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Everything posted by mEEm

  1. The people demand a cake. https://imgur.com/a/XzWF7Ei This you? In the discord of a rival server that doesn't even have a name, but apes us in every way? Start baking. Maybe try a poundcake.
  2. youre a nazi and also this post was made three months ago
  3. mEEm

    Ban Appeal

    Hello, thank you for appealing. On the 20th (happy Apollo 11 anniversary), you were fired from the VW at my behest due to unprofessionalism and also because someone claimed you mugged him. As is normal, you were searched before you were fired and you had no radio. After you were let go, you were killed by an Unteroffizier. You then went to your bank account and retrieved a radio and proceeded to micspam and scream into the Volkswacht frequency. I told you to stop but you continued, so you were kicked. On reconnecting, you made a ticket saying "false kick i got clip of me robbing the radio". Then I explained that the issue wasn't metagame with regard to how you obtained the radio, it was the micspam and general lacking desire to roleplay meaningfully. During the first time I spoke to you, I may have been a tad unclear on the issue. I asked you to drop the radio because you clearly didn't intend to roleplay meaningfully with it, and the circumstances you obtained it with were unusual, since you didn't have the radio when we searched you, and you didn't have a weapon with which to have mugged someone for their radio. Additionally, logs show you did not tie up or search anyone between the being fired and the ban. You declined to drop the radio, and I told you this could result in a ban because you had three notes from earlier today. You continued to refuse to drop the radio (which would have ended the matter, as you wouldn't be able to micspam or scream via the radio anymore) which resulted in you being banned. Additionally, after you were banned, you chose to harass me in the main discord, as well as being rude to other users when they offered you advice for the appeal (advice you then took, having changed it from apology to dispute). Overall, you've proven a rude and unpleasant player, which resulted in your ban. https://imgur.com/a/7Mz30jg ^^ Imgur link of the discord conversations.
  4. The number you provided is your community ID, not your steam ID. Your steam ID is STEAM_0:1:766765720. You were pk'ed by Navarov.
  5. mEEm

    Ban Appeal

    Hello. You were banned because of this remark in OOC chat. https://imgur.com/a/MVbk6vP This screenshot is taken from the logs from the steam ID you provided; it is not someone else with the same name. Normally I'd have just told you off, but you had three POs including two from May 24th which said 'Inappropriate names galore, "Dr.Nigsworth, Dr.Nigachicken"', and a second subsequent note for 'Inappropriate name again, slur. Final chance.' Because of the fact that you have a prior history of this and were clearly not learning your lesson, I decided on a ban instead.
  6. mEEm

    Ban Appeal

    If you tried to rejoin because of the 'rebrands', why didn't you try joining on your main steam account instead of making three brand new accounts to play gmod?
  7. I'm not on the recruitment team, I just answered a couple questions you had. Stick to the community for a while longer. Spend time on the forums and discords, become more widely known.
  8. +1 as much as i hate to agree with the furry above me this guy has the experience + knowhow to be a good staff member, esp w/ saito training him
  9. I didn't get a message from you and you didn't ask me to sponsor this application. As for the merits of the application, you should probably spend some more time on the server itself. While the honesty regarding using AI to write the app is appreciable (?), you should also go to the effort of accessing the publicly available staffing resources (namely the rules) and reading up on them.
  10. +1 even tho you cant spell "so forth"
  11. My brother by Allah you don't have to add this AI writing. Nobody on the internet speaks this way, at all. The visible disconnect between how this bit is written (formal and strictly following English rules), and the subsequent bits, is strong enough to give Paul Walker whiplash.
  12. Hello, I'm the staff member who banned you. The initial mute was issued because you were approaching people and playing the blue lobster organ sound effect. It was loud enough that someone did complain about it, and so I issued a brief gag. A few minutes later I was looking in logs for something and see you doing '/me pisses on you'. I can't find the log right now because of a steam signin error, but anything related to urinating or defecating on someone also falls under ERP for most purposes, and is considered broadly degenerate. However, I would be willing to see the ban reduced to 2-3 days seeing as you are able to recognize the disturbing nature of what you were doing.
  13. mEEm

