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Everything posted by Layheeee

  1. +1 Great app, and already lots of +1's from other staff that have work with him!
  2. Layheeee

    On Your Knees!

    Neutral only if it was enabled or toggled by Trusted/staff, as it was already said it would be abused otherwise
  3. Sorry you feel that way, but also this is cringy and delusional. They aren't stealing money or content from players and creators. Also using a public asset that hasn't been touch for almost a 3rd of a decade with it being written into the description "I have given up on this project feel free to use it as you wish." Isn't theft, it isn't shady and if anything it should be taken as flattery. The Prometheus hate is not only unnecessary it shows a dark scathing side to you all that have serious issues navigating your own success in life. P.S. calling people subhuman for a reasonable business practice is the exact kind of thing that immediately discredits anything your going to say or have said.
  4. +1 or just put the prop limit extension behind a paywall, id surely pay 15 bucks for another 50 prop etc
  5. +1 Great guy, and solid app.
  6. Neutral Id like to see more community presence
  7. Hello AlienBoyOfficial, I was the staff member that had given out your original 1-week punishment. To give an explanation to your ban, I had been interacting with you all day and watching over you and dealt a with a few of your sits including when your Frankie Carbone character was PK'd. After you switched to your Luft character and was promptly arrested for RP reasons after not being interacted with for 13 minutes you made a ticket which I took. After seeing you had been interacted with in the past 13 minutes I tried to chase down the player that had last interacted with you in the logs, after asking them if they could go speed up the RP process they had planned with you. The miscommunication between the Luft Officers that had arrested you originally and the players they told to go to the cells resulted in you getting accidently released. When the major had tracked you down in the ICC area outside the BB they tried detaining you again which you then demanded that you had already been arrested and when told the plans for you to be discharged you replied with "I'LL JUST DELETE THIS CHARACTER" and then deleted it all in a span for 31 seconds of being placed under fear RP and told to stop moving which is shown in the logs with timestamps. After watching over you for the past few days and handling your sits I immediately took you into a sit room and sat there with you for about 7 minutes trying to get your attention and awaiting your arrival. Taking into consideration the extent of your ban history and infractions with staff and specifically having extensive interactions with you while staffing. Having dealt with you breaking NLR several times and warning you for it only 3 hours prior to you getting banned. I have given you many warnings for various rule violations I had determined that a 7 day ban was a justified break in order to take the time to read over the rules and make sure you are following them, which also is still my advice as of making this reply. - Various Context - Clip of LTARP - https://youtu.be/df9rEXE6MGY Photo of interactions in Logs - https://gyazo.com/81463753babad720aa520a74c8797fbd Photo of your Notes - https://gyazo.com/253e21907ffa3dec7fb71c5b27d61a34 Ban History - https://bans.prn.gg/?player=STEAM_0:1:807272116
  8. +1 Amazing rp, Amazing professionalism. Tons of great interactions and would be a great fit on the team! honestly too many good things to list.
  9. +1 tiny china could use the noodle box
  10. +1 lots of great activity
  11. +1 was the best back in the day, lots of good interactions, home skillet took a bunch of my tickets
  12. -1 https://imgur.com/a/z12ahOx this appeal is just complete AI mush, I may have mistaken you for another player my apologies.
  13. +1 - also the server is still online just blacklisted you can still connect to the server using the Ip address by typing "connect" in the console
  14. -1 conflicting interests.
  15. +1 Lots of good interactions over the past week + previous staffing experience.
  16. Hello i was the staff member that banned you. I was apart of the original group of Lapo that arrested you and brought you directly into custody, during so you showed no regard for FearRP when under gunpoint and kept ignoring the RP and your charges. After trying to put you into a cell and close it for more then 3 minutes while you kept running out of the cell while under gunpoint and blind folded. I explained to you finally if you continued you would be getting a punishment (OOC) you then promptly continued to try and escape the cell. I then checked your PO's and noticed you not only have a warn for Minging but you were also already coming back from a 7 day ban and had extensive ban history. At this point i made the decision that you had not intent to RP and just ride the line and cause issues. You did not show any remorse or change of actions when i warned you the several times during our entire interaction with the arrest starting from the train station and ending in the Lapo cell's.
  17. Layheeee

    PK appeal

    Hello _Bonz I was i the staff member that handled the initial sit for the PK. First id like to explain what happened in depth and give context to the clip and explanation to why you were PK'd; The Panzer Grenadier comes up to you while you are leaving the Ministry of Interior when he unsafety's his weapon. You both pass each other and he promptly starts exclaiming commands "Hands up" - "Don't move". He then sprinted closer to you in order to arrest you. That's when he noticed that two of your fellow NSB members were headed directly towards him, at this point you while still at gun point use your radio to call them that you were being kidnapped. When they came to assist you and one points a weapon at him he shot both of them dead and resumed keeping you under gunpoint and at this point you do not have a weapon out and choose to pull it out and unsafety it and attempt to defend your self, this is when the Panzer Grenadier shoots and kills you. the main reason why i thought this was a valid PK was because well after the two members of NSB had died he continued to keep his gun pointed at you when you were unarmed. You then decided to pull out your weapon and unsafety it in order to defend your self at that point the Grenadier shoots you dead. This would fall under the Government Pk Criteria 5. Being killed while not abiding by Fear RP [PK]. I understand you maybe experience a lot of lag but that doesn't makeup or change your actions and the circumstances of the event that actually took place in character. The other thing id like to address is as there was no evidence in the clip attesting to him saying "im gonna get you PK'd" or the likes of that i can not make a judgement call off of lack of evidence. Clip for context: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iax43pqKmwK98bexF/UjH7pKhkUSzt?invite=cr-MSxWc0ssMTQ2OTAxMDYzLA?mobilebypass=true
  18. +1 Ive had the same experience and believe his PO's will not hinder his future as a staff member.
  19. Hello i was the staff member that banned you, and will explain further why and provide the clip. I asked all the witnessing/arresting officers about what happened and explained that they had arrived a few minutes prior and kept trying to explain they had a warrant out for your arrest. You then proceeded to fish and ignore there requests, they then called for an admin in order to i only assume witness the continuing attempt arrest. Once I arrived and watched for a few seconds you then disconnected from the server which i promptly checked in the logs. After looking at the logs and talking with everyone involved and how they tried to stop you fishing and issue the warrant and clear intent to LTARP, I was on the fence but I decided a 2-day ban was the right punishment. Here is the clip for context: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i6ifWZgPNEUie6oce/K7O3KR3DgllO?invite=cr-MSxkQ1csMTYzNTM4NTg0LA?mobilebypass=true

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