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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/24 in all areas

  1. -1 go make another failed server
    5 points
  2. Steam Name: A guy named_Cj SteamID32: 272049864 Discord Username/ID: aguynamed_cj Time Played (check with !time): 2d 2h 16m (please sky gods have mercy) Basic Information Section Name of Organization: The Commune Number of Members (Minimum of 5, could expand): 9 Type Of Organization (Family, Enterprise, Gang, etc): Political terrorist group Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Japanese, German, etc): German Why should your organization be accepted? [100 words or more]: The civilian RP in Prometheus can get very tiring and boring after a while, which is why I've created the KPD. It can give civilians and even the government more interesting RP experiences, the government could be fighting other people instead of themselves, guarding, patrolling, and setting up checkpoints. The experience I want to bringe is not just so we can kill people, it’s so we can actually do something, rather than what I just stated. Because if you ask regular civilians and enlisted, if they think it’s boring, they will most likely say yes. That is why I believe our group should be approved, thank you for considering us. Provide an example of the unique roleplay your organization will bring to the server: What is the backstory of your organization? [200 words or more]: In an alternate history where Germany emerged victorious from World War I, the Commune took shape as a clandestine revolutionary organization in response to post-war social upheaval and economic disparity. Formed in 1919, the Commune operated underground, espousing Marxist principles and advocating for radical change through direct action and subversion against the state. Led by charismatic leaders versed in Marxist ideology, the Commune attracted disaffected intellectuals, factory workers, and disillusioned veterans. Fueled by grievances over economic inequality and perceived injustices, the party employed tactics ranging from strikes and sabotage to targeted attacks on symbols of capitalist power. Operating in a climate of heightened repression and surveillance, the Commune became labeled as a terrorist group by the government and conservative factions. Despite efforts to suppress them, the Commune persisted, maintaining a decentralized network across urban centers and industrial hubs. Their activities sparked fear among the ruling class and polarized public opinion, shaping the narrative of class struggle in a Germany reshaped by military victory. This alternate history highlights how different geopolitical outcomes could have catalyzed extremist movements and altered the course of European politics in the early 20th century. Notes: N/A
    1 point
  3. "Preventing other players from being able to use it" after giving away exploited money to 15+ other players. Retard.
    1 point
  4. Denied. Make an appeal in 14 days time with a decent apology.
    1 point
  5. Loser mode Activated. Denied.
    1 point
  6. +1 Lots of good interactions over the past week + previous staffing experience.
    1 point
  7. What is wrong with you? My advice to you is to start your sentence with an uppercase letter.
    1 point
  8. NITRP = No intent to roleplay ERP = Erotic Roleplay You would know what these mean if you read our rules... You also violated Global Rule #11 by using an alternate account in an attempt to evade the ban on 5/3/24. Your appeal will need more effort put into it along with an explanation for the alt evasion if this is actually an apology.
    1 point
  9. Hello. I am the staff member that banned you. You were saying in voice chat "I hate the jews we need to kill the jews I kill the jews" in that specific order. I initially banned you for little time and then I changed my mind with second opinions from senior staff members to have your ban extended to 1 WEEK for the severity and the repetition of what you said. I think this ban is perfectly fair.
    1 point
  10. Wrong steam id format
    1 point
  11. Denied. Remake the appeal following the template
    1 point
  12. Denied. You have many POs for RDM and it seems that you have not learned your lesson. Just because you were "a bit angry and sad" that you got PK'd does not justify you getting online to RDM other players and break the server rules. I'd recommend reading the server rules during your ban.
    1 point
  13. Use the Ban Appeal Template or this will be denied
    1 point
  14. Denied. Two things: If you're directly involved in an RP situation and you need to leave the server, you should be asking a staff member. Especially if you're receiving a PK... Deleting your character early to avoid being physically PKed is a violation of PK guidelines.
    1 point
  15. I don't think so. The first time you did it, I gave you a stern warning. Didn't take you more than a few weeks to try it again. Looks to me like you've been given all the chances anyone would ever need.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Denied Appeal in 3 days with an apology. After speaking with Cravfe you deserved to be banned.
    1 point
  18. Denied. you and your friends were acting like morons all day. take a break and dont make stupid comments in ooc.
    1 point
  19. Denied. Not funny didnt laugh
    1 point
  20. Denied. In my eyes a 1 day ban is a fair punishment for what you did. To make it clear you cannot just RDM / VDM other players because they are AFK.
