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Everything posted by Vixx

  1. Vixx

    Ban Appeal

    Thanks for replying. Unfortunately, that is still LTAP. You have submitted this appeal to 'dispute' the ban. However, you have openly admitted and confirmed you did in fact LTAP. Your ticket did not explain, just mentioned you had to leave. You did not wait to receive conformation for this. I understand you may feel this is unfair, but there were two previous incidents during the same day where you abused disconnecting to avoid RP and admitted to it. Please follow the rules next time, I see it highly unlikely that you purposefully left twice during previous interactions and then conveniently when you were banned for commiting the offence for the third time that it was genuine. Thank you.
  2. Vixx

    Ban Appeal

    Hi there, thank you for making an appeal. To elaborate on the situation, both you and your friend were being held in the BB Interogation room in which a General had just ordered your character to be PK'd due to admitting to being guilty of Espionage. As I took the ticket you left, and did not give time to explain what was going on or why you had to leave. The ban was placed by myself as I had warned you earlier in the day as you had disconnected, rejoined and changed characters to prevent NSB being able to have you sign an NDA. When you reconnected minutes later I pulled you to a sit and you were given a link to the rules and warned that the next offence would be a ban to which you agreed and confirmed you understood and admitted to trying to get out of the RP. It is also worth mentioning that your friend confirmed he was on a discord call with you and said you just left, and then changed his story to saying you crashed which I saw was a lie through logs. He then also LTAP'D when I challenged him on this. I believe this 1 day ban is reasonable and lenient considering your actions earlier on in the day which were addressed twice on different occasions- both your verbal warning and written note on your account. In future please refrain from entering serious RP if you are going to leave immediately, and if you really must go have the decency to stay and consult a member of staff.
  3. +1 I personally thought this item was great back when it was around. I believe there may be script issues surrounding the reasoning behind its removal, however if it wasn't too much of a hassle I think it would be beneficial to re-impliment. I remember people using these to produce menus for restaurants, newspapers, flyers and much more. - May also be good to impliment into the court system for Richter Deputies? Who knows. Good post! An item I had totally forgotten about and one which some may never have experienced.
  4. +1 Always displayed good RP qualities within the server when I have encountered him. A great application that has been drafted with a lot of thought and detail, I think you would be an asset to the Staff team—well done, and best of luck Moth.
  5. Hi there Booty Chicken, thank you for taking the time to write this Appeal. Firstly, you are absolutely correct - your ban was extended due to your Previous Offenses. However next time please write the reasons for your ban properly. You were banned for breaking Mugging Rule 8.1, Exploiting & PO'S- Firstly, I find it hard to believe you 'didn't know this was bannable.' as you have had multiple warnings and notes from the past as you mention here about the MedKit and the Splint. I explained to you in the sit and will again here that abusing Server UI is exploiting. Lets go over your Previous Offences. July 12th - Tying people whilst being Healed | Exploiting sever UI. Ban if found doing again. - Repeat Exploit. Exploiting - You were getting people to apply MedKits in order to tie them as they could not move nor see the 'You are being Tied' UI Bar. After being told you could not do this you moved to doing the same thing with Splints. You were a repeat offender for this and after multiple interactions you continued until you were banned for it. This has now happened again with the situation you were banned for by using 'Show ID' to disadvantage the person and stop them from moving while you attempt to tie them. Mugging Rule 8.1 - You may not mug in a public place. You can; however, pull a weapon on them and bring them to a secluded area to rob them (This can only be done when there is no one else around). Ex: The victim is alone at night in the middle of an empty street. You initiate a mugging with your firearm and take them to an alleyway so no one stumbles upon the crime. You may not perform the mugging in the street, which is a public area. Please read over this as I instructed you, you attempted to mug someone in the open interior of a Military Compound. That is not following this rule whatsoever. You had ample opportunity to RP this out correctly, you could have mugged the person in a secluded or less public space- Abiding by 8.1 - and tied him up without Exploiting the Server UI. Previous Offences were brought into account, your multiple Bans and Notes for NITRP and previous Exploiting and Mugging rule breaches played into the time of your Ban. This time was set at my discretion and I believe it is perfectly reasonable. Please refrain from offending again and you will not be banned. If you have any more questions or concerns, write them below.
  6. Hi there Kampen, thank you for making an appeal - I was the staff member who processed your PK which was approved by Administator 'Layheee'. Your PK was approved on the grounds of you breaking and falling into the PK Guidelines; 4.5,. - quoted below. 4.5 - Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP [PK] You mention here what occurred prior to this situation which I do not believe plays any role in your PK. There was previous interaction, however it did not change your actions which led to your PK. As stated by yourself in this Appeal 'I was PKed under FearRP for retaliating against a mugging.' - In the clip you turn round, unholstering and un-safteying your gun in attempts to 'retaliate' as you word it and kill the oppressor - however you die. This ties in with rule 4.5 as you die under FearRP as another person is attempting to rob you with a gun pointed to you. If you have any more questions or concerns, please write below. Here is a clip of the situation for reference. - https://medal.tv/?contentId=iAs2Fu3x4fioUAwvm&invite=cr-MSw4cjEsMjA5MjAwNDUxLA&spok=d1337fQ4eOMZ
  7. +1 Was more than happy to join on to the multiple members of staff who have decided to recommend Jewby. He has a wealth of knowledge and past experience, however contrary to his own comments I do not think your RP quality 'Isn't the best' -but rather that you get caught up in sometimes unnecessary situations. Regardless of that I think that this is a very good application and I would love to see you join the staff team! You definity hold the correct attitude and have answered all questions with thought. Best of luck, Jewby.
  8. +1 Worth the recommendation from myself. A strong application and has showed good qualities and integrity within RP when involved. Initially I was a little hesitant due to server time, however you seem well versed with rules and I believe it can be balanced out due to your previous experience and engagements as a member of staff on another server. Staff Application has evidently had thought and time spent on it due to the depth of your answers. Best of luck, North!
  9. Neutral Good application, I have been around you during RP and you seem to play well. I think you could benefit from some more playtime and possibly just a little more maturity from the encounters I have had with you. - This is also reflective from your 'Note' and 'PO' records. - Therefore why I am giving you a 'Neutral' vote, I think your Application is good but personally you could improve a little. Continue to play and build up some more hours and polish your 'character' and I think you would be a great fit. Best of luck!
  10. -1 Given some more playtime and more in-depth answers I think you could be eligible, however reading your current application many of your answers as well as your playtime jump out at me. Continue to be active within Prometheus - Use the Forums, ask questions, and most important of all continue to RP. - I understand your previous playtime was over the required amount, however It has been a considerable time since reset which says to me you have not been active and therefore should rack up the hours again, which should be no problem if you are as dedicated as you say you are! Best of luck.
  11. +1 Concise and straight to the point application, knowledgeable and respectful. Previous experience always helps and I know you have been planning to apply for some time now, I respect you taking the time to know you were eligible and confident before writing an application. I have had many RP encounters with you and I personally feel you would make a great addition to the staff team. Good luck.
  12. Had this same issue a couple of days ago. This is an issue alright
  13. Vixx