    meem staff app

    https://imgur.com/a/WWVPVW0 What changed? If its about the removing you as having helped you write the application, it's not personal. A member of UA informed me that only one person could be listed for that, and Perchance had read over the application and given me some pointers for the essay sections.
  14. mEEm

    meem staff app

    Thanks for the honest input. I know what you mean by thinking before I post, and how it relates to impulsivity. I assure you that it won't be a problem as a staff member, it is something I recognize and can control. Again, thanks for the genuine input.
  15. mEEm

    meem staff app

    Introduction Information Section Steam Name: TheSuperTsar SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:225957226 Discord Username/ID: meem7637 Timezone: CST Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 2d 36m (approx. one month and two weeks prior to reset) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes and Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes and Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Perchance Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Perchance, Kieran, Helsing, alexjones, daepicgoose Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Adolf Lindemann, Truth Minister. Runs the Truth Ministry, publishes the newspapers, etc. Jacques Brandt, Grenadier. Member of the Panzers, nothing special. Nobosuke Tagomi. Eccentric Japanese businessman and retired ambassador. Hermann Schautel. Civilian factory worker, looking for a better job. Doug Stamper, Polizeiunterdiener. Young and new LaPo member, enforcing the law. How long have you been roleplaying?: October 2018 Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: Currently, I have no notes or bans according to Goose. However, prior to the reset, I did have an admittedly extensive record. Many of these notes and bans were from before 2021, only about five incidents were after that. None of the prior punishments by my recollection were for any global rules or any degenerate shit, it was mostly RDM related to failing to adequately warn civilians or trespassers. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?: I was a staff member on Diverge as well as on the old Burst networks. I've also done minor work with nutscript related to cosmetic appearances and factions. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team? [300 words or more]: In short, I'm a longstanding and well-liked member of the community who has aided the UA team in several projects, including the recently made National Archive released by Virus. In long form, I've got a very strong dedication to the server. I've been engaged in the server since it launched, even before Typhon collapsed. I've been trusted for about a month now, and though it is a relatively nice thing to have, it is limited in how helpful I can be with people. I recognize why it's limited, and why it has to be limited, but as far as being genuinely helpful for as many people as possible, staff is simply the better way to go. From my previous time as staff on Diverge and tinkering in singleplayer, I know most of the commands for staffing. In all my time on the server, I've tried to do what I can to make the server better or generally more enjoyable. Helping new players find jobs or certain buildings, volunteering for trusted, and helping UA with warplanning and documentation. Staffing is the next step up in making this server a better and more pleasant place for everyone. I've just now finished high school, and won't be shipping out until mid-autumn. With no significant time commitments, I can spend more time staffing than most people could. I'm already on at least decent terms with most staff members, and I'm not afraid to ask questions or request help with particularly difficult situations or players. I'm also not a one track mind, and can recognize the grey areas within the rules that allow for some leeway with regards to punishment. The point of the staff team is not to punish people, the objective of the staff team is to help players and make their experience and time on the server as enjoyable as possible, and I will acknowledge and maintain regard for that objective during my time on the staff team. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties of a moderator, as the first level of the staff team, are relatively simple. Taking tickets, both to aid players with rulebreakers and helping them with IC matters (model changes, plytransfers, etc) comprises 90 percent of what moderators have to do frequently. When there's no tickets to take, it's best to noclip around to watch for issues like players stuck in each other or doors, proptrapping, or anything else that a player needs help with. A professional attitude and demeanor is required when handling new players, who might not understand the server or its rules, as well as intentionally disruptive players who try to goad a reaction or just generally infuriate people. I always try to be patient with people, which is a necessity with tickets -- treating both sides of a sit evenly, avoiding excessive punishment, and delicately and calmly explaining to unknowing rulebreakers what precisely was unacceptable about what they did and what rule they violated, so that they aren't left confused or unsure of what they actually did wrong. Patience, caution, discretion and diligence are imperative for the staff team, and I genuinely believe that I can meet these virtues as needed for staff.
  16. mEEm

    Perma appeal

    -1 you deserve this guys treatment

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