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Valorant's Staff Application


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Introduction Information Section


Steam Name: Link1o

SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:460259667 

Discord Username/ID: MaivCar

Timezone: EST

Age: 18

Time Played (check with !time): My current playtime is a week, but before the reset I had 1mo 3w 21h 25m.

Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): I am currently a Donator, but I previously held the rank of Trusted.

Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes

Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes

Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: JimmyJr helped me set me up initially and Aris helped with the application. "Specify I did the most because I am the best" - Aris

Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): JimmyJr, Kalizar, Aris, Brownpug, R4ged


Basic Information Section


IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format:

- Ministerialrat Vaughn Dashner, He is currently the Director of National Development at the Central Bank, one of the main duties is working with other ministries to produce directives pertaining to infrastructure and economic development.

- Regierungsrat Jack von Keiffer, He is currently employed under the Ministry of Science with his main focus being to research UAVs.

-Obersekretär Ulrich von Tübingen, He holds a position of Richter within the Landesgericht, tasked with adjudicating civilian court trials.

-Polizeiuntermeister Zed Tjobak, A member of the Landespolizei, tasked with patrolling the streets and maintaining civil obedience.

-Jäger Johannes Fuchs, An enlisted member of the Luftwaffe, whose duties mostly pertain to following orders of NCOs and Commissioned Officers, being mainly tasked to go on recruitment patrols.

How long have you been roleplaying?: Since 2022 on Prometheus

Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I’ve currently got 3 infractions on record, with the most recent being July of last year, each time for RDM, this was mainly down to inexperience and misunderstanding Garry's mod roleplay rules and gameplay in general at the time. Since then I have immersed myself in the community much more, and done my best to ensure that I follow all of the rules of the server and to ensure enjoyable roleplay, to help make a more fun environment for myself and others.


Staff Knowledge Section


What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?: I have previously experienced staffing on 3 other 1942rp servers, which all ran nutscript and SAM for administration, however I left these servers due to issues regarding management and server ownership. What I learned from these servers will be useful for being a staff on Prometheus, along with my extensive time as trusted on Prometheus.

Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?: My main reason that I want to join the staff team is that I love the community that Prometheus has fostered. I try my hardest to be as positive as I can OOC, I think no other server I have seen operates at the safe professional level as Prometheus does. I have met some incredibly funny and well-meaning people here. People like Saito, Milde, Calloway, Expert, Mocky, Kalizar, the list goes on. These are honestly wonderful people, and knowing that I could help maintain a community that promotes people like this and actively discourages behavior that rots away at everyone else's fun would be great.

     Initially when I joined this server it was because I have always been interested in WWII, but really I stayed because it is the only place I know of that so flawlessly provides the Roleplay I love. The fact that people are able to write documents that actually affect the everyday activities of other players is crazy. And the amount of nuance in it is astronomical. So being able to be part of the process that makes that possible would be wonderful. And just the same I want to be able to learn the nuances of moderating this server the same I learned (and am still learning) the nuances on how to play it.

     Originally when I joined the server I hadn’t the vaguest idea as to what I was doing, it was my first ever Gmod RP and I hadn’t ever heard of any of the terms people were using offhandedly like FearRP and RDM. But when I first joined an admin by the name of Gigachad helped me understand what to do. He led me to join the Military and later the MoI, and he helped me rise my way through the ranks. He is even the person who bought me VIP because I wanted to be able to use the tool-gun for certs. Sadly Gigachad is not here anymore yet the Staff team currently is still holding up this tradition of helping new players out in any possible way. If I am staff, that is what I want to do especially: help others have the fun experiences I was offered, by helping them navigate this increasingly nuanced server(especially now that it is less grounded in history).

     I want to learn how to moderate so that I can give others the same guidance, helpful and fun community, and welcome into this server that I had. And considering the considerable amount of time since any infractions I believe that I am able to be trusted with this role. 

What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words?: My first duty is to learn and prove myself. I need to understand how to properly moderate the server, and exactly what duties I have. While I am sure I understand what the jist is for staff duties, I am also sure I don’t know all of them. To prove myself, I know that staff have a weekly quota and I wanna do my best to attempt to go over that significantly in the first few weeks, making sure to take as many tickets as possible, to get experience as fast as I can.

     My third duty would be the normal staff activities, once I get a ticket I either solve the person’s problem, answer their question, or respond to their report. And If I cannot do any of that I will go out of my way to ensure that they have their problems brought up to a higher member of staff. Whether it is simply a model change or something bigger like an RDM ticket, I must try my best to sort out these issues as they come along.

     Another duty is to be there so that when people ask questions, when someone says something gross in chat, or when someone is mic-spamming or exploiting, I can quickly react and do my best to get roleplay back on track. Nothing is worse than asking a question in chat and being told they have no clue or just dead silence, and I think that discouraging degeneracy in our OOC areas is a big part of a staff’s job as well. Keeping both RP on track and the community welcoming is the priority.


Thank you for reading, and please leave feedback or questions in the comments and I will try my best to respond to all of it. Especially thank you to the Staff who helped me make this, the Staff who have sponsored me, and especially Aris for being lending a huge hand!

Edited by Valorant
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Active individual, seen him around plenty.

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+1 solid application from a longtime player

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Good within roleplay, and pretty good application.

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+1 active player, great mind and cool personality

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3 minutes ago, mockywottle said:

+1 active player, great mind and cool personality

Thank you Finance Minister Richard Thane Newt MacDougal!

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I very much am the best 😉, but genuinely one of the most enthusiastic gentlemen I've had the pleasure of helping with a application. Very much a honest guy who I've got a lot of time for. +1

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+1 More staff better than less.

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Solid application and been around for a long time, from the times I have interacted with him seems like a fun individual, overall would make a good staff

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Haven't seen him IC too much, but I love the application. Seems like he'd be an amazing addition to the team.

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