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Everything posted by Spedu

  1. Spedu

    meem staff app v2

    +1 bring mEEm back we need him back
  2. +1 this is good its that we the player base make alot of tickets but theres sometimes a few staff or when there is event going on so staff roleplay so that means longer waits but one thing i would change would be give the powers to on guy per faction so that can handle the work load but it also means nobody cant abuse it
  3. +1 i remember melin pretty cool guy i guess its been a while since of his ban alos kinda dumd of him using alt account but give him actual second chance guys trust me on this one
  4. To do drugs insult the NSB being fat bald man and then throw a molotov at the volunteer KG child ( he was taken away from his mohter )
  5. i think we should add more props to the server like in the CSGO and counter strike prop list there are so good props and i have check the one that were in the era of 1940 CSGO props CS souce props models/props_industrial/pallet_stack_96.mdl models/props/cs_assault/forklift.mdl models/props_industrial/wire_spool_01.mdl models/props/cs_assault/HandTruck.mdl models/props_industrial/wire_spool_02.mdl models/props/CS_militia/haybale_target_02.mdl models/props_equipment/light_floodlight.mdl models/props/CS_militia/logpile2.mdl models/props_equipment/diesel_pump.mdl models/props/CS_militia/bar01.mdl models/props_interiors/bucket_tools02.mdl models/props/CS_militia/barstool01.mdl models/props_interiors/paper_tray.mdl models/props/CS_militia/shelves_wood.mdl models/props_urban/dumpster001.mdl models/props/CS_militia/wood_table.mdl models/props_unique/mopbucket01.mdl models/props/de_nuke/cinderblock_stack.mdl models/props_unique/guncabinet01_main.mdl models/props/CS_militia/boxes_frontroom.mdl models/props_interiors/waterheater.mdl models/props/CS_militia/reload_scale.mdl models/props/CS_militia/oldphone01.mdl I think these props can add alot of new RP sences and people can make cool stuff whit these
  6. Spedu

    Ban Apology

    -1 go get a job get some braincells and then comback make a better appeal not like 32 words and we dont care about you being a ''up and coming member of the military''
  7. +1 Very cool best RP whit him T:Björn
  8. +1 Hes the best he will make sure that this country is safe from the italians and russians make this man staff God bless ( read in Donland J Trumps voice for the best expreince)
  9. +1 Very cool guy a well temperd one i have annoyed him alot and still keeps it cool i think hes a perfect guy to be a MOD i say hes a active guy on the server and can have fun knows how to look from both POVs dosent jump the gun is a fair guy
  10. Spedu

    Ban Appeal

    neutral just give him a 2 week ban then if he does something ban worthy permaban him
  11. +1 remember these guys pretty chill and 10/10 voice acting
  12. +1 hes pretty cool guy is neutral and is very cool also hes a very very cool guy
  13. i added it but when i ahd tacobell extra spicy salsa i tell you it wasnt a bathroom anymore.... it was stalingrad
  14. +1 i need my fat ass need to sit on something and run NSB over ( they will me mashed potatoes beacuse i am a 23ton/tank
  15. heres the thing it dosent when ram crashes beacuse the game autoquits so it will say player disconect how i know this well i will tell you it was wensday morning in the summer in 2024 i was playing whit a friend my ram crashes i asked when that happens what does it say my friend in staff says ''player disconected'' so how do you want to debate this ask who my friend in staff or Do yUo HaVE PrOFF OFF ThIS HapNEniNg
  16. I understand why you might think I left intentionally, but honestly, my ram crashed in the middle of the interaction. I didn’t choose to leave or avoid anything but i did choose not rejoin. I understand if the logs are showing something different that i said in many cases a player can crash and it says that ''the player discconected''
  17. Your Name: Adolf Rizzler SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199433257519/ Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): apology Which staff member banned you?: De Spi How long is your ban for?: 4 days Why were you banned?: Ltap and POS Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I understand why i was banned i wanna apolozies for my actions for not joining the server when my ram said that looking around the people around said its too much to processes and it crashed i should have joined back because i was in a middle of RP session. But i didnt as it was around 22.50-23.20 when my ram crashed and i went to bed because i had test today in school and i was too tried for RP so i just said fuck it i will deal whit later and went to bed right now i am in the schools computer class i should be doing ohter stuff but i am writeing this what i want to say is i understand my actions and want apologies i know you cant trust me for i am to be said a minge/retard but i want to you to see it from my pov and thank you for reading my post and considersring my ban appeal even shorting my ban i will apprecisate it Additional Information:
  18. Spedu

    The Button

    +1 let him press it i trust him
  19. MR whoreson if the forest comes back make me the forests big foot
  20. i blame the NSB as they would hunt millitary in the city and forrest to do STATE MANDATED DOSSIERS!!!! but there has been RP in the forrest like the civilian dam malitia vs army, lapo and kg theres been also panzer training also the navy would build theyre funny boats sure like 80% of the time its not used but it means there is 80% event rich story if you look deep enough you will find gold
  21. +1 we need the forrest back for drugs for the marines and for tank training

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