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Everything posted by Brownpug

  1. +1 Active individual, seen him around plenty.
  2. Brownpug

    A Week?

    Please follow the correct template or this appeal will be denied.
  3. Please follow the correct template, or this appeal will be denied.
  4. Brownpug

    Rayan Staff app.

    -1 From my experiences with this guy in game, he does not seem fit for staff.
  5. +1 Decent guy, active almost every day. Would be a great fit for staff.
  6. +1 Great guy, RP with him almost every day and he is willing to learn, very active and would be a perfect fit for staff.
  7. Hello, While I understand that you feel you’re missing out on things within the server, you should not have said what you did. This is not the first time I’ve seen this behavior from you. The first time, I was kind enough to issue a note and a verbal warning, but once again, you have violated Global Rule 1. I will leave it up to the Upper Administration to decide whether you will be unbanned or not. However, I strongly urge you to avoid making such comments in the future, even when you are just with a few friends. Clip from first incident: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jy9hkxgvWhsJRh3AR?invite=cr-MSxsVFAsMTk5MjU2NTc0LA Screenshot from recent incident: https://ibb.co/HfpY7Vn3
  8. Your Discord username: freebrownpug Your Steam ID (STEAM_X:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:156900696 Your current server rank: (User/Donator/Staff) Staff / Administrator Your character's full name (include RP rank): Assitent Fredrich Feller What is the name of your business?: Odd Fellers Bar and Grill Do you have the necessary roleplay documentation for your business?: (Y/N) Yes Why do you need a vendor?: I just need the vendor to have state access, there is already one in the building. What do you want your vendor to sell?: Black Velvet, Block of Cheese, Bloody Mary, Brandy, Brandy Fizz, Loaf of Bread, A bunch of Bananas, Slice of Cake, Cheeseburger, Chicago Fizz, Daiquiri, Dead Man's Hand, Bunch of Red Grapes, Hot Toddy, Irish Coffee, Cooked Lobster, Cooked Steak. (all of these are already in the vendor) What building are you using?: The Berlin Cafe, 99 Baumer Strabe
  9. +1 Honestly miss when we had the forest.
  10. +1 Great guy, RP with this guy on the regular, would be a good member of the staff team.
  11. Neutral - Leaning towards +1 Haven't really seen you, but I think this is a solid application.
  12. Brownpug

    Rayan Staff app.

    -1 Over 90% of this application is written by AI.
  13. When the individuals attempted to detain you with drawn firearms, you responded by attempting to enter your vehicle and flee. This action constitutes a violation of FearRP, as it disregards the realistic fear one should exhibit when faced with such a threat.
  14. Hello, I was the staff member who PKed you. A ticket was made against you for breaking FearRP. You died in this situation after attempting to get into a car and flee. You were not brought into a sit because, by the time I got to the ticket, you had already left the city. In the clip, you clearly showed no concern about having guns pointed at you, saying, “Those are airsoft guns, bro. I can tell.” clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jivnJzKBeS2taQ960/VPHBXvLn8pgt?invite=cr-MSxIaXEsMjI0MzY3MzQ0LA
  15. Neutral Seen this guy around a few times, Neutral due to the notes.
  16. Solid application and promising prior staff experience. +1
  17. -1 Never seen you before and you are 2 days short of the required time, plus that name is ridiculous.
  18. Wrong channel but anyway. I had previously warned you about building ramps and going over buildings, I deleted the ramp twice and each time told you to stop, after the third time you finally stopped. Then you decided to fling a car which for me was it. As for off hours, just because it is later, or there is no one on, does not mean you can fuck around with ramps or go and flinging vehicles.
  19. Hi, after reviewing the information I had I've realized I had banned the wrong person like a moron. I will work on getting you unbanned as soon as possible.
  20. Hi, I was the banning staff, you are unbanned now but the reason you got banned is you were in a sit with me after someone made an RDM ticket on you, you then left. I checked console after a few minutes to see if you were rejoining you were not. So that is why you were banned for one day.
  21. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Brownpug SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:156900696 Discord Username/ID: freebrownpug Timezone: EST Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 1w 1d 15h 20m / Had over 3 months before the server got jacked by nutter Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator / VIP Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I do not chat on it but I read the forums Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Aris Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): N/a Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Tobias Weiss : Owner of Finders Keeper’s Pawn Shop. I run the pawnshop with my Assistant W.S. and am the VizePresident of the KAG. Wilhelm von Feller : A member of the Innenministers guard, generally just guarding the lobby of his office.. How long have you been roleplaying?: Over a year now Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have received one infraction on my last term as staff, for failure to follow COI procedures to which I have learned my mistake. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? …: I have experience as a Senior moderator here on Prometheus Networks. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I should be a member of the Prometheus staff team again because, from what I observe, tickets are not being addressed in a timely manner. While playing on my character, I always have time to spare, so instead of just sitting in my office, I will be handling tickets and assisting whoever needs help. I spend a lot of time on the street with civilians and often hear about violations of server rules. I understand how frustrating it can be when players don't receive the assistance they need from staff, which can ruin the enjoyment of the game. When I first joined, I was MRDMed by three military members, and no one was available to help me while I was continuously gunned down. I want to ensure that I am the reason this doesn't happen to someone else, as it can ruin their experience. During later hours, there tends to be a lack of staff, which leads to players harassing others through prop abuse, MRDM, and breaking other server rules. I aim to become a staff member to help prevent these rule-breakers and to guide new players by directing them to the Prometheus forums' rules page, where they can learn the server rules. I want to ensure that players get the help they need when no one else is available. I am highly capable of working well with others, which is crucial in a staff role. I no longer wished to continue with my previous character, but I am confident in my ability to get along with people who are willing to cooperate, even in challenging situations that require time and patience. I hope you will accept me into the staff team so I can help improve the community. Thank you for taking the time to read my application. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: Staff members are required to submit a certain number of tickets per week, or they are warned of getting in trouble. I had 2 warnings as a staff member previously, 1 because I had not reached my quota, and two I had failed to follow COI procedures. I am unsure of how many warnings you get. Staff members have to be professional and always remain respectful, even when the other person is not being respectful, it is important that you stay calm and cordial while taking tickets to ensure the situation does not escalate further. Staff members represent the community their role is to enforce the rules and ensure everybody can enjoy the game to its fullest potential. Staff are meant to be there to stop people from breaking rules, and when people see staff breaking rules, they think that it is acceptable. Staff are supposed to fulfill a quota; the quota is 85 per week depending on the timezone. This is to ensure you actually work as staff, not just getting staff to abuse the permissions entrusted to you and then break server rules. Staff are the fundamental key to any Gmod server they help players learn how to play the game and take care of people who do not follow the server's rules and global rules. Notes: I have reread through the rules after my infraction or incidents I wish to better this community by being an active staff member.

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