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Dikwang's Criminal Organization Application


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Introduction Information Section

Steam Name: Dikwang

SteamID32: 76561199165548053

Discord Username/ID: gustavusadolphus9

Time Played (check with !time): 493 hours

Basic Information Section

Name of Organization: Deutsche Avantgarde-Bewegung (German Vanguard Movement)

Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand): 6

Type Of Organization (Family, Enterprise, Gang, etc): Rebellion

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): German

Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: Our organization should be accepted because unlike other organizations we bring an actual reason to the table as to why we are rebelling. Yes it is a rebellion that is targeting nothing other than the traitors. Unlike some of the previous organizations I've seen, we aren't just running around shooting officers or commanders. The point of our rebellion is to be as peaceful as possible but if that goes wrong as well as diplomacy, the target becomes being as violent as possible to get out of the situation. Though this can be said for many of the same organizations I don’t know what to say further than it will be a hell of a good rp with more rebellions getting along and fighting toward one similar goal.

Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: Trying to unite multiple similar rebellions together along with the support of many disgruntled military members to rip Germany from the hands of the Traitors. This will be done by countless hours of hopeful diplomacy and many deaths but that is the price to bring back our beautiful Germany.

What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: March 10, 1940 Military members begin to become disillusioned with the ideas of their command staff as they begin to see their true selves and incompetence. This leads to a group forming inside the military by the name that is stolen from a Major called the “Militärrat von Eden.” These “councilmen” begin to recruit effectively and efficiently leading to an abundance of people to fight for the real and true Germans. April 7, 1940, respectively, The council tired of being led by the incompetent “leaders” at the Benderblock decided it was time to do something. They stood up inside of the Generalfeldmarshall’s office, walked to the Luftwaffe base and entered the flight control tower. They sat for about 10 minutes devising a plan to restore the military back to its original status. They were ready to go and were all handed out cyanide capsules in case they got captured. That same day the men ran to the hospital where, at the time, NSB were holding many officers and a general. This led to the armed military forces opening fire into the building killing around 5 people before being forced back and retreating into the ICC. They launched another attack the same hour killing 3 more confirmed. They would fall back into the military base and hold there. As the General der Infantrie arrived and heard of this, he ordered everyone to cease fire and turn themselves in but to no avail. They fled and a few civilians joined in on the little council. They were unfortunately apprehended by the NSB and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. The leader escaped and so did a council member leading to their fleeing of the city. The few citizens that had seen everything happen have decided to pick up where the council left off. They decided as of  April 14, 1940, a mere 7 days after the council's patriotic fight, to establish the Deutsche Avantgarde-Bewegung. Though they may only be 6 strong they have the official support of many in the military that wish to remain anonymous.

Edited by dikwang
Time played updated to actual time
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On 4/14/2024 at 8:48 PM, dikwang said:

Time Played (check with !time): 200+


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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 Gives NSB something to do rather then harassing Military


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-1 after reading this I don't really get a good sense of the RP this would bring.

Edited by Helsing
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+1 i like this one because its original 

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How is your time just 493, 493 bananas? 

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  • 4 weeks later...


I like everything, but what’s up with your time played man?

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That playtime? is that in minutes or hours?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I've not seen you or anyone else associated with this group play the server much, or at least not to the point where I can accurately judge your roleplay. If you're still interested in running an organization, increase your activity and reapply. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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