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Major Whoreson

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Everything posted by Major Whoreson

  1. W Brownie. There was an event occurring and most staff were busy. You were insulting the staff and the server because they didn't respond to you within 60 seconds. I told him to shoot your character as you were being annoying and rude. Don't talk so much shit next time.
  2. 99% of anything Denning did by that point was directed at me, not at anyone else. I can choose to ignore/forgive whoever I please. This is not a, "I may have royally fucked up by calling Prometheus owner and UA pedophiles and that the community is absolute scum and I will do everything I can to disparage them. BUTTTTTTTT you let someone back in the community I don't like!!!!!" situation Me letting Denning back into the community at that time did nothing negative to anyone within Prometheus. You can either acknowledge you were an absolute fucking retard and apologize or you can remain permanently banned. It is 100% up to you.
  3. Didn't you make a bunch of retarded videos "exposing" Prometheus and said you were never coming back? Do you just have no shame or pride in yourself or something?
  4. Must have just misread the messages. For the future, remember LOOC is not a means to avoid RP, it is for out of character talk, not making comments ICly without fear of repercussion. I often let people react to LOOC if it just someone trying to say something about RP without actually RPing. Either say it in RP or don't say anything in the moment. Save those comments for later. Accepted.
  5. Groove, original voice of the "you're digging in me" audio now famous on TikTok. Wow. Glad to know you're playing.
  6. You spammed it like 5 times in looc, idk what else you wanted besides my attention, I gave it to you
  7. As Prometheus participates in the Make-A-Wish program, I shall grant this. Accepted.
  8. You mean the instance where I rage baited him, froze him, and started yelling about how I was the "Alpha" and that I was important and could not be slain by the likes of someone as unimportant as him? You truly are a social inept fucking retard. If you can't tell that it was an obvious fucking joke, in which I gave him 25k DM after fucking with him, idk what to tell you. EXTREME frontal lobe diff.
  9. Thank you for the appeal, have fun. Accepted.
  10. You were complaining about something and then refusing to elaborate. Super cringe behavior. I told you to speak your mind or you wouldn't be speaking at all. We don't pussy footing nonsense here. If you have something to say you say it, or you simply just say nothing. Loser behavior. It's the internet. I'm not going to hurt you.
  11. After speaking with Saito, it seems there were a couple irregularities with the PK. He agrees that you should be unPK'd. Any situations relating to this PK, other than the attempting arrest/shooting are still valid. Accepted.
  12. You may read the appeal of your friend. You two are genuinely two of the most moronic people I've had the chance to encounter on here. I will not, nor will I force anyone to RP with the likes of you two slobberers. Permanently banned. You may appeal in 60 days. Or don't!
  13. Major Whoreson

    Unfair PK

    I think you misunderstand, which would likely explain the extreme frontal lobe diff. Your summary is correct, you're an idiot and I took your rank away. It absolutely is a valid reason. It's just some high ranking CO being a complete moron, lowering the RP standards for everyone around. Not someone I want on in any position of authority. Also, the PK rule you mention is, and has always been, for a subordinate to PK youjust so they can take your job, as in, do your job. It's quite clear to me you've learned nothing and have no intention of behaving any differently. As such, you are being permanently banned. You may write an appeal within 60 days if you wish. I have no interest in sub-human mongrel dogs barking around my server. Thanks!
  14. Major Whoreson

    Unfair PK

    Explain to me how I was intent on taking your job or title. You were PK'd for the same reason as your friend. You guys were acting like complete and total morons. Not fit to be one of the highest ranking officers. Restart as an enlisted.
  15. You were acting extremely dumb. You were a Major. Not really someone who needs to be one of the highest officer ranks there are. Definitely more fit to be an enlisted. Shooting you was far easier than demoting you as you had zero intent to roleplay anything.
  16. The Reichstag was being sieged and you were standing with your arms behind your back doing nothing, yes, you were being retarded. I get to say that, I am your superior officer by a metric of a thousand. It's a military in war time and it's also a game, you die for things like this. This is not uncommon at all. I am commisioned within the Feldjagers, field trials are kind of our thing!
  17. You're a extremely high ranking CO in the military, I gave you orders as your superior officer to get out of the Federal Council chambers and go establish order outside. We did not need 4 COs in the Federal Council room standing there for no reason. The other 3 individuals left just fine, you, and only you went, "Wow the retarded fucking Feldjager can't do their jobs." I guess you thought I was a Feldjager simply because I had a gorget and not the deputy to the Chief of the Kriegsmacht and Leading State Secretary of War. You then went on to ramble a bunch of other nonsense while I was having you arrested. You were an officer. The Kriegsmacht is a military. You behaved like a rabid animal and you got treated like a rabid animal. I'm not sure what you expected to happen.
  18. You've already been banned in the past permanently and for ban evading. Likely just a frontal lobe diff. You may stay banned.
  19. No, your point does not stand. And no, that's not what it takes. You can have dirt on someone, however, you have dirt AND threatened to use said dirt. This is a clear and obvious distinction. Once again, only a moron would threaten his captors after they did bad things to them.
  20. Because they aren't threatening to report you for shooting them while they're cuffed and have been illegally shot...you literally threatened to report him and whatever else after he shot you This report would either result in his death or permanent relocation to a penal battallion. This is common sense to most. You don't threaten your captor if you plan on leaving alive. You were not roleplaying, you were ruleplaying, hoping PK rules would somehow save you and allow you to avoid RP.
  21. First, the title is pretentious and demonstrates you do not have a unbiased view of this situation and are clearly quite upset. I don't know who you think you are or who you think Radec is, but this is a 1940's GMOD server, it is truly not that serious to say the "downfall" of anybody. Really odd and strange behavior. Also, as stated in the rules, not all fearRP breaks are PK's, they can be rank demoted or temp PK'd. Rank demotions are not something I find too great, and have recently changed to doing more temp PK's if a full PK is not called for. However, Prime has just recently returned from quite a long LOA and was not aware of this new policy You never state why you attempted to mug Radec or place him under fearRP, it just seems like you...did? With no clear RP reasoning behind it. After asking about you with several players and other staff members, I was unanimously informed by every single one that you are a "known retard who mugs everybody because you're an idiot". Their words, not mine. The concensus seems to be that you really are not trying to RP anything and are just running around like an idiot trying to instigate and then use the rules to punish people. We don't do that sort of thing here! This isn't some mega corporation bound by a stock price or a HR team that must abide by the whims of every whiney and pathetic loser who yaps and cries. Your nonsense is pretty easy to see through and I would suggest not wasting my time or the UA's time further with such a pathetic hit piece. Denied.

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