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Hound last won the day on January 26

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  1. No. These changes were made for a reason. 80% of the advertisements that people put out when they were that cheap were fucking retarded. A blacklist system will just create more issues for staff to deal with.
  2. Had this been your first ban for LTARP, I'd be fine with a reduction. But it's not. I get the impression that you don't really learn from past mistakes, so why should you be forgiven for repeating them? You will serve the full ban. This is denied.
  3. Denied. Remake this and follow the appeal format.
  4. If this is actually what you're trained to do, that's a little alarming. This appeal is denied.
  5. Why is this a dispute? You're not showing anything in your appeal indicating a dispute.
  6. No. We had Trusted for years before we got rid of the rank. It became too much of a headache to deal with, between players abusing permissions to not being able to keep track of everyone who had it. Trusted players would continuously misuse permissions, and we decided it was no longer worth having the rank entirely. At this point in time, we're not interested in bringing back Trusted.
  7. Weird message for someone who's been begging for an unban in my forum DMs. Odd fuck!
  8. Nobody's believing this.
  9. This line right here shows very little understanding of the server. I recommend you actually play and understand how the server works before trying to make a criminal organization. Denied.
  10. I do not care. You showed zero regard for our guidelines the last several times you made appeals (all of which were in the span of 1-2 days, despite being told to stop). Do not make another ban appeal until that time has passed.
  11. Either way, you were told on your previous appeal: It has only been 30 days.
  12. This is not how you answer this question.
  13. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!

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