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Character's name & rank: Friedhart Thone, GroBadmiral, Minister of War SteamID32: 76561198123978789 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Virus Explain why you were PK'd: From the information I have been told by Virus I was "Couped" no other information regarding the pk was given nor has it been given despite requests, and what I can decern from Saito (Who conducted the PK) is that I was pkd because I was and I quote "not good enough for the position of Minister of War" and was hiding away during a civil war (Which makes sense I'm NHC why would I go out and get myself killed). Why should you be un-PK'd?: First of all, let's start off with this "coup" there were a multitude of other ways that could have been played out, my character did nothing to deserve to be killed by Saito or for a manor of fact really anyone within the PK guidelines, there are really only a handful of people who I know who may have had potential pks on me, but none of them would apply in this situation as it would be under grief (Which requires the people in question to perform the PK themselves), a coup doesn't mean to kill everyone apposed to you, I could have simply been allowed to leave or better yet, negotiate for someone else to take my place, but no instead you went straight for the gun, bloodless coups exist and have happened, you just used the "Oh we're couping him" excuse to kill my character needlessly. There was absolutely no reason why my character should have been killed in this situation. Furthermore this coup was one person shooting me and two of my guards further that's not a coup not on the slightest, I call this "Coup" a blatant cover for what it is, a blatant violation of the PK guidelines by members of the community who think they can twist the PK guidelines to their advantage, playing the rules as it were, murdering someone for their position and job because their "slow" or because they don't "fit the role" they are in is not within the PK guidelines and is outright ridiculous. Furthermore the civil war (Which Saito on his Kai Kaiser character started BTW) had ended and a ceasefire was called, therefore that cannot be the reason for me being pked either, we had finished fighting with the MOI 10 minutes prior and where about to meet a peace summit at the Reichstag. We had effectively won the civil war and then he decides to shoot me down? Where's the logic in that? Furthermore under Generalrule 26. It also clearly states that you cannot kill your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. PK GUIDELINES 3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. 5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. 6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job. GENERAL RULES 25. You may not plan the assassination of your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. You must have a detailed reason for wanting them dead that is in accordance with PK guidelines. This was not a PK of last resort, as you made no attempt to come talk to me about the issue of which you know very well I would have talked about, so does just about everyone else in the server. Hell we didn't even have any bad previous talks with each other, you just decided out of nowhere to shoot me, after complaining about how you lost around 2 million in a civil war of your own making, of which I offered to pay back. This was no unreasonable, you made no attempt to resolve it and went straight to killing me. 4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. Fact of the matter is, this pk, shouldn't have happened in the first place based on the information I have been given and is in clear violation of the PK guidelines and General Rules of the community. If the issue arises regarding the fact that to much time has passed I will happily cede Minister of War and command of the Armed Forces, I just want my character that I have spent 3-5 months on back and to be given a fair shake when it comes to this dodgy PK. Additional Information:11 points
Ill just re-paste this from when i typed this in the staff chat months ago Dear @Major Whoreson , We the people understand that you're not a big fan of large maps, but we believe reintroducing the forest area could really enhance the immersive experience on the server, especially given its political and imperialistic roleplay setting. The forest area opens up unique possibilities. It’s not just an aesthetic change; it would allow factions to interact with the environment in meaningful ways. Dynamic Police Chases: Expanding the map would give police units and criminals more room to maneuver, making for longer, more exciting chases. The forest could serve as a tactical advantage for both sides, whether it’s hiding from pursuit or setting up roadblocks and ambushes. Exploration and Adventure: Having the outer city forest provides a great area for players who enjoy driving and exploring. It could serve as a secluded meeting place for political plots, illegal deals, or secret military maneuvers, making every corner of the map feel more alive and unpredictable. We totally understand your concerns about map size and server performance, but we believe that with proper balancing, the benefits could outweigh the drawbacks. It could breathe new life into the server’s roleplay experience. Thank you for considering our thoughts! We know you're dedicated to making the server the best it can be, and we hope you'll give this idea another thought. Yours Truley, SkibidiSigmaLunchlyHawkTuahCostcoStillwaterMango8559 points
