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Aurelius of Phoenix

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Aurelius of Phoenix last won the day on August 16 2024

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About Aurelius of Phoenix

  • Birthday August 21

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  1. I am not adding any Input for any preferred outcome but I see this a lot and just wish to Clarify, A Kangaroo Court is something that is an IC issue. Of course, there are Blantant ways where if they're trying to kill you without valid reason and using charges against you that don't apply or never happened that is another story, You can't die for something you didn't do or Cause BUT if a Person or organization wishes to rig a court in their favor its not against the guidelines and is ultimately and IC Roleplay issue. Beyond that just wished to clarify any confusion as both sides on that topic good luck.
  2. Hi I was the Staff member that approved and oversaw this PK, I want to say firstly thank you for using the forums to your ability and making this PK appeal. To firstly start with the Kangaroo court aspect in roleplay members who attempt or end up in rigging courts is an IC issue and nothing beyond any use of power or metagame in those instances of them doing that can be punishable or reverted. The only case that something along that is breaking guidelines is if fabricated evidence is presented which was not mentioned whatsoever. On the topic of the Rule you brought up, I think the Context of it has confused you it states The punishment must fit the crime and you cannot be sentenced to death for MINOR offenses, meaning that you cannot be sentenced to death for something small, 5 NSB officers made a testimony on you committing a class 4 felony 4 times. The judge had the judgment to sentence you to death for these crimes that you were found guilty of. At the end of the day, the verdict of the judge is his judgment in most cases and not directly off the lawbook. Meaning that just because you're case doesn't meet the classifications of the law book on what you were charged doesn't mean it doesn't fit the crime.
  3. Hey I was the staff member who approved this PK, I wanna thank you for using the forums and making an appeal. you were Pked on the grounds of breaking fear rp, while under active gunpoint you radioed into your guys stating people were detaining you. As this isn’t a written rule, but using your radio and stating to your Allies that you’re being detained while surrounded and under gunpoint is going to end in your death. This should be stated for all but its in my eyes common sense to some and others not.
  4. Hi I was the staff member that Pked you and had gotten approval from gary to do so, I thank you for using on the forums and making this PK appeal. You were pked on the grounds of initiating a gunfight which is clearly shown in the clip you provided, you were blocking a doorway from a member incisively telling him to back up with your gun pointed at him while his was on safety. You then sporadically opened fire and were promptly gunned down for such action resulting in your PK. When I saw this clip without audio and asked for other angles with audio there was none given so I awaited UA approval I was told that it was RDM since not much context was given and I was instructed to demote you two ranks and note you. After bringing you to a sit and explaining the situation to you You gave your side and elaborated that he had a weapon on safety which wouldn't be viable for him to be put under fear rp. Gary after and overwatching and hearing that you initiated a gunfight and it wasn't RDM came out of no clip and Claimed what happened was viable for a PK which you fully saw and heard. After giving your perspective clip which reaffirms the fact you Failed to put someone under Fear rp and initiated a shootout and lost I myself and Gary whom I sent to Via DMS agreed on it being a PK which was stated to you and in hearing this you wished for multiple more opinions on a PK clear cut in nature. Dying after initiating a shoot-out You may argue that this is RDM or Failrp But UA and deemed it not such after you had explained and elborated that you attempted to put him under FearRP and decided to open fire.
  5. +1 when’s the next time we’re doing taco night?

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