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Everything posted by Prime

  1. Approved. Dont ALT again. Next time you will not be unbanned.
  2. Closed due to situation resolved.
  3. Locked due to having 2 appeals up
  4. Prime

    PK Appeal

    Hello, This was during the civil war where the military had the NSB trapped in their spawn and were being mass detained. During this time you ran around with your fists out and broke FearRP 3 times. I'll leave the choice up to another member of UA but you had decided to breaking FearRP multiple times. This following the guideline of your PK.
  5. Prime

    pk appeal

    Accepted. I was involved in the situation, and he had zero involvement on what he got PKd for. Your character is unPKd
  6. After reading the court report your appeal has been Accepted. You have been unPkd. [EDIT] After I went to unPK your character it seems you had deleted your character. Changed to denied due to the character no longer existing
  7. Denied, Your ban has already expired.
  8. Accepted. You will take a demotion to Leutnant. Next time dont start a gunfight and then die.
  9. Accepted. I see no valid reason for you to be PKd. You have been unPKd
  10. We are aware of the issue and is currently being looked into. Thank you for the report.
  11. Prime


    Valid. Player will be spoken too.
  12. Prime

    Ban Appeal

    You can serve out the rest of your ban. Denied.
  13. Accepted. Ensure next time you don't break FearRP when being surrounded by 20 people. Consider this a warning. You have been unPKd.
  14. Prime

    Ban appeal

    Accepted. You asked to untie them but received a ban for this. Please ensure you read up on the rules before rejoining the server. You have been unbanned.
  15. Prime

    Ban appeal

    Denied. Make an appeal in 14 days time with a decent apology.
  16. Accepted. You have been unbanned. Next time consider your actions and think about what you do
  17. Prime

    get a life losers

    Loser mode Activated. Denied.
  18. Accepted. Contact a member of Upper Administration in game to receive your rank.
  19. Accepted Follow the template next time, you have been unbanned from the discords
  20. Prime

    Fishing Vendor Bug

    Thank you for letting us know. This will be resolved shortly.
  21. Prime

    PK Appeal

    Accepted. You were hit within the crossfire of your subordinate breaking FearRP. There were no grounds for a PK. Your character has been unPKd.
  22. Prime

    ban appeal

    Accepted. Reminder not to affiliate yourself with cheaters.

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