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Everything posted by Capitol

  1. +1 This man was a solid staff member in the past and has a track record of excellence. He'd be great to be back in the position he had before!
  2. +1 The wheelchair prop was truly somethin' else. I feel as thought it could enhance RP and be fun again.
  3. 1984 type-shih. -1. Freedom of speech forever and ever more. God bless.
  4. +1 The forest was an excellent feature for extended outer city patrols, the Marines had a river to patrol in and many other fun shenanigans also happened in the outer city. There were also the mines, the labor ministry had an area for people to work, lumber jacking and a large piece of land for wars to take place outside of the city. Especially halftrack and military patrols taking place outside of the city too to make work for the military. Just please for the love of God, do not bring back the outer city compound.
  5. Hope you guys enjoy. I've been playing this game mode for well over 9 years now. It's great to see how far we've come as players, a community and an amazing group of people who keep the game mode going. I never got to see my family for Christmas or give any gifts to anyone, so I hope you guys enjoy this one I made. Love ya boyos, even though you might not know me. I know a lot of you.
  6. +1 As a super based and awesome donator, I believe that these could help increase the development money bags for the server and lead to better quality server content. God bless.
  7. Even then, someone's gotta do somethin'. I say give the deputies and Chiefs roles where they can only edit their own faction's roles and nobody elses. That makes the most sense to me
  8. Description of the idea: It's been 4 days since anyone has even given roles on the Interior discord. There should be no way people have to wait 4 days to get the roles they need. At the very least, officers should be getting role admin perms for their own factions. It's redundant to consistently have to ping role admins already and not be able to get the roles needed for everyone. The idea is to give role admin perms to at least chiefs and deputy chiefs of factions. Why should this be added?: To stop the redundancy and neglect of role admins for people getting the roles they need. What negatives could this have?: Absolutely none whatsoever. Additional information: It's ridiculous having to wait so long for people to get their roles. There's no reason for this at all whatsoever.
  9. Description of the idea: Giving the Feldjagerkorps faction access to police vehicles. Why should this be added?: Allowing the Feldjagerkorps access to police vehicles (since they are in their entirety a police faction) would allow for a more authentic military policing experience. From pulling over cars violating base policies, to chasing after the horde of NSB trespassing inside of the ICC, having the same sirened police cars every other police faction has would be an amazing addition. What negatives could this have?: The usual negative effects would be them getting stolen by minges and being used by unauthorized people, but that's always just been an in-character thing. There's not many negatives about this anyway, other than it can be stolen in-character. Additional information: I appreciate you guys taking time out of your day to look at this post. I hope you consider this quite small addition to a more authentic military policing experience. Having sirened police cars (not the citroen) would give the base environment a law enforcement experience that I believe personally it lacks. Thank you, and god bless!
  10. +1 It was pretty dope to have this around. Definitely a big RP enhancement.
  11. That'd be cool. Just gotta find a way to make it work. +1

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