You are quite literally a neo Nazi who had a schizo rage fit that we removed swastikas. You have fabricated 99% of your post in some grand scheme to make it seem as if this has something to do with store items or money or something of the sort, I am unsure. You were initially banned for just constantly complaining and causing issues about the move away from any Nazi paraphernalia. Which in and of itself is deranged, but you did not stop there, you have a literal shrine to Hitler in your room. You are not mentally well. No one reading this thinks you are a normal human being. You are sick. I hope you get the help you need. You are quoting Karl Marx for Christ's sake. This is Gmod. This is a Gmod server forums page. And you are here, writing a novel about global neo-liberal sex change propaganda and homosexuality. Reevaluate your life.9 points
I unhid your post as it was hidden by a UA member. We have nothing to hide here. The item on Steam had listed in the description, "I have given up on this project feel free to use it as you wish." The description was since changed as you realized a server with numbers was using it and sought to strong arm me into something. It's moronic, and it will go nowhere. You're a do nothing nobody loser. And I have nothing to hide from my community. Can't wait to see you using all of my models and assets! Eat my nuts troglodyte retard!8 points
I'm not the smelly fishy cunt who is begging to be unbanned from a place that hates her. Disgusting muppet.7 points
Steam Name: Sparrow SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:49329452 Discord Username/ID: stevensparrow Timezone: PST Age: 20 Time Played (check with !time): 2 Months 1 week Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): DONATOR Do you have a mic & will you use it?: YES Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Consistently active on the server, Ghost reader on the forums, reading a lot of various applications and appeals for knowledge and entertainment, will provide appropriate and relevant replies on forum posts moving forward, if approved for a staff position Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Recruited by Brownpug Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): BrownPug, Mr. History, Kalizar, Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Minsterialdirigent Steven Sparrow - A Member of the KAG staff team and labor ministry, responsible for assisting in the establishment and upkeeps of various businesses. Owner of Sparrow Group LLC which provides dupe construction and design all across the city as well as the running of various private storefronts, currently running a sole proprietorship at Medium Shop 2 called The Raven Cigar Lounge. Steven is a man of the people, he exists to bring a good time to others and to give back through philanthropy, business investment, and design/construction services. Leuntnant Brutus Lufthansa - A Richter for the Military/War Courts. Brutus is tasked with presiding over court trials and rendering appropriate Justice for cases, often at odds with NSB in roleplay due to trials where NSB break into ICC and disputes over legality/rights to take action come to center stage. Ministerialdirigent Dr. Wolfgang Hochstetter Formerly known as Ghengis Googenheimer - The Chief Physician of the DRK. This char has a command position in the DRK reporting directly to the DRK President he oversees the administration of medical services, making sure other members produce medicines on a consistent schedule, provide appropriate care, and executing/ filing appropriate paperwork, handling recruitment tests, and of course general medical RP such as patient evaluations, blood drive administration. ETC. Assistant Orlock der Wolfsbane: A member of the ministry of procurement, had a small stint as an arms distributor before being temporarily incapacitated due to silver, holy water, garlic, and wooden stakes. No more information is available… How long have you been roleplaying?: Over 2 years on Prometheus I have been a member since July of 2023. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: The only infractions I have are for what are labeled as “Prop Abuse” however I would argue my case is unique as I have never abused props in the common way such as flinging cars, prop killing players by dropping a heavy prop on them etc. My notes are for creating and using complicated original contraptions such as Helicopters, Amusement Park rides, etc. To prevent myself from getting in trouble for these, I have had to make sure the contraptions I design and build are not flying machines or overly disruptive/no Role play value. The last infraction I got for this was months ago I believe for giving people a ride on my chopper, however I have had a clean record since then albeit a few recent vocal warnings about using a hot air balloon dupe. I have never had notes for RDM or NITRP, etc. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience do you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have no direct experience on a Public Gmod Server but have hosted a private sandbox server in the past that made use of many of the administrative addons and commands used by other Public Gmod servers. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I have been a member of this community for nearly two years now. In that time I have seen many players and staff come and go and have studied the ins and outs of the server, the community, the lore, the right way to play, and the wrong way to play. I believe that my knowledge, maturity, and personal demeanor of being a calm, rational, and team-work oriented person would be an asset for the community. I believe my ability to consider all rational variables in a given situation such as a ticket being made by a player, would be handled with an appropriate, accurate and reasonable manner. I believe I do not operate on EGO but on principle, I have no tolerance for liars and people that abuse their power or abuse others and break the rules for their own fun. I stand on these principles and in that spirit believe I would make a strong addition to the team. I have been approached by a few staff members in the past asking me if I was interested in joining the staff team and my reply was that I was not in a position at the time to apply because I felt I would not be able to commit enough time to the duties of the position, however that has changed. I would also like to note that I can be an asset for the staff team during late hours as considering my time zone, I would be available to be on during hours when the rest of the community is asleep and where no staff are usually available. I believe I have a strong moral compass and ability to work well with others which is a valuable and required trait of any staff member since we are a team. I have pride in my people skills and know that they would be an asset to the administration of this server. I would work to not punish (unless required and appropriate for offenses committed) but educate and guide players on the rules and proper ways of enjoying the server. Directing them to appropriate forum channels for further knowledge, providing them with answers to their OOC questions. I feel for all of these reasons, I should be chosen to join the staff team. Thank you for your consideration! What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: As a staff member for Prometheus Networks, my job would be mostly to make sure the server stays fun and fair for everyone. My duties would be to help keep the roleplaying experience enjoyable by making sure everyone is following the rules and making sure no one ruins it for others, whether they’re trolling or just messing around. I would also make sure there’s no racism or anything else inappropriate that could make the server look bad or even get us blacklisted such as blatant use of slurs or other banned expressions/content/player actions. If there’s a problem, ie. Someone breaking the rules or someone needs clarification on something, I’d handle it through support tickets and try to fix things through mediation, providing information or direction for questions, confusion, or any other required administrative intervention to maintain the positive and rule-bound role playing sense within the server. If someone keeps causing trouble, I’ll take action, like giving them appropriate warnings, notes, or even banning them if it’s serious. Consultation with fellow staff for the best way to move forward should also be considered to make sure we are representing and administrating the server professionally and in unison.5 points
It's the holiday season and instead of spending time with your family you are spewing garbage on our forums multiple times per day. Seeing as this is just going to continue you are now banned from the forums until March 1st 2025. Happy new year!5 points
Description of the idea: Previously, the attachment system for the ArcCW weapons the server is currently using was locked behind Frontlines VIP, something that was never really bought in the first place and now no longer exists due to the death of the old website. Why should this be added?: This should be added due to some guns just acting funky without certain attachments. The Thompson comes without a stock, and 20 rounds of .45 acp will just spray out of the gun like a hose on mist with no real sense of accuracy. The reintroduction of attachments would allow for varied play styles and just the fun addition of player led customization. What negatives could this have?: Any buffs caused by attachments are easily countered by their downsides, such as equipping a heavy stock on the Thompson giving you -50% recoil but also slowing you down by 3% and worsening handling by 25%. Overall, I think reintroducing attachments could really improve general player life on the server by allowing for fun customization and slightly more autistic gun min-maxing. Additional information:5 points
5 points
Character's name & rank: Gustav von Richthofen - Generalmajor SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:66149663 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime Explain why you were PK'd: It was during an armed confrontation against the MOI in front of Fishing. Why should you be un-PK'd?: I believe i should be un pk'd because of circumstance and rp zones, i also believe i was discriminated against for my culture and language, multiple members that are Brazilian were discriminated against by the moi and nsb and i believe i as targeted for my language and culture, I personally have nothing against to be called "Brazilian", but there are certain things that shouldn't be said, and one of the clips proves this, being to discriminate on the level that was done by certain people, I personally disagree with their attitude, to several people of other ethnicities and languages on the server and nothing happens to them. Along with this, members of Heer were also approached in fishing animation by members of the MOI. Additional Information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwux5burfEc https://youtu.be/YOvP-TQHYF8?t=3 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iiNjk00ECA5jTnh_M/d1337SXsTWQl?invite=cr-MSxxWDAsMTgwMTgyMzk0LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ijaloVmFd0wCVynST/d1337JtbCPen?invite=cr-MSxIRGIsMjUyMjg1ODM5LA https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ijajYmvTy4A5N9Qh-/d1337GsAuEIi?invite=cr-MSxOb3gsMjUyMjg1ODM5LA5 points
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5 points
