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Everything posted by Sicht

  1. +1 Did use the template
  2. While your at it find some more props that you think would be good to add too.
  3. To be fair, you didn't crash the server, therefore ruining people's RP experience at that time. Not too sure, but I personally don't care if your allowed back in, just don't do anything stupid. Neutral
  4. Yeah I can see you becoming staff so +1
  5. +1 You have Dawgs name twice
  6. I don't see why not +1
  7. Would be cool to see this in-game +1
  8. Hi FutballBizzerk, Not sure on that, good idea and good suggestion but I personally think they are good how they are. If there is a way to make them look better then go ham. +1
  9. I have not personally seen you before but it seems you have a lot of praise so I hope you live up to it +1
  10. I think you'd make a good addition to the staff team +1
  11. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Sicht SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:157822374 Discord Username/ID: sinex7116 Timezone: GMT +0 Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): 2w 12m Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Full donator & Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it? Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yeah both Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Beach Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Layheeee Aurelius of Phoenix BAL Jack Beach Dawg Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Hauptkommissar | Aurelius Maximus | Landespolizei | Administration bureau | Aurelius Maximus is tasked with composing and editing files for the general personally | He is also tasked with training and aiding junior CO's in there tasks | I hold a very big importance within the LAPO being that I personally hand out orders given to me by the general and I have the challenge of sorting out and aiding with my junior CO's | I also hold an importance when it comes to making decisions and reporting relevant information to the general. Obergrenadier | Lector Glomer | Kaiserliches Heer faction | Is currently tasked with interacting with the Heer and there tasks | Jäger | Hendrick Bathamont | Luftwaffe | Is currently tasked with interacting with the Luftwaffe and there tasks Grenadier | Harth Bathamont | Kaisergarde | Is currently tasked with interacting with the Kaisergarde and there tasks | How long have you been roleplaying?: 6 odd years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Nothing Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have previous experience in the Dark RP server Mutiny, I was in the staff team for around 3 months. I have previous experience in staffing from a community server working under beach for around 2 months, Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: When it comes to staffing, I genially feel I can take a genuine and respectful approach to sits with an open mind. The desire to grow within Prometheus networks will give me a bigger and better purpose. With the ability to be a quick learner, I'll be able to understand the new functions and features of the staff team. I will provide stability by becoming a valued staff member, but it will also strengthen the staff team with my unique input and perspective. Like most people, I listen to both sides of the story with intent and regard, making it so people on the server are able to have full clarity and hopefully instill respect among members of the community. Not only am I providing Prometheus with a fully competent and respectful member of the community, but I will try do do my absolute best to aid in tickets and create a learning experience to everyone. I will also do everything in my power to make the lives of the higher-ranking staff easier, thus making the server more enjoyable for community members and new arrivals. Me having bonds with existing staff-members enforces the fact that if I were to slack off and make excuses for things I'd done wrong, it could ruin my relationship with them and even make them harbour a hatred for me. In this case, the people who recommend me are those who believe in my ability to provide Prometheus networks with essential care and believe I have the ability to be better and do better. This makes me want to live up to those who recommend me and the last thing in the world would be me wanting to disappoint them, giving them a reason to doubt me would be horrible. Since I'm based in the UK, it would be beneficial in ways that would improve the server, making late hours and early morning hours of US players accessible to a moderator. I'm also in a good position at my place of work that allows me to dedicate a large amount of time to staff and contribute more to the community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: What I believe are the duties and responsibilities of being a moderator are: To uphold the server rules, that will hopefully instill healthy and engaging roleplay amongst the community members. To ensure healthy roleplay that allows the server to grow and develop without the need for bitterness and minges to ruin people's experiences. Making sure to uphold the standards of roleplay through the rules ensures that community members have the chance to share and enjoy the same experience. A major duty is to interact with the community, making sure to be active within the community, especially. In doing so, it brings the community together, making it less susceptible to negative experiences. Ensuring I'm active within the forums allows me to regulate and control minges and bad minded individuals. To help the community the best I can through interaction, that could be through talking and helping with a situation and aiding in any questions. I'm well aware of the quota and intend for it to be a challenge rather than something to worry about. Always wanting to do more and rise within the staff team, progression, I know, is gradual and slow, but if anyone is deserving, then they get rewarded. To take sits with a fully open minded approach and the willingness to help both sides the best I can, making absolutely sure the correct evidence and things are submitted before making a decisive decision. As a trusted member, I take some responsibilities from there, such as naming people, enlisting people into a faction, changing the uniform, and helping those who I can.
  12. Hi LordVague, Not met you before but I hope your able to prove yourself, good luck! Neutral
  13. Ahh, I see. Yeh, sorry, I did miss read it then. I think it would be useful
  14. Hi Smirky. I had not personally met you before, but it seems like you have a good amount of knowledge, I hope to see you on staff. +1 - Sinex
  15. Yeah dude, I've lost high ranking characters for silly reasons too. I feel for you
  16. Yeah I'm not saying your wrong in that respect but I'm just saying drinking and commanding people isn't good
  17. Hi dude, Yeah, it's very silly to have made a ban appeal with chat GPT when you know it's an apology from you and not from a bot. Neutral Best of luck.
  18. Sicht

    Finnish ethnicity!

    While we are at it let's add every ethnicity, shall we?
  19. Sicht

    Ban Appeal

    Hi Oliver I like that you've come to terms with your mistakes it shows that you have the ability to know what you've done wrong and you know not to do it again. Best of luck Oliver Neutral - Sinex
  20. Hi Jeffy Just read over this, and to be honest, being drunk isn't a reason. larping and drunkenness do not mix as well as you think, especially when you have authority over other people. I understand you are likely an adult and you can do what you want BUT when you have that kind of authority and make those kinds of commands while being like you are, surely you can see it's bound to go wrong. -1 - Sinex
  21. Make an appeal, here: https://prn.gg/forum/23-ban-appeals/

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