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+1 He's a very good person in RP, as well as having a pretty decent record, so I would see that he would be a great fit within the team.
sharklover5000, haven't heard that name in a while...
+1 He is one of the best RP'ers in the city, and I would love to see him in a staff position, as I believe he would contribute significantly to our staff team.
+1 While he might not have a lot of high-ranking characters, I believe him to be a valuable RP'er and a suitable pick for the staff team. While in RP, he's displayed a sense of competence and likeability in the fact that he provides fun within the Heer.
Hello, I was the one also there that carried out the PK, According to the clip I received, the Unterfeldwebel blatantly ignored the manpower and weapons trained on him. Realistically, he shouldn't have begun to retreat when confronted by numerous men wielding weapons, especially when they were providing him with countdowns and opportunities to stand down before they unleashed their fire. I feel that in this case you misinterpreted the guidelines you previously had just stated. From my understanding, they weren't intended to PK anyone until he blatantly disregarded the FearRP guidelines. You are attempting to place the blame on the MGD for "not doing it correctly," but it's evident that the Unterfeldwebel is the one who ignored the MGD's commands. Lastly, I'd like to add on to the fact that he was surrounded at the end; however, the problem was that there would be no way to block him in if he kept on taking steps back. If he had been shuffling back slowly instead of simply stepping back, the scene would have unfolded quite differently. This clip clearly shows that they had no intention of shooting anyone and were only there to incite arrests; whether those arrests were legal or not, they were still within their boundaries. Also, 8 minutes after this event, he left the city, as whenever I'm carrying out a PK, I always make sure to hear the other side before I take any action. When I did try and bring him into a sit, he had already left. I hope you have a great rest of your evening!
Neutral I'm on the neutral side because of numerous notes and grammatical errors. Although it doesn't seem like it in this application, I get the impression that you truly want to join the staff.
-PSILOCYBIN-'s staff application
ππππ€ replied to I ZIP TIED MY PENIS TO A BRICK's topic in Denied
Other than the questionable name... I think he would be a good candidate for the staff team +1 -
Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Echo SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX):STEAM_0:0:221737929 Discord Username/ID: bigtoesasmr Timezone: Central Standard Time Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 2w 1d 7h 14m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted/Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application? Jack Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): holiday Jack Aris ThirdEye Basic Information Section Koalitionwesir Karl Becker Karl Becker is the President of the Party Court's and an Imperial Justice for the Supreme Court's. I started this character out on the very day I joined the server in which I served in the Volkswachter when it was around. Karl Becker went from the Regionalinspektor of the ISB (when it was under the party) to going straight to the main office of the party to serve in the party courts. In Karl Beckers time, he's helped numerous people become familiar with the Party Court's and its purpose. Karl Becker has been the party's legal mind, assisting command members inside the party and The Consul in any judicial matters that arise inside the party. Stabsfeldwebel Maximillian Von Schmidt Maximillian Von Schmidt is currently serving inside the Kaiser Guard's Prussian Guard. On his first day of recruitment, many of his superiors saw his great marksmanship immediately and called him "The Super Soldier." This name would be a name he adorned to his person, serving as a sentiment to strive to be a better guardsman every day. He would assist in the guarding of the Reichstag during Federal Council meetings and being a part of the Consul's personal guard. Maximillian understands his responsibilities and continues to make sure that both the Consul and the Kaiser are safe from any harm that may come to them. Lukas Heinrich Weber Lukas Heinrich Weber is starting his legal career as an attorney for the state; he recently went from being an ordinary citizen of Berlin to being interested in law and order. While he is still waiting to be handed his BAR-ID, he makes sure that people know their right's and are legally educated. How long have you been roleplaying? I've roleplayed for about six years, and in those six years, I've roleplayed two on Garry's mod. Have you received any infractions, i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for, and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Sadly, when I first started out on this server, I was in a situation in which I was wrongfully arrested. I made the (stupid) decision to publicize the fact that LAPO was arresting me. I was then shot and killed and brought into a sit with Ser Hound for a PK; due to the nervousness of being possibly PK'ed I tried to lie my way out of it. When I finally told Hound the truth, he blessed me, saying that's since it was my first note/ban he would only give me a demotion from Regimentsleiter to Oberzugleiter and a 2 week ban on the server and not my character being PK'ed. I am forever so thankful, and that day I really just came to the realization to tell the truth even if there might be punishments, as lying can lead to worse. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member, either within Garryβs Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? For my time in Garry's Mod RP, the only times I've been a staff member on Garry's Mod were for HL2 RP and a sandbox server. I don't think either of these contained Nutscript (this was a long time ago) Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: In all honesty, as I've played the server, I honestly have a blast coming on, whether that be having a good laugh with friends on it or just watching chaos unfold. I think one of the main aspects of being on the staff team is that you have to have that spark to do the job. While playing on that server, I can feel that sparkβthe spark to help people and to do something. I've spent a GOOD amount of time on this server, and usually I'm always on this server RP'ing. Sometimes, staff aren't always available, and I aim to be a change to that matter. I WANT people to make tickets even if it's the tiniest thing in the world; I WANT to go past the quota that is set for the staff team; and especially I WANT to help the player base. It's important to me that I uphold all values of being a part of the Prometheus staff team, that being: having integrity, respectability, professionalism, and always being able to lend a hand. Those core values are what help the server run as a whole and what make me, as a player, respect them. This respect helped me make this very app today, and I want to be a part of the team that runs the very server I enjoy spending my time on. I am ready to take on all the difficulties that can arise from being part of the staff team, and I aim to climb over those difficulties. From being in sits in the past, I understand what a staff member does when they are taking sits. Staff members listen to people and take in evidence to make a valid claim. I've never seen a staff member do something different, and it has taught me what to expect if I were to be a staff member. People might not know, but staff members set the precedent and tone of the server more than the RP does. Servers with a bad staff team tend to die off, as a bad staff team can result in the overall quality of the server declining. While in the staff team, I aim to always give 100% of my effort and quality all the time so I can continue to keep the server at its upmost quality. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties and responsibilities require me to act at my upmost behavior all the time, displaying above and beyond quality. As a staff member, I am expected to go beyond my quota and help players with anything they may need. At any time in RP, a minge can ruin the entire experience for everyone. As a staff member, I need to always act quickly on any issues that can arise at a second's notice. These types of players are here to only cause problems and should always be properly dealt with accordingly and hastily. I must be able to handle tickets, and staff sits without any bias; bias can result in unfairness towards the community and overall lessens the quality of the server. A staff member can never just "assume" on anything; even if it's a small dispute, a staff member is required to look at everything and make a proper statement. As a staff member, you are held to a higher standard than other players and are to be more active, professional, and respectable on the server. Staff members are role models for the player base and should always uphold each and every single quality while on and off duty. Even while off-duty, members of the staff team should act in a more respectable manner, as while still not performing your duties, you are still representing the Prometheus Staff Team. Notes: Sieg...
+1 Dude's a W, get him on the staff team
1+ Great Application, I believe he would be a great addition to the team!
Also, just to add on to this, I did get permission from an upper administrator (Cravfe) to make another application.
Steam Name: Echo SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:221737929 Discord Username/ID: bigtoesasmr Are you VIP?: Yes Time Played (Check in-game using !time): 3D 11h 15m Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: Main:: Regimentslieter, Karl Becker: As a Regimentslieter in the Deutsches Volkswachter, I am in charge of the Waffenmanner/Gendarmeie. I internally police the Volkswachter and make sure they don't act up, fool around, or cause issues internally. I am always either giving orders to the Volkswachter or making documents for high command when there is no need for the gendarmerie. Polizeihaupmeister, Maximillian Von Schmidt: As a Polizeihaupmeister in the Landespolizei, Iβm currently responsible for recruiting individuals to the Landespolizei. I strive to support my leadership by actively contributing to the Landespolizei's competence, professionalism, and well-manneredness. I usually go out on small patrols and uphold all the values of the Landespolizei. Lukas Heinrich Weber: This is my civilian character, and I aim to create humorous RP scenarios for both sides of the server. When nothing is going on in the civilian side of RP on Prometheus, I use this character. What will you use the trusted rank for? I plan to utilize the trusted rank for recruitment purposes at both the Volkswachter and the Landespolizei, with the aim of simplifying the staff's workload, as I am constantly in need to change peoples character and rank This also benefits both the Landespolizei and the Volkswachter in terms of recruitment, as it expedites the process of putting people in uniform with the correct rank, thereby reducing the need for staff to come and promote individuals or alter their character. This is also due to the fact that both factions are in need of additional manpower and require an active recruiter who can set up people quickly and efficiently.