First, the title is pretentious and demonstrates you do not have a unbiased view of this situation and are clearly quite upset. I don't know who you think you are or who you think Radec is, but this is a 1940's GMOD server, it is truly not that serious to say the "downfall" of anybody. Really odd and strange behavior. Also, as stated in the rules, not all fearRP breaks are PK's, they can be rank demoted or temp PK'd. Rank demotions are not something I find too great, and have recently changed to doing more temp PK's if a full PK is not called for. However, Prime has just recently returned from quite a long LOA and was not aware of this new policy You never state why you attempted to mug Radec or place him under fearRP, it just seems like you...did? With no clear RP reasoning behind it. After asking about you with several players and other staff members, I was unanimously informed by every single one that you are a "known retard who mugs everybody because you're an idiot". Their words, not mine. The concensus seems to be that you really are not trying to RP anything and are just running around like an idiot trying to instigate and then use the rules to punish people. We don't do that sort of thing here! This isn't some mega corporation bound by a stock price or a HR team that must abide by the whims of every whiney and pathetic loser who yaps and cries. Your nonsense is pretty easy to see through and I would suggest not wasting my time or the UA's time further with such a pathetic hit piece. Denied.4 points
Description of the idea: There are a number of sandbag props that cannot be spawned/are blacklisted. Specifically these: models/props_fortifications/anzio_sandbags_destroyed.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner1.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner1_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner2.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_corner2_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line1.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line1_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line2.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbags_line2_tall.mdl models/props_fortifications/sandbag.mdl Why should this be added?: We used to have these props on the old server, but no longer have them now. These are just generic sandbag props, and I don't have a clue why they are blacklisted. People have old dupes (myself included) that used these props. I cannot really find any good sandbag props that are currently available on the server, and adding these back would be very nice, since the RP on the server does revolve around military, war, firefights etc. So all in all, sandbags are very much missed in 1940rp. What negatives could this have?: Beats me. Additional information: These are the photos fo the props. Images: https://imgur.com/a/0rvIUni Edit: fixed to conform to template4 points
Steam Name: A guy named_Cj SteamID32: 272049864 Discord Username/ID: aguynamed_cj Time Played (check with !time): 2d 2h 16m (please sky gods have mercy) Basic Information Section Name of Organization: The Commune Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand): 9 Type Of Organization (Family, Enterprise, Gang, etc): Political terrorist group Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): German Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: The civilian RP in Prometheus can get very tiring and boring after a while, which is why I've created the KPD. It can give civilians and even the government more interesting RP experiences, the government could be fighting other people instead of themselves, guarding, patrolling, and setting up checkpoints. The experience I want to bringe is not just so we can kill people, it’s so we can actually do something, rather than what I just stated. Because if you ask regular civilians and enlisted, if they think it’s boring, they will most likely say yes. That is why I believe our group should be approved, thank you for considering us. Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: In an alternate history where Germany emerged victorious from World War I, the Commune took shape as a clandestine revolutionary organization in response to post-war social upheaval and economic disparity. Formed in 1919, the Commune operated underground, espousing Marxist principles and advocating for radical change through direct action and subversion against the state. Led by charismatic leaders versed in Marxist ideology, the Commune attracted disaffected intellectuals, factory workers, and disillusioned veterans. Fueled by grievances over economic inequality and perceived injustices, the party employed tactics ranging from strikes and sabotage to targeted attacks on symbols of capitalist power. Operating in a climate of heightened repression and surveillance, the Commune became labeled as a terrorist group by the government and conservative factions. Despite efforts to suppress them, the Commune persisted, maintaining a decentralized network across urban centers and industrial hubs. Their activities sparked fear among the ruling class and polarized public opinion, shaping the narrative of class struggle in a Germany reshaped by military victory. This alternate history highlights how different geopolitical outcomes could have catalyzed extremist movements and altered the course of European politics in the early 20th century. Notes: N/A4 points
4 points