    1 point
  21. Hi there, I hope you're well. I took you into a sit after the poor fella complained about you AVDM'D him three times, and he showed me a clip, and you did not care about your actions. I tried to reason with you, but you merely brushed it off and thought you'd get away with a light warning, I suppose. You wouldn't run over a man daydreaming on the side of a road in real life, so why would you do it on a serious RP server? If you had acted with some form of guilt during the sit, I would've just warned you, but your sheer lack of responsibility for your actions prompted me to take further action. You cannot go around running who ever you please over AFK ( which he wasn't AFK) or not. I suggest you take from this situation that when a staff member speaks to you about your behaviours or actions, you should talk to them as if you're trying to reason with them. Do not just shrug it off and think you'll get away with it because you certainly will not. You wouldn't like it if it was the other way around and he was AVDMing you. I wish I could show the clip, but the link has expired because he even used his mic to speak to you to alert you to what you were doing, and you didn't care. Have a pleasant day. - V
    1 point
  22. Please post your steamid in this format STEAM_0:x:xxxxxx
    1 point
  23. Please post the steamid with this format STEAM_0:X:XXXXX
    1 point
  24. Introduction Information Section Steam Name: hambugler SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:551360735 Discord Username/ID: hambugler Timezone: EST Age: 16 Time Played (check with !time): 3w 3d 13h 56m (longer before reset) Your current rank(User/Donator/Trusted): Trusted Do you have a mic & will you use it?: I do and yes. Are you consistently active on the forums and server?: I'm obviously active on the server more, but I am consistently active on the forums and that would only increase with me being staff. Did anyone from the Recruitment Team assist you in making your application?: Saito Staff Recommendations (Sponsors will be asked to verify): just lavinder, Basic Information Section IC Character names, ranks, and brief overview of their duties/everyday activities in a list format: - Ministerialdirektor Josef Krausser: Chief of the Coalition Administrative bureau within the Partei-Hauptburo, takes care of most administrative action in the party as well as approving/denying transfers. - Staatssekretär Horatio Turbot: State Secretary in the Ministry of Procurement (Office B "Distribution"), manages distribution of weapons within the ministry and helps build relations with customers in the MOI, Military and volkswatch. - Gefrieter Flynn Krieger: Enlisted in the Kaisergarde, eventually plan to apply for KSD with this character but it was created a few days ago. - Grenadier Stuart Schäfer: Currently an Enlisted in the Feldjagers hopes to apply for MGD very shortly and do some intelligenceRP again. How long have you been roleplaying?: I've Been roleplaying for 4 years on FiveM and 3 years on GMod. Have you received any infractions i.e Notes/Bans? If so, what were they for and what could you have done to prevent getting them next time?: - RDM x7 (10/25/23)(11/1/23)(12/14/23)(12/27/23)(2/24/24) (At least in bans, probably more in notes): Almost every single one of the RDM bans/notes was completely intentional on my part and was blatant minging on my part as I knew what I was doing. For this I would just have to say that I quit this altogether and found actual enjoyment from RP'ing as different characters and I think that my track record would back this up considering I haven't been in a staff sit on the opposing end since my unban. - NITRP x5 (8/27/23)(9/25/23)(10/19/23)(11/1/23)(12/27/23) | Prop Minging x2: This is another situation with the RDM bans/notes and general 'mingery' it was my personal intention to act like this and I haven't since, I understand that this is something some can't look past in accepting a staff application but there was observed change on my part which is mainly why I believe I was allowed the trusted-flag in the first place. - Metagame: On the 10/25/23 ban I did metagame and it was caught which is why I don't know why it wasn't included in the ban message. This was a case where I tried to free one of my friends from the BB cells and RDM'd two of the people in and died. I got the information from a discord call I was in and refuted that it was metagame until it became apparent, and I eventually accepted it. This was a situation where I wasen't minging but still actively breaking the rules. To prevent this, I would (and have) simply play the gamemode normally and not try to seek any out of character benefit or cheat it in anyway. - Global Rule #1: I was messing with Jimmy on a minge char and was pissing him off intentionally by asking stupid questions and trespassing in his reichstag office. To prevent this in the future (and now) I have stopped minging and associating with the minge reputation and trying to get along with everyone since my unban. Staff Knowledge Section What previous experience so you have as a staff member either within Garry’s Mod or the Nutscript Gamemode?: Was mod on Icefuse's DarkRP server about 2 years ago now, which was my only modding experience and then I became inactive and quit the gamemode essentially all together because it became stale by the time I reached staff. Why do you believe we should pick you for the Prometheus Networks Staff Team? [300 words or more]: I am on late nights (normally past 12:00 AM) which is arguably when staff is most needed, not just because of the rule breaking that happens most of the time but also when some people need model/faction/name changes or have any general questions. There is of course pantheon button spamming, prop minge and RDM that happens later in the night which can get incredibly annoying when there is no staff on to take care of it which is why having active staff during this time will help roleplay stay somewhat active during the late night. I understand and accept that I have made many mistakes within my time here; and I get that some can't look past my extensive infraction history, but I do believe that my days of major rule breaking is evidently over as I have gained relatively high-positions and maintained a clean infraction-record even gaining trusted. I have learned the gamemode, how to play it seriously, and build a community presence which is evident with my overall community stance currently which I would say is positive. The main reason I do want to become staff to help others understand the server with the many avenues there are when you are staff like answering questions, punishing when rules are broken, and explaining how they were broken and how to deal with situations similar to it better in the future. I would stay consistently active on my staff character throughout my time here, it will likely be the char I am most active on and dedicated to, I would make sure that tickets are not being lingered for 20+ minutes and would actively answer any and all questions and punishing when necessary. I truly do enjoy this server and I want others to feel the same and not just resort to shooting and annoying people for personal entertainment like I previously did. What are the duties and responsibilities of the position you are applying for in your own words? [150 Words or more]: The duties of staff are to enforce the rules of the server and moderate staff situations (sits) without bias and with respect assess the situation at hand and come to a conclusion on what appropriate action needs to be taken. In some instances, this can be banning, noting or giving a verbal warning to the opposing side. Most of the administrative action taken depends on the players past history/offences on the server and the severity of the situation. A major responsibility that staff members need to be aware of is activity and communication as you need to communicate often on what rule was broken, what the punishment will be and how to improve in the future to avoid it. It's also important that throughout the staff sit you are without bias observing the situation and coming to a conclusion on how to proceed forward in the most professional way possible. Answering questions is another aspect of the position and having a very good grasp of the rules to adequately assess not only a situation but also a question and answer it in the most accurate way possible is essential. Notes: N/A
    0 points
  25. Romannno_41 https://steamcommunity.com/id/_Romannno/ Dispute Hound Permanent Global Rule 2 and 12 I was banned for discovering a money exploit. According to rule 12, it says I failed to report said exploit. I did report the exploit. It was the Tommy Cheese discord that shed light into the issue in the first place, preventing other players from being able to use it themselves and ruin the economy.
