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Senior Moderator
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Everything posted by Vixx

  1. Yes! I do! The name rings many bells.
  2. Whilst on the server yesterday morning I have found that a wall on the exterior of the RS is in fact no-collide, allowing you to enter through and see from an inaccessible area. I have enclosed a clip below, I am concerned in case it is possible that it can be shot from or used to evade RP. Regardless, still a map issue that should be resolved! https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ic3eAkXV8YRACuI6e/d1337SUnzxwc?invite=cr-MSwwUGQsMTkzMTAxODg3LA
  3. I don't recognise you either! I have been very active on the old version and have been on non stop for almost a week now, strange we haven't crossed paths!
  4. NEUTRAL This is a valid point, many factions have this issue - however the problem is that the salaries are scripted in with the player models, so some CO's get paid NCO salaries and so on so fourth. I think its a valid point to raise, however I am unsure of how easy it would be to amend. However I disagree about the different branches equalling the same pay - different branches do different jobs, therefore opening up the prospect that different jobs pay different salaries.
  5. Much like his demeanor, Baumer is mysterious but deadly. His family rightfully so should also be mysterious... Forever keeping us guessing.
  6. Neutral Not currently a necessary mechanic and may just add more hassle, however in the future if a hunger meter is added I could see this being more beneficial.
  7. -1 Previously removed as it was not accurate to the Roleplay situations on Prometheus. To my understanding it still is not viable, player models and variations are fine - it is up to individual players to change their face model etc.
  8. -1 Useless mechanic, options are avaliable for CO's to open tickets and request promotions. Leave it as is, means Staff have tickets and keeps the current process streamlined.
  9. +1 I like these ideas, I have +I'd- however I think it should be up to Whoreson and accompanying scripters and modellers to decide whether it would be viable and if it would benefit the server. Unfortunately some entities, if not used often can lead to lag and server performance issues, so if Civs wouldn't actively use some of these then I don't see it benefiting the server to a degree.
  10. Neutral I think this is a cool concept, however I don't see it actually being functional or purposeful in game. Currently there are no situations where you are required or would feel obligated to remove your cap.
  11. Vixx

    Fishing Vendor Bug

    After assessing some of the new systems and features within the revamped map, I have discovered a bug with the fishing vendor. After a player has completed their fishing, when they wish to sell their catch to the vendor, all fish can be sold and will appear in the 'sell' box apart from the following; Geoducks, Anchovys, Greenland Sharks, Bass, Pirahna and Humbolt Squids. These items will still be present in a players inventory if caught, however are unable to be sold to the corresponding vendor as they do not appear in the 'sell' box.
  12. Thank.you very much Bowlpack, look forward to seeing you around Berlin soon.
  13. Neutral Good application, however I feel it is lacking in some places. By your write up sounds as though you could have more involvement also.
  14. +1 Good application with integrity and a want to learn, with some work I think they could prosper on the Prometheus staff team.
  15. Appreciate it, thank you very much.
  16. Thank you very much! We had allot of good times as staff.
  17. Appreciate that, I disagree but also understand your outlook. You are completely right in a sense and I do need to reconnect with the new community. I am working hard to do so, and maybe I do need more time. But we shall see. Thank you!
  18. Hi there! No problem at all, thank you for your advice and input. I am working on it as we speak as I was online last night and joined the KSB in the Kaiserliche Sicherheitsburo. Online right now too trying to reconnect with some old friends.
  19. Appreciate the kind words! No denying it's been a while but so ready to come back with my all.
  20. Steam Name: littleman175 SteamID32: 76561198373592789 Discord Username/ID: ottoothman Timezone: GMT Age: 19 Time Played (check with !time): Unsure - Nothing since server reset but used to be highly active as a former staff mod and RP'er before the big reset. 3+ weeks before reset, playing avidly since this application was published to increase my playtime again. Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): User Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I am aiming to reimplement myself back into the community to the best of my abilities. I have been commenting and inputting in many different Forums on the Prometheus website. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Saito has helped me with formatting of my application. Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Saito, Aurelius von Phoenix Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: NEW TIMELINE CHAR - Otto Othman -In the Kaisergarde, rank of Stabsfeldwebel. Currently working with CO's to help recruit other citizens to the faction and work towards improving it. Been appointed 'Head NCO' to help manage lower ranks within the Faction. My daily tasks vary from Marches, Training, Recruiting and attending official events to guard VIP's. I also spend allot of time when not doing work for the KG during early hours helping other players and engaging with the community during downtime. How long have you been roleplaying?: Around 5 years. - Consistently for 2. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have never received any Notes, Bans or Infrictions. - I have checked with staff. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have previous experience within the GMod and Nutscript. I was a moderator with Prometheus roughly six months ago, I worked as staff for a good few months and put my all into the role. I would like to start a new with the server refresh and timeline change as I am again available and ready to give allot of my time to the role and the community I love. - I was saddened to have to turn in my role as Moderator due to my family commitments, however, rest assured I am now free and available to fill this role, working as hard as I can to help Prometheus and its community. I require no training; but rather a refresh if the system is the same as when I was a Moderator a few months back. If not I am more than happy to learn it. (We went from the old to the new system when I was a Mod) Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I should be picked for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team as I have previous experience within the server and in old timelines. I am friendly with allot of members of the Prometheus servers and regardless of my absence am still known to some from the old instances of WW2 RP. I value the server and spent countless happy hours, days and weeks RP'ing within it. I aim to bring back my quality and character to the staff team and strive to work towards what I was once able to achieve within the Prometheus Servers. An argument I stated in my first app and one I will mention again, I believe I can be an asset to the Staff Team as I understand allot of activity can be in EST zones, and I am GMT. I am able to be active throughout both time zones, therefore opening up avenues to be online when the server is less active and staff may not be present or very far and few between. The most important aspect for me is that everyone should be able to enjoy their time on the server and that if things go wrong of if questions need answered, I can be there to assist and streamline a players experience on this amazing server. I want to provide others with the joy and fun I had in the server, and if it means answering questions or figuring out how I can help - I am more than happy to assist and hopefully make their experience as enjoyable as mine has been. I believe I am good at teambuilding and find it easy to build bridges and relationships as I once did in my past timeline on Prometheus. I find it easy to build relations within the server. I can't wait to hear my outcome and hopefully work towards maintaining Prometheus's kind and prosperous community. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: A moderator is someone within the server who helps people out, they stay in the background and assist when they are needed/requested. Whether it be a simple question, an unfair situation or help resolving a glitch they are always there to help when someone needs them. Moderators are also responsible for listening to the party regardless of their own personal feelings and help to rectify the issue at hand with no bias towards the individuals, closing the relevant situation with fairness and with ease. They use the Prometheus guidelines and advice to keep within the correct rules and guidelines to ensure they are on the right track if disputes may arise with players. Within the position, Moderators always uphold a high standard of behaviour where they are respectful, mature and understanding to all people on the server regardless of the players playtime, experience or character. They can also give out advice to players if necessary and watch over players to make sure no rules are being broken or bent to someone's playstyle which could be against the servers rules and regulations. (Pasted from my old app, however this is exactly what I feel should be wrote, it is my words and only mine.) Notes: I hope some of you remember me, 'Vixx', and will be able to remember a time where I helped you. Or even in RP as one of my lost to time chars!!

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