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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/24 in all areas

  1. Character's name & rank: Konrad Göth, Konteradmiral SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:536630841 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime Explain why you were PK'd: On orders of NHC, I believe for a MOI raid that took place about 2 days ago Why should you be un-PK'd?: There are a lot of reasons why I believe that this PK wasn't just. It starts off with my detainment. I was killed by an (I believe aimbotting) RDM'ing Minge Civ who was screaming the N-Word while killing me, forcing me to respawn. At the back of the BB right where I spawned, I was looking up his ID to take further action; however, it was then that, all of a sudden, a Polizeianwärter of the LaPo pulled a gun to my head and tied me up. He then removed my uniform and dragged me to the MOI. At the MOI I would be held in a room for, in total, about 1 hour and 40 minutes, most of the time blindfolded, and only really interacted with whenever the 15-minute timer was running. Until a NSB agent entered the room and informed me that I deserved to die because I had been too antagonistic towards the MOI and for "running to the MOI with a gun, attempting to shoot people." After that, he shot me. The main reason behind the NHC order, as far as I know, was an NSB case file against me for having the GSD Chief detained and apparently being near the MOI while it was being raided. I never ordered a raid on the MOI, nor is that being claimed in any document in the NSB casefile. The situation was that the LaPo detained a Fregattenkapitän, and I requested the GSD chief and demanded from him to have the Fregattenkapitän released because there was never a warrant for him and his detention violated the Interior and War Ministers agreement. The GSD Chief then said that the Fregattenkapitän has been released, after which I was told to speak with one other Oberst and Oberstleutnant of the Military. They told me that their men would be ready to raid and were awaiting my green light. I told them that my man has already been released and I therefore have no reason to have the MOI raid, but then they told me that the NSB still had detainees of the Military inside their cells. When I confronted the GSD General regarding that, he denied that claim and said that my man had been released. Then, however, the GSD Chief decided to go outside the MOI alone while being heavily outnumbered for some reason. When I then had him surrounded, some men tied him up. I don't recall directly ordering his detainment, but I did have him surrounded and didn't stop the men that tied him and dragged him to the Bendlerblock. At that point, I had achieved everything I could have possibly wanted, since I personally didn't really believe the Oberst and Oberstleutnant, since I thought that they just wanted to bait me so that they'd be able to raid something and shoot people. I was getting ready to leave the area, but some enlisted kept opening the side gates, provoking the KG, even though they had no orders to do so. Then I believe it was the KG who opened fire on the members of the Heer and Marines. They then all started to shoot each other and automatically started to storm the building. I made broadcasts to report to the left MOI gate, but only after the MOI had opened fire and never gave direct orders to raid the building. It were the enlisted who started the entire situation, not the actual Roleplay. Since my man was already released at that point, I had no reason to order the raid on the MOI. There were only a combined of 3 incident reports and witness statements, from the entirety of the MOI that was present, in the case file as evidence against me. Furthermore, in the NSB casefile that was made against me, my department was constantly referred to as "Kriegsmarine". That term is outdated in this timeline, and therefore it is questionable if the casefile itself should even be considered IC, as it is mainly filled with a FailRP term. Lastly, my PK was not used as a last resort. I was never taken to court, never summoned, and I was never actually interrogated, questioned, or even spoken to or communicated with in any way shape or form about the things that I had done before I was PK'd. I was instead left blindfolded in a room, stuffed props (hot dogs) into my mouth, and paraded around the MOI lobby to play with the NSB-Generaldirektor in the MOI fountain as his "pet". Additional Information: My death that lead up to my detainment: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/2ddbMemydQjI-f/d1337jeS6gKJ?invite=cr-MSxROGosMTgwMTgyMzk0LA
    1 point
  2. +1 I've interacted with you before and only have good things to say.
    1 point
  3. Wow. You really don't learn do you? Now you can reappeal in two months.
    1 point

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