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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/24 in all areas

  1. Description of the idea: Previously, the attachment system for the ArcCW weapons the server is currently using was locked behind Frontlines VIP, something that was never really bought in the first place and now no longer exists due to the death of the old website. Why should this be added?: This should be added due to some guns just acting funky without certain attachments. The Thompson comes without a stock, and 20 rounds of .45 acp will just spray out of the gun like a hose on mist with no real sense of accuracy. The reintroduction of attachments would allow for varied play styles and just the fun addition of player led customization. What negatives could this have?: Any buffs caused by attachments are easily countered by their downsides, such as equipping a heavy stock on the Thompson giving you -50% recoil but also slowing you down by 3% and worsening handling by 25%. Overall, I think reintroducing attachments could really improve general player life on the server by allowing for fun customization and slightly more autistic gun min-maxing. Additional information:
    1 point
  2. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: ZombieFdvdf SteamID32: 76561198030080405 Discord Username/ID: zombiefdvdf Timezone: PST (GMT-7) Age: 21 Time Played (check with !time): 7h 34m (not counting old server time) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Donator Do you have a mic & will you use it?: Yes Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: Yes I am Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: No Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): Valy and Filipe Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: Wehrmann Edmund Weingaertner Part of the Deutscher Volkswachter and his duties are to guard the reichstag and many important party officials Grenadier Gerwulf Schneider Part of the KG and his duties are to patrol, recruit, and guard many important buildings hosting meetings or events such as the Reichstag or the Kaisers estate. How long have you been roleplaying?: Over 5 years Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: N/A Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode? I have been using Nutscript and ULX commands for a long time as a staff member back in the 1942rp server as a moderator and administrator. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team?[300 words or more]: I believe you should pick me for the staff team because in the past during my time in the 1942rp server I showed how much commitment and dedication i have to helping others within the server. I was always on when no other staff members were at late nights or early mornings assisting anyone in need that being either recruitment or discharges. I recognized some of the old staff team members so becoming part of the new staff team maybe us old dogs can show some tips and tricks to the new members arriving or learning ourselves. I feel like I could be a major asset in participation for events, assisting in tickets, and resolving any and all issues within the server that being big and small. I also have a lot of experience when it comes to the nutscript and ULX tools and logs in looking people up through for RDM, VRDM, and prop blocking/abusing. I feel like back then I inspired people into becoming staff members themselves or apply for trusted as it is a great step in responsibilities and also being able to deal with the minges or rulebreakers in a professional manner. Speaking of professionality I say I am best suited for the job. Through all experience I have always had an itch for other members of staff to be more professional when it comes to the sits as you control the sit not the other person. Being able to have a level of professionality and your own personality is what makes a staff member so memorable to others and I feel like I could go back to inspiring more individuals to joining the beloved team. I also appreciate the effort given by many staff members and I wish to assist in any way I can to help them grow, learn something new, make navigating the ULX/Nutscript easier, or them to even help me learn something I may not of known at first. I want to give my time to the staff, the server, and the community in enforcing the rules and negating minges from ruining a good time. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: I would take the duties for a staff member as being available and active within the community alongside assisting anyone in need. I see it as punishing those who threaten the server to inspiring those afflicted by minges to reporting properly to the right staff. I also see another duty in informing any individual that has questions of the server with 100% clarity and with facts instead of winging it and "thinking" what the answer could be and be wrong. Some responsibilities i would say is to represent not only yourself as a staff member but the community of prometheus in a respectable and professional organization with a server to take care of. I also see it as not abusing your authority and keeping it in the confines of your rank within the staff team that could be as simple as not going around and throwing objects or changing your playermodel to a wacky model and strolling the community. But I also see it as keeping control and order within the server as you have the power too but not to possibly punish the wrong individual and should speak up if you did so and take integrity into account. Notes: Thank you for reviewing and taking the time out of your day to looking at my staff application and I hope to join the team once more and give everyone my services!
    1 point
  3. Your Name: Kitz Wulf SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/ Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Windows 11 sucks ass. Which staff member banned you?: Coffee. How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: NITRP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: What server or global rule did I break to be banned? Please quote it directly from the rules here> Community Rules - Prometheus Networks Wiki (prn.gg) Additional Information: I broke into Baumer's play pen and pressed the secret button after my friend told me "ThErE's NO Ua oN PResS it PuSSy!" After I pressed the button and with the speed of a thousand autists Coffee instantly teleported to me and froze me. I told him I was sorry for pressing the button this has been my first time inside the building. He told me I was getting a note, I then promptly asked "can I press the button one more time" which triggered him. He then gave me a ban for 3 days.
    -1 points

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