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Everything posted by Sparrow

  1. Hi, I'm the staff member who took the ticket for your PK and processed the permanent kill on your character. My decision was based on the provided context via clip given to me by the individual who shot you as well as our civilian PK guidelines. In this clip , you can see that the player held out their gun to their side and approached you, as another player walked towards you also stating they wanted to ask you some questions, as coincides with the context provided in your appeal. At this point you took out your gun and began firing, thus starting a gunfight that you lost. In a roleplay scenario, if you see men approaching with a gun, stating they would "like to ask you some questions" you should consider this a serious situation that could reasonably escalate to a dangerous level. Thus when you decided to pull out your gun and initiate a full blown shoot out rather than comply with them, you were actually making the decision to put your life on the line. When you lost that shootout, you died. This follows our Civilian PK guideline No. 9 "Dying after initiating a shoot-out [PK]". I have no personal issues with you being un-pk'd, however I believe, based on our rules, this was a valid permanent kill. If you are un-pk'd by our upper administrative team, congratulations, if not, let this be a lesson to take greater personal care with your other characters in the future and to not make decisions of as escalatory nature in life threatening and dangerous situations that could lead to your death. Thank you for submitting an appeal.
  2. Steam Name: Sparrow SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:49329452 Discord Username/ID: stevensparrow Timezone: PST Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): 2 Months 1 week Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): DONATOR Do you have a mic & will you use it?: YES Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Consistently active on the server, Ghost reader on the forums, reading a lot of various applications and appeals for knowledge and entertainment, will provide appropriate and relevant replies on forum posts moving forward, if approved for a staff position Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Recruited by Brownpug Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): BrownPug, Mr. History, Kalizar, Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Minsterialdirigent Steven Sparrow - A Member of the KAG staff team and labor ministry, responsible for assisting in the establishment and upkeeps of various businesses. Owner of Sparrow Group LLC which provides dupe construction and design all across the city as well as the running of various private storefronts, currently running a sole proprietorship at Medium Shop 2 called The Raven Cigar Lounge. Steven is a man of the people, he exists to bring a good time to others and to give back through philanthropy, business investment, and design/construction services. Leuntnant Brutus Lufthansa - A Richter for the Military/War Courts. Brutus is tasked with presiding over court trials and rendering appropriate Justice for cases, often at odds with NSB in roleplay due to trials where NSB break into ICC and disputes over legality/rights to take action come to center stage. Ministerialdirigent Dr. Wolfgang Hochstetter Formerly known as Ghengis Googenheimer - The Chief Physician of the DRK. This char has a command position in the DRK reporting directly to the DRK President he oversees the administration of medical services, making sure other members produce medicines on a consistent schedule, provide appropriate care, and executing/ filing appropriate paperwork, handling recruitment tests, and of course general medical RP such as patient evaluations, blood drive administration. ETC. Assistant Orlock der Wolfsbane: A member of the ministry of procurement, had a small stint as an arms distributor before being temporarily incapacitated due to silver, holy water, garlic, and wooden stakes. No more information is available… How long have you been roleplaying?: Over 2 years on Prometheus I have been a member since July of 2023. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: The only infractions I have are for what are labeled as “Prop Abuse” however I would argue my case is unique as I have never abused props in the common way such as flinging cars, prop killing players by dropping a heavy prop on them etc. My notes are for creating and using complicated original contraptions such as Helicopters, Amusement Park rides, etc. To prevent myself from getting in trouble for these, I have had to make sure the contraptions I design and build are not flying machines or overly disruptive/no Role play value. The last infraction I got for this was months ago I believe for giving people a ride on my chopper, however I have had a clean record since then albeit a few recent vocal warnings about using a hot air balloon dupe. I have never had notes for RDM or NITRP, etc. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have no direct experience on a Public Gmod Server but have hosted a private sandbox server in the past that made use of many of the administrative addons and commands used by other Public Gmod servers. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I have been a member of this community for nearly two years now. In that time I have seen many players and staff come and go and have studied the ins and outs of the server, the community, the lore, the right way to play, and the wrong way to play. I believe that my knowledge, maturity, and personal demeanor of being a calm, rational, and team-work oriented person would be an asset for the community. I believe my ability to consider all rational variables in a given situation such as a ticket being made by a player, would be handled with an appropriate, accurate and reasonable manner. I believe I do not operate on EGO but on principle, I have no tolerance for liars and people that abuse their power or abuse others and break the rules for their own fun. I stand on these principles and in that spirit believe I would make a strong addition to the team. I have been approached by a few staff members in the past asking me if I was interested in joining the staff team and my reply was that I was not in a position at the time to apply because I felt I would not be able to commit enough time to the duties of the position, however that has changed. I would also like to note that I can be an asset for the staff team during late hours as considering my time zone, I would be available to be on during hours when the rest of the community is asleep and where no staff are usually available. I believe I have a strong moral compass and ability to work well with others which is a valuable and required trait of any staff member since we are a team. I have pride in my people skills and know that they would be an asset to the administration of this server. I would work to not punish (unless required and appropriate for offenses committed) but educate and guide players on the rules and proper ways of enjoying the server. Directing them to appropriate forum channels for further knowledge, providing them with answers to their OOC questions. I feel for all of these reasons, I should be chosen to join the staff team. Thank you for your consideration! What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As a staff member for Prometheus Networks, my job would be mostly to make sure the server stays fun and fair for everyone. My duties would be to help keep the roleplaying experience enjoyable by making sure everyone is following the rules and making sure no one ruins it for others, whether they’re trolling or just messing around. I would also make sure there’s no racism or anything else inappropriate that could make the server look bad or even get us blacklisted such as blatant use of slurs or other banned expressions/content/player actions. If there’s a problem, ie. Someone breaking the rules or someone needs clarification on something, I’d handle it through support tickets and try to fix things through mediation, providing information or direction for questions, confusion, or any other required administrative intervention to maintain the positive and rule-bound role playing sense within the server. If someone keeps causing trouble, I’ll take action, like giving them appropriate warnings, notes, or even banning them if it’s serious. Consultation with fellow staff for the best way to move forward should also be considered to make sure we are representing and administrating the server professionally and in unison.
  3. Sparrow

