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Verax last won the day on February 10

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  1. Verax

    Ban Appeal

    What do you mean an acknowledgement that unbanning Denning was a mistake? You are making an apology post, but are making demands?
  2. Thank you for letting us know. @Primewill make a bug report for this,
  3. Clearly you don't know how to drive on our server. You can make another appeal in 3 months from today: May 24th. Denied
  4. After review, here's what I've observed from the clips and picture. The first one is just chatting shit in OOC. Since you are making baseless claims that staff are abusing, don't be surprised that he comes back at you with the same energy. The first clip is invalid. For the second clip (and third connected), there is no evidence to showcase that Brownie took your pots. The other clips are invalid. Finally, the RDM against you is not appropriate, and we have addressed the issue with him.
  5. This went from a dispute to an apology, but during the situation you were laughing at UA like it was a big joke to abuse the vendors. Abusing vendors can affect the in-game economy, therefore this ban is more than justified. Denied
  6. Verax

    My Ban appeal

    Hi, I was the one who had Ryan ban you after I saw you were posting racist slurs in the Archibald discord. Let me jog your memory. Your permaban came after this conversation. Nice try acting like you don't remember. DENIED. Community Exile - you are unable to appeal again.
  7. Verax

    ban appeal

    Low effort in your appeal and 0 patience for us to review. You say you don't remember why you were banned, but the record shows you were trying to alt. You may post a new appeal on May 1st, 2025. DENIED
  8. Verax

    Ban Appeal

    This decision is overturned after you received a banned for 2 days for LTAP and went to obtain a meta promo from civilian to officer. You haven't changed, and you are exiled. No chance for another appeal. Overturned and Denied
  9. Verax

    ban appeal

    After review, you were banned for a few reasons. 1) You attempted to get an 11 rank meta promotion around UA. 2) You were trying to collect screenshots for some random YouTuber via tagging GA and UA regarding if Denning was playing on our server at the time. (Which he was banned at that point). 3) Malicious behavior towards members of the community. At times we've to allow people to come back to the community, but trying to go as far to falsely smear the community with malicious intent for some publicity is just behavior that will never be acceptable. Forgiven, but not forgotten. Denied Permanently
  10. Accepted. Make a ticket in the main Discord for more information.
  11. DENIED This faction's purpose is not compatible with the server's roleplay standards.
  12. Verax

    Wrong person

    Updated to a permaban. Retard ranting https://i.gyazo.com/58c3b58d2ae299f464f5cb3002d6af12.png
  13. Verax

    Wrong person

    You were banned for posting racist comments on the Archibald family discord. You've had many previous bans, including a previous year ban for your behavior. Denied
  14. Applications for Trusted are CLOSED!
  15. Approved. This will be your final chance.

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