2. +1 Knew him for a while now, great larper and has potential
  3. +1 Had a lot of interactions with him a lot he is a perfect larper & he has a good understanding of server rules
  4. +1 Great larper, has experience and would make a perfect addition to the staff team
  5. Hello I'm the staff member who issued this ban, Firstly yes the individual pulled a gun on you however once he put his gun down you started blasting him with your gun, and then went upstairs and killed a guy who has no connection to the situation and he didnt even know what was going on, the situation was really straight forward you shot 2 DRK, 1 in the lobby of the hospital and rushed into the hospital killed another one where I stopped & banned you for RDM. Well good luck with your appeal!
  6. +1 Nice application and he was a former staff, great guy and would make a perfect staff member
  7. Neutral leaning towards -1 Application seems good and I've seen you in game before as well but the amount of notes seems kinda a lot and most of the notes being for MRDM is just not a good look, sorry
  8. Neutral I havent seen you that much IC, but your application on itself seems good, good luck
  9. Hello! I was the staff who PKd you, your pk was because you broke Fear RP, firstly breaking Fear RP is when your character is under gun point then you would be under fear rp, you can try to free yourself from the situation however if you get killed in the process then the other side can request your character to be PKd, even tho you couldn't hear them you saw them pointing guns at you and you decided to run backwards, they gave you 2-3 warnings and told you not to move but you kept running and then they shot you down.
  10. Hello! I'm the staff member that banned you for RDM, I undestand that might be a misunderstanding but going into a government building (in this case the Landespolizei station) guns blazing is never the best option, your friend wasnt in restraints or wasnt under gun point either he was following the officer willingfully you didnt tried to understand the situation you just opened fire in which you killed the officer, next time consider other ways of approaching the situation.
  11. Hello! I was the staff who banned you, you called me over to a room in the RS and with no reason you shot me then shot at the crowd outside the room when I tpd you to a sit you refused doing such a thing, only to accept shooting someone a while later, problem wasnt you killing me, it was you killing someone without a proper roleplay reason, in the sit your reasoning was someone did the same thing to you, next time make a staff report for RDM and let staff handle the rest! And for the LTAP part on the logs it clearly states you disconnected intentionally.

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