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Major Whoreson

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Everything posted by Major Whoreson

  1. As you apologized, I will accept this. However, you directly caused this by being the highest ranking officer and acting like a total moron. This character has been PK'd, but you are unbanned. Accepted.
  2. Accepted. Make a ticket in the main Discord for more information.
  4. That's certainly a name...
  5. My favorite thing about reading all of this is that basically no one has any ideas but wants "something"
  6. Thank you for the acknowledgement. Approved.
  7. I didn't "presume" anything. You were annoying so you were banned for continually being annoying. Your framing in this situation continues to be an annoyance.
  8. You have constantly been an annoyance, whether it was Revenant or here. You make a comment about absolutely everything, it's completely obnoxious and annoying.
  9. Has been added to the server.
  10. After having read through this appeal, I am very "mutch" appalled by your spelling skills! We should work on that! You "whent" off the deep end with your spelling, however, I do agree with some of your points here. From the explainations given to me, it seems that the PK itself is fine, could have been better it some areas, but nothing that should void the entire event. Your PK stands, however, your rank lock and ban is removed. I have informed UA to remain more respectful when dealing with these sort of frustrating situations, I would ask that you also do the same.
  11. They look nothing like any of the other models. Would look extremely out of place. No thanks!
  12. If you are going to try to make the point, that you, Dr Trevor Lawrence PHD, who has made a dozen alts to the Discords, hasn't constantly said stupid shit, I am going to turn this Discord ban into a perma ban on the server. You aren't fooling anyone. We all know you say stupid shit all the time. You trolled constantly, said dumb shit, got banned, now have an IC job that you actually want to use the Discord for. Tough shit I guess lil fella!
  13. He says a lot of retarded shit. I can't be expected to remember every piece of sewage this moron spews from his fingers onto his keyboard.
  14. I don't remember the exact thing you said in the discord to want me to ban you, was a little bit ago, but it was something completely moronic. Try again in a month.
  15. I watched a clip of you telling everyone to open fire. If you were being harassed for something OOCly, you should have made a report on the forums. Taking it ICly and essentially Mass RDMing is on you, not anyone else. It would have been resolved by staff if you would have followed procedure, however, you failed to do anything of the sort. No one gives a flying shit about you being Brazilian. I personally get called Amerimutt on a daily basis, eurotard gets thrown around at others, certain Swedes are made fun of constantly, and most of us are all good friends or just move on. If you did not believe this type of behavior to be in some trolly sort of spirit, once again, you should have reported it to staff. Furthermore, you and a bunch of other Brazilian's just saying they're going to quit now because one of you were PK'd does not instill me with any sort of confidence that you guys will be sticking around for any amount of time. Quit, stay, do nothing, it is up to you. But don't expect me to undo your PK due to your actions. Womp womp. https://medal.tv/?contentId=ijaqHPZIF4XQGYVnO&invite=cr-MSxjQU8sMjgwODk5OTYs&spok=d1337NsMjn02
  16. You were the ONLY person who shot at us out of the twenty people there. We were clearly having fun with a lifted, neon light, hydraulic truck and everyone else around us was too. You started a gun fight for no other reason than you are allergic to fun.
  17. You were directly told you couldn't be called George Freedom. You then kept naming characters George Freedom. I'm not seeing the confusion here.
  18. If I remember correctly, you were told to leave by others, I simply heard them and also told you to leave. You then took out a camera and took a picture of all of us and someone ordered you detained. You immediately ran and I told you to stop running, and that if you kept running and perished you would not wake up. An RP way of saying it would be a PK through the PK guidelines. I don't mind you being unPKd, but you are definitely misconstruing what happened to you. Next time probably don't run when you're surrounded by twenty people with guns.

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