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Let us use Stacker Tool


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Description of the idea: The ability for people with pet flags to use the Stacker tool. Right now we cannot use them (at least trusted ranks can't), and this really makes it harder for me and others to build dupes as it takes a lot longer for me to place repeating props such as fences.

Why should this be added?: Easier building.

What negatives could this have?: None, we had it before and it didn't cause any issues.

Additional information: N/A

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+1 I miss my stacker 

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Best tool but server crash monster

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  • 2 weeks later...

Especially for those like me in the Ministry of Science, having the stacker tool makes it a lot easier to construct RP equipment and dupes. I understand people can use it to crash shit, but just make it to where donators can't use the stacker tool, but people with a higher usergroup given to people with RP reasons to have the stacker tool have perms. 

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Very Useful Tool 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great tool, but crashes the server way too much 

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Echoing what others have already said. Great tool but crashes server too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 we want stacker

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This tool should probably only be given to staff, or to people who can be trusted with such permissions.

Edited by Jack
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  • 2 weeks later...

Miss my stacky stacker 

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Edited by Paku
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alternatively, you could use the precision tool on move
but stacker tool is good but it just crashes too much.

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make the Stacker Flag, people have to have PET flags for a week to get Stacker

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  On 4/14/2024 at 11:19 PM, Cravfe said:

Best tool but server crash monster



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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 4/14/2024 at 11:19 PM, Cravfe said:

Best tool but server crash monster


Lol true

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Hi Freddy,

Yeah would be really nice to be able to use the stacker tool but, there are ways to get around it like people have said already. 

Overall good suggestion and idea.


- Sinex

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  • 2 weeks later...

From what I hear the staff say "It just crashes the server" but never in all my time in nutscript/servers with stacker, have I had lag. But I really do kinda hope it gets added back for people to enjoye


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  • 2 weeks later...

It wont crash the server if you use it right. But we cant trust people to "use it right"

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