Steam Name: BattyDestroyer-3000 SteamID32: 76561199045826843 Discord Username/ID: battydestroyer_3000/Pavel Zhukov Time Played (check with !time): 1w 2d 19h 50m Name of Organization: SED (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands) Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand); Chairman: Pavel Zhukov Vice Chairman: Anon von Huasser Chief of Finance: Eugene Vogt General Secretary: Hans Kroenen Chief of Main Office: Wolfgang Richter Chief of Propaganda: Peter Davison Chief of Central Security: Mieczysław Kosmowski Chief of Paramilitary: Vladimir Adropov Chief of Party Police: Iov Alexev Chief of Intelligence: Karl Ruprecht Kroenen Type Of Organization : Political Party Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): Russian Influence, German Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: I feel in these past few weeks that there has been a real lack of something to do, very little investigations and especially in the military there's no one to shoot. I'm bored of fighting our very own government (other factions). But I'm not exactly looking to make a terrorist faction however there will be elements that require fighting like how the actual soviet union came to power, common thuggery like gambling, mugging such and such. I want a genuine political party that influences genuine roleplay and creates something new and exciting. Minges will not be tolerated in my faction and I will to everything possible to ensure that server rules are followed by my colleges, if not I will be forced to remove them from the faction. I want to do everything in my power to ensure that the party does not crumble in a matter of days. I would like to make it clear that I have no intent in other throwing the throne (Would literally be impossible anyways) or disrupting and creating issues I simply want to make a new roleplay experience that everyone can enjoy. On top of that with the recent news of a Russian terror I feel as if this party will only add to the servers history, and make an experience that isn't just on paper and will spark a genuine contribution to the current news and be a real threat to berlins current situation. Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: I'm still deciding on what I will do with the party however I have a few suggestions that I will like to introduce. Underground arms trade, this will be the heavy use of the sewers in order to arm party members with weapons in an attempt to gain power. After gaining influence I would like to involve myself in political conferences. I would also like to add business like gambling and possible drug dealing (I heard they might be bringing back drugs, not sure if that's true though). On top of that I would probably try and purchase factory's were I can hide weapons recruit workers etc. What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: A major far-left political party during the interwar period, an underground resistance movement in Imperial Germany. Founded in the aftermath of the First World War by socialists who had opposed the war, the party joined the Spartacist uprising of January 1919, which sought to establish a soviet republic in Germany. After the war the party saw a substantial uprising which was seen as a threat to the kaisers position and ordered the assassination of the SED's greatest leaders Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht and Leo Jogiches. Afterwards the party saw a catastrophic decline over 20 years, Because of this the 1920s saw the SED racked by internal conflict between radical and moderate factions, partly reflecting the power struggles between Joseph Stalin and Grigory Zinoviev in Moscow. The leadership of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands had requested that Moscow send Leon Trotsky to Germany to direct the 1923 insurrection. However, this proposal was rejected by the Politburo which was controlled by Stalin, Zinoviev and Kamenev who decided to send a commission of lower-ranking Russian Communist party members. Causing a chain reaction that almost collapsed the party and almost lead the party to be forgotten about. Until 1940 when Pavel Zhukov sought to revive the party and place them back on the podium. His ideologies have become popular with the people who believe that war with the Soviet union who are opposing themselves as a threat will crush Germany, And changing the government is the only way to keep the peace. Notes: My ideas are stilly being added and have to yet decide what I would like to do, also anyone who would like to get in contact my discord is battydestroyer_3000. I am in need of experienced leaders with knowledge of the servers politics and such so please let me know if you would like to get involved with the faction. If the faction does take it off I would also be very interested in creating unique character models for it. Thank you.4 points
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Hello, You seem mentally unstable. I have changed your ban to permanent as I don't think this is conducive of a healthly lifestyle for you. Goodbye!3 points
3 points
"Cat tried to jump out the window so I didn't have time to cooperate" that's a new one lol3 points
A few points. Coffee is a member of Upper Administration, and is permitted to issue punishments for situations he is a part of. Do not try to frame you placing toilet props outside a business is some 'RP skit'. It's you being a minge. Don't try and lie about that. The clip you provided and the explanation of the situation are completely at odds with eachother. Your clip doesn't show nearly enough context, and doesn't show Coffee doing anything inherently wrong based on whatever little context it does provide. Staff reports require much more evidence than this. This ban will remain on your record, and this complaint is denied in its entirety. If you're able to find more evidence to support this complaint, you may send me a DM over Discord (@ser_hound)3 points
