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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Gary


    Hi i ordered your death because you were not a judge and ordered someone to life imprisonment while impersonating a judge.
  2. Please fix your appeal to fit the provided format.
  3. Gary

    Ban Appeal

    - actual screenshot of your most recent rank prior to the server switching over. You aren't allowed to be promoted two ranks as a Commissioned Officer. You've been told this, multiple times by staff and by myself. From the beginning of the restart you obsessed over getting this two rank promotion. Also nice profile picture, you wont be missed!
  4. Hey I'm the UA that approved your pk, you as the player took it out of character and decided to insult the Feld marshal personally by calling European. By calling him that and taking it out of character first, you had no intent to roleplay the situation out properly instead you decided to tell him to shut up and continue to act like a moron while being spoken to by two of the highest ranking individuals in the Armed Forces. I over watched the situation and witnessed you stonewalling the interrogation.

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