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Everything posted by Cravfe

  1. This isnt an appeal
  2. Cravfe

    Hi banned i guess?

    This is nto an appeal
  3. Cravfe

    Smooth Ban Appeal

    Denied. you can reeappeal in 2 weeks
  4. Cravfe

    Smooth Ban Appeal

    No, people don't get a lot less for global rule one. Normally global rule one is a perma ban. Half of the staff team doesn't understand what global rule one even is and will ban for 3 days for you saying like the n word or something. Anyways what did you actually get banned for? What did you actually do?
  5. Denied. Any recent infractions will automatically result in the denial of the application.
  6. Cravfe

    Ban Appeal

    Denied. you and your friends were acting like morons all day. take a break and dont make stupid comments in ooc.
  7. Cravfe

    ban appeal

    Accepted. Since this was 3 months ago i think youve spent enough time away. If you evade again no appealing.
  8. Denied. Not funny didnt laugh
  9. yeah no you weren't defended yourself you were being a moron in the civilian spawn. Someone who obviously had an autoclicker on was afk and you repeatedly shot him 3 times as well as shooting two other civilians in there for quite literally no reason. i think its obvious not to walk into the train station and shoot a civilian punching the air constantly and then killing other people in there because you were "defending" yourself. Gain some brain cells or apologize for breaking the rules.... your choice.
  10. Denied. You can reappeal in 2 weeks
  11. Accepted. You have officially relapsed
  12. You are autistic
  13. Accepted. Im still not sure why this happened as i do not remember pking you at all. Your char will be unbanned.
  14. Denied. You only have one character that could make use of the rank i would recommend getting at least another nco
  15. Accepted. I hope you realize the pain im about to go through unbanning 5 of youre accounts. Im noit sure why you kept trying on different accounts either lmfao
  16. Denied. VIP is required of the rank of trusted

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