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Major Whoreson

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Everything posted by Major Whoreson

  1. Will resign within two weeks. Very excited.
  2. No. You just kept talking about getting head
  3. You seem genuine, so I will give you the opportunity you asked for. Welcome back. Cease weaponized autism.
  4. All are welcome in this Dojo. Don't be a loser again please!
  5. This isn't just a video game, however, it is a RP server in which the entire point is interaction with other people. If you are banned constantly and consistently for being a complete and total detriment and then go off and start talking a bunch of nonsense, what reason would I ever have to unban you?
  6. Playing stupid now are we...
  7. You've said some pretty interesting things about the server during your time away. Any answer on why you'd try to shit on something so much just to want to come back?
  8. You are quite literally a neo Nazi who had a schizo rage fit that we removed swastikas. You have fabricated 99% of your post in some grand scheme to make it seem as if this has something to do with store items or money or something of the sort, I am unsure. You were initially banned for just constantly complaining and causing issues about the move away from any Nazi paraphernalia. Which in and of itself is deranged, but you did not stop there, you have a literal shrine to Hitler in your room. You are not mentally well. No one reading this thinks you are a normal human being. You are sick. I hope you get the help you need. You are quoting Karl Marx for Christ's sake. This is Gmod. This is a Gmod server forums page. And you are here, writing a novel about global neo-liberal sex change propaganda and homosexuality. Reevaluate your life.
  9. Don't be a disappointment...
  10. Notice Before Applying: These guidelines are to be followed before applying for staff. 1. Users applying for staff must have at least 1 week of playtime on the server. (Check with !time in the server) 2. Users applying for staff must be 16+ years old. 3. Users applying for staff cannot have more than 1 note within a 2-week time frame of their application. 4. Users applying for staff cannot have a ban on record within a 2-week time frame of their application. This includes the Prometheus Networks Discord and Server. 5. If your application has been denied, you must wait 30 days before re-applying. You may reapply within a shorter time with permission from a Supervisor Administrator+.
  11. Notice Before Applying: These guidelines are to be followed before applying for trusted. 1. Users applying for trusted must have 3+ days on the server. | REF: !time 2. Users applying for trusted must be VIP. 3. Users applying for trusted cannot have more than 2 notes within a 2-week time frame of their application. 4. Users applying for trusted cannot have a ban on record within a 2-week time frame of their application. This includes the Prometheus Networks Discord and Server. 5. Users applying for trusted must educate themselves on proper nutscript command usage and syntax, tips located below. 6. If your application has been denied, you must wait 30 days before re-applying. You may reapply within a shorter time with permission from a Supervisor Administrator+. Nutscript Command Usage /plytransfer = Transfer a player into a faction (can only be used to transfer a player into your current faction) /charsetmodel = Set a character's playermodel /charsetname = Set a character's name @ = Targets the player in front of you (the player you are looking at) Example A civilian named Johnny Barlava wishes to join the Kaiserliche Heer. The recruiter is a Trusted member. These are the commands the recruiter would run: /plytransfer @ heer /charsetmodel @ "models/prometheus/heer/wehrkreisiii/en6.mdl" /charsetname @ "Grenadier Johnny Barlava"
  12. Notice Before Applying: These guidelines are to be followed before applying for a criminal organization. 1. Users applying for a criminal organization must have 3+ days on the server. | REF: !time 2. Users applying for a criminal organization cannot have more than 2 notes within a 2-week time frame of their application. 3. Users applying for a criminal organization cannot have a ban on record within a 2-week time frame of their application. This includes the Prometheus Networks Discord and Server. 4. If your application has been denied, you must wait 30 days before re-applying. You may reapply within a shorter time with permission from a Supervisor Administrator+.
  13. This post will outline some guidelines for making an appeal to ensure we as members of the Upper Administration receive the correct and easy to connect evidence and information. Clear information, it doesn't have to be a long appeal. It just needs to be precise and deliver the points directly. Obviously the more effort you put into the appeal the more we will think you have regretted your actions. Accurate evidence, all points made on your appeal must be factual or you will be immediately denied. You have 72 hours to dispute your ban. If you want to dispute the punishment, respond within 72 hours of receiving it. Apologizing on your ban appeal and Permabans are time exempt. Ban Appeal Rules - You may not comment on ban appeals that do not involve yourself unless they are permanent bans. - You may not appeal after being denied for two weeks unless approved by the denying member of upper administration. - You may not appeal an exile without first contacting a member of Global Administration on Discord and being approved to appeal. - You may not post troll comments or comments that hold no standing to the appeal. - If you do not follow the template your appeal will be denied if not fixed within a given timeframe. Good luck on your appeal!
  14. A simple guide on binds that are important to know. Keybinds are already provided for best functionality but you may simply replace the bound key with the key of your choice. Example: bind P "say hi" (Change the P to the desired key) Copy and paste the binds below directly into the console by first pressing the ~ (Tilda) key while in-game. Then using CRTL + C to copy and once back in-game CTRL + V to paste into console. Press enter once you paste into the console. Note: No message will confirm you have successfully bound the key. Simply close console and press the bound key to test to see if it works. The Basics Military Salute (Militärgruß) bind M "act salute; say /me snaps to attention and with the utmost respect performs a Militärgruß" A salute widely used around the globe by military and para-military units. Advanced (Optional) Thumbs Up/Approving Nod bind , "act agree" You will thumbs up and nod at the same time. Finger Wave/Unapproving Shake of the Head bind . "act disagree" You'll wave your finger and shake your head no. Wave bind [ "act wave; say /me waves" Your character waves. Halt! bind \ "act halt; say /me motions for a halt." Your character raises their hand sharply. Beckoning Over bind ] "act becon" Your character does a beckoning hand gesture. Group up! bind ' "act group; say /me motions for everyone to group up and reform!" Your character does a gesture telling everyone to get together. Point/Forwards bind / "act forwards" Your character points forward.
  15. Description of the idea: Why should this be added?: What negatives could this have?: Additional information:
  16. Your Name: SteamID32: Player's Name(s): Player's SteamID32(s): Rules Broken (Provide evidence for each): Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): Additional Information:
  17. Your Name: SteamID32: Staff Member's Name(s): Staff Member's SteamID32(s): Rules Broken / Conduct issues (Provide evidence for each): Evidence (Videos/Screenshots): Additional Information:
  18. Name: SteamID32: Staff Member who issued the Flag Blacklist: Explain why your flags were blacklisted: Explain why your flags should be unblacklisted: Additional Information:
  19. PK stands for a Permanent-Kill. For a permanent-kill to occur, it must follow the PK Guidelines. Once a character is PK'd, all access to the character is lost. The only way to gain access to said character is to appeal the PK, and have it accepted under the pretense the PK did not follow PK guidelines. An individual has 72 hours to appeal their PK. - Character's name & rank: SteamID32: Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Explain why you were PK'd: Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information:
  20. Your Name: SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Which staff member banned you?: How long is your ban for?: Why were you banned?: Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Additional Information:
  21. Steam Name: SteamID32: Discord Username/ID: Are you VIP?: Time Played (Check in-game using !time): Characters Name & Rank, and a brief explanation of their duties: What will you use the trusted rank for?: Staff Recommendations:

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