    Flag Appeal

    I am not forgetting anything, you stated you died once and you assumed it was staff. These 'Kill ID's are irrelevant. Your flags were blacklisted at 12:22, over an hour after these ID's. As stated both staff members were present when this happened so there is now way this could have occurred. This does not take away from your Flag Abuse. As stated by Rose, if you have a valid staff complaint please put it in the correct section and do not try to override your punsihed behaviour with an empty accusation with no proof. Remember- this thread is to reinstate your flags, NOT for a Staff Report
  14. Vixx

    Flag Appeal

    Firstly; Myself and Rose, the other staff online were busy watching this situation unfold within the server. Previous to this I took an RDM ticket where a man claimed to be RDM'd, it was resolved and I told him he tried to steal your car and therefore it was not RDM. This was the situation that ensued your harassment and multiple RDM's of the individual involving your flags. 1st Offence - After this situation, you chose to reverse your car to the Train Station Entrance - after you shot him for trying to steal your car - where you awaited the man to exit the station. Upon his exit you 'Prop Flung' your car into him. Resulting in it exploding and killing him on impact. 2nd Offence - Once you had done this once, you then proceeded to go into the Train Station spawn point and wait for him to spawn, dragging around a prop to kill him on impact. Therefore abusing your flags to 'Prop Kill'. You admitted to minging with props during the sit, and we spoke in-depth about it with the Senior Moderator in the server too. We decided that because you committed two offences today and had a previous PO for Flag Abuse last weekend that it was applicable to take your flags. I hope you learn from your mistakes and recognise that 'Minge Hour' does not exist and you should not abuse things which you have paid for with your own hard earned money - claiming staff are killing people when they are not is not a thing which should be accused, nor should it allow for you to then decide you can go around Flag Abusing. We assured you this did not happen and when asked for proof you did not provide, after which you tried to pursue through tickets and OOC when we had already discussed. You have no proof that this occurred and both staff online were with each other watching the situation unfold. - I also find it strange that you have changed your story, when you spoke with us you said it happened once, and now it is multiple times? I will include this clip for context and blatant proof of your Abuse. https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iq0I3IKCyrcP3D6hN/d1337Yxlqfrh?invite=cr-MSx2NHosMTkzMTAxODg3LA
  15. Vixx