    Lost 5 flags

    There is a template you must use to submit this appeal
  4. This and so many other props should be whitelisted tbh
  5. This bug really sucks please fix!
  6. Ive known this man forever, one of the calmest, chillest, most reasonable guys ive ever met, very smart and nice. Would be an asset for the staff team 100% +1
  7. I loved the Forest! I remember seeing photos of a Forest in the pictures they released teasing the new map we have now and don't know why they scrapped it. +1
  8. Hi, I was the guy that was killed by this player and made the report. The claims made in this ban appeal are false and misleading. The player never attempted to compensate me or make amends, nor did he spend an hour trying to make things right. If he has any evidence of these so-called apologies or efforts to fix the situation, I encourage him to provide it—because they never happened. I want to be fully transparent about my own actions as well. I did use explicit language in OOC, saying: “Player ID 25368, you’re fucked tomorrow when the admins get on because I am going to make a ticket. I have clips.” I said this out of frustration after being RDM’d multiple times while minding my own business. My words weren’t a personal attack—they were a direct statement that I was going to report his repeated rule-breaking, backed by evidence. For context, in all my time playing this game, I have almost never made an RDM ticket against anyone. I typically let things slide, but this situation was different because he went out of his way to harass me multiple times. The second time he killed me, he literally drove up, got out of his car, shot me, and then him or his accomplice that was with him through all this yelled “Drive-by!” and then stole my car like he was roleplaying GTA. Regarding the helicopter situation, I acknowledge that plane dupes are not allowed, but I only spawned it as a last resort to escape after he had already RDM’d me multiple times. Even then, he pursued me, climbed onto the cigar lounge roof where I landed, and physically grabbed the helicopter while mocking me, saying: “Haha, I got your chopper! Why are you so mad?” At that point, I sarcastically—but also genuinely—told him, “Yeah, you got my chopper, might as well fly it before you’re gone tomorrow.” That was not me making amends or approving of his behavior. It was frustration. It felt like when a younger sibling keeps bothering you, and your parents finally say, “Just give it to him so he stops.” I was trying to avoid further conflict and let him embarrass himself, which he did when he crashed the helicopter and died. Trying to twist that moment into some kind of peaceful resolution is dishonest, especially when I only spawned the helicopter to avoid further harassment, not invite more. He also mentions in his appeal that admins have RDMd him in the past, as if that somehow justifies his actions here. If a staff member previously broke the rules, that doesn't give him a free pass to do the same. His entire appeal feels like, to me, an attempt to shift blame and downplay his behavior. His justification of “everyone was on some bullshit killing each other” doesn’t excuse the fact that he specifically targeted me, RDM’d me multiple times, mocked me after each kill, and is now twisting the situation. He also suggests admin favoritism by claiming I said he was “fucked tomorrow” as if I had personal connections. The truth is, I said that because I had clear evidence of his repeated rule-breaking and knew it would be handled once reviewed by staff—nothing more. I have video proof to back up everything I’ve described here, while he provides no evidence of these supposed apologies or attempts to make things right. In my opinion, his appeal relies entirely on deflection and minimizing his repeated RDM, hoping to twist my justified frustration as a defense for his actions. Whether his ban is reduced or not, the punishment was justified. Repeatedly targeting players for personal amusement, even during late hours, is still against server rules and I was minding my business the whole time. Here are the clips: Excuse the movie playing in the background: RDM 1 RDM 2 "Drive by" RDM 3
  9. Your Discord username: stevensparrow Your Steam ID (STEAM_X:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:49329452 Your current server rank: (User/Donator/Staff) Donator Your character's full name (include RP rank): Ministerialrat Steven Sparrow What is the name of your business?: Raven Cigar Lounge Do you have the necessary roleplay documentation for your business?: (Y/N) Yes Why do you need a vendor?: I currently have a vendor but the faction I am cannot access it. What do you want your vendor to sell?: My Vender Currently sells Cigars and alcohol and that's what i need it to remain as. What building are you using?: Medium shop 2 I have a vendor already that members of the KAG faction can access (my employees) but since I am in the State faction since I am upper KAG admin staff member, I do not have access to my own vendor so it becomes awkward/impossible when I have customers that want cigars but my Sparrow char is unable to use his own vendor. Can I please have the vendor i already have updated so that kaiserliche Regierung has access too? If there is a way to give Kaiserliche Regierung access and KAG faction at the same that would be perfect, thank you, if not i definitely need access for myself/Kaiserliche Regierung

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