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  1. The precedence that just because you weren't aware of the PK guidelines doesn't make you exempt has been set so many times. This is part of the game. You violated fearrp and therefore you should be PK'd for itβ€”regardless if you didn't know you violated the guidelines or not.
  2. +1 I have known sparrow for maybe two years at this point since the start of his DAF journey. Pure excellence
  3. Description of the idea: Bring back the typewriter item. For those who are unaware, the typewriter was an item that could be purchased at the general store for about 10,000DM. Using the typewriter, you could embed IC documents in game and have them as an actual item you can distribute. Why should this be added?: I know personally, I loved this item---and so did many others. When used correctly, the item added another layer of roleplay for people who like to "hold" documents on them. It was also great for people who had their own news papers or posters that they wanted to pass out. We can't put links in advertisements, so we should at least get something like this for people who want to distribute a document IC'ly. What negatives could this have?: When this was introduced, there weren't a lot of negatives. Of course, somebody could be a moron and put unsavory text or imagery, but the costly price tag of 10 grand can help deter most people away from trying to do so. When they were present in the game, I only recall one incident in which somebody abused it; they were quickly handled. Additional information: Big typewriter enthusiast. This is the only image I can find of the typewriter in prometheus.
  4. I am usually hesitant when it comes to these things, however, I can say the following with certainty: - While working in the NSB, I have come across members of the commune on multiple different occasions. During these occurrences, the roleplay was excellent. - I believe they have an interesting system set up and would be great in Berlin. For those two reasons, +1
  5. I will not push the pantheon buttons
  6. Instead of focusing on models, can we focus on actual development?
  7. -1 what did you think was going to happen
  8. +1 I've known him for a year, sometimes I beef with him, but I think that if he takes the role seriously, he will do well.
  9. Name: johnsonthethird SteamID32: STEAM_1:1:511907402 Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Gary Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Mass Spawning like 100 Pot Props, with gravity, unsurprisingly caused the server to crash. Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: It's been a lot of time since the ban, and I believe I'm ready to be trusted with pet flags again. I know how I harmed the roleplay environment and do not intend on doing it again. I also understand how idiotic it was to spawn that many pot props and then act surprised when my pet-flags were taken away. I apologize to anyone I have inconvenienced, and I will not behave like that again. I know how to act with pet flags, and I fully promise to use them for their intended purpose. Additional Information: In a later incident, I attempted to downplay the ban by lying and calling it an accident, which was wrong. I apologize for that as well.

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