    Pet Flag Appeal

    Hi there, I was the one who issued your blacklist this morning. Let me explain my reasoning -which was previously discussed in the sit- and the odds which are against you for why this Blacklist is more than adequate; Count 1: Three days ago -29th July- I issued you a Verbal Warning for 'Prop Blocking' at the ICC, where you were restricting access through the ICC Gatehouse doors. Count 2: The following day -30th of July- , you received a Note issued by another staff member, 'Michal Jordin' for 'Prop Abuse'. Count 3: When I was on duty this morning I seen you 'Prop Pushing' people outside of the bank doors with a metal gate which you then froze it in place to restrict access, therefore 'Prop Blocking' again. I watched over this and the gate was in place for at least a minute before it was removed when I intervened. You have been given multiple chances to fix your behaviour and educate yourself on how to appropriately use your 'PET Flags'. The fact that all of these situation occurred over the span of Four days shows me that you have no intention of changing your ways.
  16. +1 A 'trusted' member of the community in my eyes, always professional and would use this role in many ways as he actively recruits - hence streamlining the process. Would aid in his role within the KG too, meaning he would be able to carry out authoritative duties such as discharges or demotions/promotions when necessary.
  17. -1 After watching the clip, I can see why you retaliated. However, you initiated a gunfight whilst in the presence of 4 Heer which wielded weapons along with other individuals. You state your weapon was safety'd - however when you were asked to stop moving you pulled your gun in an attempt to shoot. I see why this is disappointing and obviously sad for yourself, however I believe this follows all of the correct and valid PK Guidelines.
  18. +1 See him everyday, very active and has a great attitude towards all. Highly professional and holds great quality. Would be an addition to the team!
  19. Description of the idea: Additional Props added to the whitelist. The props I have listed here were previously unblacklisted before the new map - Railings are good for checkpoints along with the Gate. Stone Trim is good to adorn existing buildings if wanted. The bust is merely because it looks cool and would look awesome in some Generals office somewhere in Berlin. Why should this be added?: These items used to be whitelisted and were a main staple of props which were used in the server, especially the gate as it was used for creating accurate and realistic checkpoints. I think adding a few more props into the mix poses no harm and expands possibilities for making dupes and other interesting things within the city - adding some variation. Statues just because they are awesome. What negatives could this have?: People may use these props for minging and flag abuse, however it is easy enough to combat this so I don't see it as much of a concern. Whitelisted props are actively used for this as is, offenders will just have their flags removed. Additional information: If the development team decide they can only add a certain few from this list then that is fine. I understand not all props may be whitelisted upon request. models/pixelaffection/decor/statues/head_01.mdl models/props_downtown/railing04_94.mdl models/props_structure/fence_04_gate.mdl models/props_exteriors/stone_trim_456.mdl models/props/de_venice/loggetta_statue_3/loggetta_statue_3_large_mirrored.mdl models/props/de_venice/loggetta_statue_3/loggetta_statue_3_large.mdl models/props/de_venice/loggetta_statue_1/loggetta_statue_1.mdl
  20. +1 Great idea, can expand Civillian RP and also benefit others - My IC char takes all of Kaisergade to Tiny China and the Bowling Alley. These food props would add more variety to what can be served and how it looks. A simple yet expansive addition that would improve RP allot. Food needs more re-implementation since the change too, so this may be a good way to kickstart the process and allow people to serve customers appropriately. Not to mention how happy this would make the owner of 'Tiny China' and 'Bowl-A-Rama'. This could also benefit the 'Femina' if whoever owns that see's a Fine Dining experience fit it means 'Tiny China' won't be selling the same food models.
  21. Vixx

    Ban Appeal

    -1 I have -1'd this appeal, I understand you are 'apologetic' for your actions - however when someone is Perma'd I do not believe a very small appeal with limited remorse should be considered. I have spent a adequate amount of time with you in-game and do not see you fit to return currently, personally I have received some very disrespectful and derogatory comments from you just before this ban- I think you need to take a step back and ride out this ban for a good while and reconsider your behaviour and views towards others. I would however like to commend you for making an appeal, however I suggest that it should include more detail and remorse as I do not feel this appeal includes that. I do not believe your argument of someone else being involved validates your behaviour. Please have a serious think about your actions within this community.
  22. Vixx

    Player Report

    You were not accused of making a false ticket, you were told we could not approve or deny the claim. This is the image you sent us at the time of the sit. - This shows you entered your name on the NDA, meaning he therefore would know your name after you wrote it in this document.
  23. Vixx

    Player Report

    Hi there, myself and Aurelius von Phoenix were present in the sit room to try and resolve your concerns. This sit went around in circles for some time, however when you provided edit history to us we can see you entered your name. You claimed that he 'Forged' the document and 'Found out your name OOC'. - The edit history's contradicts this as we can see you write your name on the NDA. This shows that the individual in question Adler Burfast did not write your name and if he was unaware of your name, was able to see it on the NDA. (No proof was submitted to show he did not know your name) Something else worth mentioning, remember this could be a completely IC issue; he may have asked a colleague for your name, seen it on paperwork, or even if you RP'd '/me signs document' or something of that nature then technically he can sign it on your behalf OOC. Myself and Aurelius were unable to come to a resolve during this sit as neither parties could prove they didn't have 'F3's' or show substantial evidence. I would also appreciate if next time you are in a sit that you treat staff members with respect, as I did not appreciate being called the R slur by yourself.
  24. +1 Great guy - had allot of good times back when we both played before the revamp. On both staff team and IC.
  25. Thank you, Marshall, for the kind comment. I am reintegrated into the server anyways but I do agree with the stance that I have the experience. Hope you are well. I haven't seen you on the server as of recent!

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