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Prometheus is embowered by the people. We tell you what to do, not them. Bake the cake, and your ban will be lifted.3 points
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Approved The initial fear rp pk on Paul von Trapp was of course valid, the claim that he was a "childhood bestfriend" is debatable under the pk guideline of grief as it is described as "Mugging them, murdering one of their family members, etc". I don't think claiming someone was their childhood bestfriend is exactly covered under that, a commander sure or close partner that you work with on a daily basis could be considered. Additionally the individual was given multiple opportunities to release the prisoner at gunpoint and he chose to not abide by fear rp. I believe this puts Spitz in an odd situation where he is ordering someone who is a lower rank than him to let go of a prisoner and he continues to refuse while having two guns pointed at him. Claiming he doesn't follow their orders. If Berte's character cared so much for this individual why was he so busy screaming about "penis" and "succulent Chinese meals" while his childhood best friend's life was at risk? You would think he would attempt to persuade his friend not to throw his life away rather than scream like a moron up until his death. Also the logs show that Berte was blindfolded when Tables was shot.3 points
"If you offended by a document you are the one who needs help, not me" - LordVague after posting a eugenics document3 points
Tinky dongle zorpy glerp bop, fellow xyrlon zingle glerp! Zorp glerp bryl'zorn flix'talas yorp tinky tongle zorp xyrlon glerp'talas "Prometheus Networks," zorp bop flix'talas yorp "Major Whoreson." Tinky dongle zorpy glerp bryl'zorn xyrlon bop zorp glerp flix'talas yorp tinky tongle zorp xyrlon. Bop zorp glerp klynxyn bryl'zorn flix'talas yorp tinky tongle zorp xyrlon, zorp bop zorpy glerp doop bop glerp zorpy doop bop zorp glerp flix'talas zorpy doop bop. Fyntalas zorp bryl'zorn glerp xyrlon! Zingle glerp tinky dongle bop, xyrlon zorp klynxyn zorp! Glerp zorp bop flix'talas yorp "Flubbleblorp Networks" zorp, bryl'zorn glerp flix'talas yorp tinky tongle "Supreme Zonkmaster" zingle. Glerp zorp klynxyn tinky tongle zorp xyrlon bop zorpy glerp flix'talas yorp zingle tinky tongle zorp xyrlon. Bop, zorpy glerp klynxyn glerp flix'talas yorp zorp xyrlon, zorpy glerp klynxyn bop flix'talas tinky tongle zorp xyrlon. Fyntalas zorp glerp bryl'zorn zorp xyrlon! Zorp glerp tinky dongle bop zingle glerp! Zorp glerp bryl'zorn flix'talas yorp "Galactic Gizmos" zorp, bop zorp glerp flix'talas yorp zingle "Supreme Gadgeteer" zorp. Glerp zorp klynxyn tinky tongle zorp xyrlon bop zorp glerp flix'talas yorp zingle tinky tongle zorp xyrlon. Bop, zorpy glerp klynxyn glerp flix'talas yorp zorp xyrlon, zorpy glerp klynxyn bop flix'talas tinky tongle zorp xyrlon. Fyntalas zorp glerp bryl'zorn zorp xyrlon!3 points
+1 Vixx was a good member of staff prior to him leaving for personal shit. While I understand the whole "reintegrate" with the community shit, I don't think it really holds a point to a long-standing member. Members of staff are supposed to be unbiased; he has a history of staffing on the server nonetheless.3 points
3 points
Introduction Information Section Steam Name: Beach SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:60562422 Discord Username/ID: theoneandonlybeach Timezone: AWST Age: 18 Time Played (check with !time): 1W 1D 2H (Roughly 2 months on the old server box) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Saito Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Saito, Jack, Lord Doggo, CheekiThorax, Valyy Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Korpsleiter Guther Manheinz As Kommisar der Deutches Volkswachter, I am in charge of the Volkswacht in its entirety and the KSB, the intelligence wing of the party. My daily duties are to oversee the men, which, under my administration, have grown from a handful of no-hopers to a competent force to rival. I usually open the day with some training and address the command staff, then let the officers take charge to allow them to grow their leadership abilities. I plan to further expand the Volkswacht into a larger organization and expand its departments into fully functioning branches that can run autonomously to complete a goal or task. To do this, I will be working on the leadership, first picking out some competent commanders to take charge a bit more. Hanz Zimmerman Civilian I use to go around and participate in civilian businesses now and then. Specifically Tiny China which is my favorite store. How long have you been roleplaying?: I have been roleplaying for 4 years. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: I have been banned once permanently for my actions with Denning. To answer the second part of the question to prevent it I have simply stopped hanging out with morons who run shitty servers and just stuck with Prometheus. