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Helsing last won the day on October 7 2024

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About Helsing

  • Birthday 12/31/1877

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  1. Huge +1 Pleasantly surprised to see Mr.Sparrow making a staff app and by far deserving of a spot on the staff team. Good luck!!
  2. I would have been more open minded about your appeal if you didn't use AI before you edited it. While, yes, you changed it now but it was only after you got called out. That dishonesty makes me extremely skeptical you are truly apologetic and have changed as a player.
  3. I applaud the effort but I highly doubt you've learned anything. Looking at your ban history you go from one ban to the next in a short amount of time. I'm certain that if you're unbanned you'll come back just to be perma banned again. Neutral/-1
  4. +1 I think having the forest offered a nice balance between the bustling inner city and the natural side of Berlin. While not much occured outside the city I think the concept is worthy of being revisited if a new map iteration is ever on the table.
  5. +1 Mewing has always been excited about being on the staff team and helping the community. He would be a great addition.
  6. -1 with how the map is currently set up you would not be able to achieve high enough altitudes without crashing into an invisible wall or sit room
  7. I think the server has been up long enough since the reset that you should more than one day..
  8. Helsing

    Ban Appeal

    Low effort apology
  9. Personally thought you were a great guy to work with. I think he'd continue to do great things as staff +1
  10. Helsing

    PK Appeal

    Not the one that requested the PK but I was involved. To be completely fair, us shooting you was absolutely our last option. We waited and waited for you to finally adhere to the orders given and you proceeded to walk over to the emptiest part of our group. One can assume you were about to make a break for it so we shot you. Clip
  11. The forums have spoken, bake us a cake or this will be denied. Put some effort into it.
  12. +1 seems genuinely sorry and it took a lot of humility to admit he lied on his previous appeal. I think he deserves a second chance to prove himself
  13. That's not your steamID You also have two posts on the forums, which includes this application Neutral/-1 Good luck, friend

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