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? Prometheus - 1 Month, Moderator Revenant - 1 Month, Moderator R.I.P Unknown Networks - 6 Months, Owner Galaxy Networks (Australian Star WarsRP) - 5 Months, Staff Manager Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe I can provide a large amount of experience and dedication to the staff team. I worked previously on the staff team and felt I got along pretty well with most people, being able to contribute and help out with projects and players when needed. I like to think I can offer something to the team to help take on the tickets and tasks needed to help the server run smoothly for the player experience, allowing people to focus more on the roleplay and engage themselves with that rather than being distracted by the people who want to take away that experience for others. I am a long-timer, Larper, and I have spent a few too many hours on Garry's mod, so my experience in this gamemode revolves around the player's experience, not the enforcement of rules by the tee. Players need to have the opportunity to learn and understand the rule set before being removed from that opportunity, I think I can help players learn this and engage more with roleplay rather than punishing them and removing them. I think it's beneficial to have more staff spread out in different time zones as well. I know we have some great staff like Lord Doggo , but like everyone else, he is human and sometimes not on to staff the server during the later hours. I see a lot of people joining the server for the first time in these late hours, and without staff present, there can be cases of minges and an inability to get into a faction. I think providing more staffing during these hours can help get some more players on the server and help keep people playing. I am not the best larper, that is for sure. I have made mistakes in the past, which I am still working to make up for, but I believe if I participate in a team that is about improving the experience of the player on the server, I can give back to the server, which allowed me to come back. I am still thankful for the opportunity to come back and hang out with my friends again. It has been a long time since I was able to participate in meaningful roleplay that is actually fun, so I want to do everything I can to help protect and encourage that experience for others to enjoy. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: A staff member is the backbone of the server, running and enforcing the server rules and standard of roleplay. The position specifically moderator is allowed to take tickets to settle situations between players and make sure the rules are upheld to the best capacity factoring in human error. Moderators can also approve perma kills for civilians and oversee them, but they may not approve or oversee any other perma kill. A staff member is expected to be active and dedicated to the server, knowledgeable about the rule set, and able to enforce it in admin seats. A staff member is expected to be an upstanding member of the community, participating both on the server and in the forums. A staff member is also expected to be an example of roleplay on the server, being able to lead by example and show the standard of roleplay that should be passed down to future staff members.3 points
3 points
-1 "Behold, my heart cries: Wo unto this people. Come out in judgment, O God, and hide their sins, and wickedness, and abominations from before thy face!" Moroni 9:153 points
Denied. If you really had an issue with someone minge punching you, you should've made a ticket. Someone breaking a rule towards you doesn't give you the right to break a rule too. You are insufferable, you consistently annoy our staff team with silly, senseless issues, and you are extremely condescending.3 points
You started drama on a LaPo Character. Posted numerous retarded advertisements. Started a shootout then left the server once you were surrounded. You can stay banned, thank you! DENIED3 points
Hello, For clarification you didn't lose any items after (or because) you were shot, you requested to have the mugging voided because I shot you on accident and to be comped for everything mugged off you. I informed you that only UA has the ability to void entire situations, and that I personally do not possess the 4000 DM that you demanded as a compensation.3 points
3 points
3 points
As former Co-Owner, Head Admin, and Server manager of 5 of Joe King's 17 failed servers in the last month, I can test that he is a good man- Maybe a little slow- but a good man. Honestly, we might pick him up as a Moderator while we're at it, he has a lot of experience.3 points
Your Name: NSB-Hauptpolizeidiener Robert Fritz SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:573338216 Appeal Type: Apology. Which staff member banned you?: Wilhelm Winter How long is your ban for?: Perma. Why were you banned?: "Degenerate" saying "I cant help but laugh when children cry, it makes me aroused and relaxed at the same time." Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: Well, it wasn't mean in any sexual way, dear god no. It was meant that it brings happiness and fullfillment to my life when children cry over some stupid reasons like when they for example get shot, arrested or to get PK'd on character they've mained on for months. If it was however mistaken that it was in the other way, then I am sorry, it won't happen again. Additional Information: N/A3 points
What a weird way of saying you were mad you couldn't be a Nazi anymore. Denied.3 points
Oops, the Minister of Interior just bumped into me with his car, gotta MRDM all the passengers now, bummer!3 points
Hi. "Frontline VIP" does not exist anymore, and even if you had it, you'd be unable to use attachments as we don't have them in circulation in the server right now. This is something the UA team is still discussing.3 points
-1 fishing should be illegal. Jokes aside, I see no point in cooking the fish unless it's supposed to be some sort of legal business where you'd get an extra pay cooking the fish for selling them. If that's the case: +13 points
+1 this has happened to me before previously and it has video evidence2 points
2 points
+1 I was there, he was gonna get executed but instead deleted his char since he couldn't stay on and it was already dragging on and he let the ppl executing him know afaik.2 points