    0 points
  26. Your Name: Oberleutnant Fredrich Figelbottum SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:631697755 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: ewosore How long is your ban for?: 1 day Why were you banned?: LTARP Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was afk playing another game with g mod running in the background which I forgot to close. During this, I was AFK in the ICC and I was handcuffed and blindfolded. During this, I couldn't hear audio from my other tabs because I had that setting off as well as I was playing FIFA at the time so I wouldn't know that this event had happened. Furthermore, during this unknown "detainment" I switched tabs to Gmod from FIFA so that I could close the game to solve performance issues as I had both games open at the same time. While doing this I saw that my screen was pitch black so I assumed that my character had glitched out so as a result I closed my game to focus on FIFA instead. Fast forward to now, I try to log on and see that I'm banned for a day which is whatever but still it annoys me that I didn't purposely try to LTARP and was banned as a result. Overall however, This is a good learning experience for a newer player such as myself into gmod rp, and in the future I will try to use my brain a little harder when it comes to the rules of your servers and gmod rp in general. Thank you! Oberleutnant Fredrich Figelbottum
    0 points
  27. -1 bro thinks he's pickle juice
    0 points
  28. -1, go make another server instead of trying to make a staff app here...
    0 points
  29. revoking to -1 due to lack of experience. I believe despite his friendly manner and respectfulness, its too soon to rejoin the moderation team and he needs to spend more time in character.
    0 points
  30. Yeah I want a 16 year old failed server owner to be the judge of punishments
    0 points
  31. nvm this isn't gonna get reviewed before I get unbanned, Cheers to whatever admin gets to this first. I hope you have a great rest of your day.
    0 points
  32. -1 I await your new server.
    0 points
  33. -1 Need a new server man.
    0 points
  34. This is nto an appeal
    0 points
  35. @SeikerI didn't say that. I got banned right after I said Sieg Heil after some people were saying it. STEAM_0:0:449016781 Do you have any proof of me saying "I hate the jews we need to kill the jews I kill the jews" in that specific order? Because I find this very much made up.
    0 points
  36. Denied. Reappeal with a better apology in 30 days
    0 points
  37. Soooo you're saying after just over 2 weeks you received essentially 4 notes for RDM, a ban and still claim not to know the rules?
    0 points
  38. Your Name: Greg Nuremburg SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): 76561199521806358 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): dispute Which staff member banned you?: ThirdEyeSchizo How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: so I went to trial and was found guilty but I was trying to leave to do other shit like IRL so I left after they were trying to RK me but I deleted my character so I didn't have to sit there in game and wait for everyone and they think I was trying to just leave I still removed my shit they were going to remove Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: the trial was over and I already told them I had to go but they ignored me so I just deleted my char and left Additional Information: n/a
    0 points
  39. Your Name: SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:76561199433832481 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: Luc Jasyarsest How long is your ban for?: 5 days Why were you banned?: I guess for rdm? Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: First and foremost, I was banned for following orders my NCO told me, or at least that's what I hope, because the only other offense I committed was killing a civilian who was killing people in the subway while me and my NCO were looking for recruits. I was given zero warning. I only killed three people, one out of defense and order by my NCO and the other two to save a civilian from being rdmd, And instead of telling me the offense i committed to be banned for 5 days the admin just wrote idiot like that will somehow enlighten me on what i did wrong. Additional Information: Due to me not being able to insert the image of him just calling me a idiot as the reason i will gladly DM it to anyone who is curious. Honestly I'm not mad at Luc i understand why he did what he did but I'm afraid he needs to not jump to the worse case scenario when he sees someone defending themselves.
    0 points
  40. Any game clip would prove this false. I shot and killed a civilian after he ran over and attempted to kill my NCO. Not only did I wait for confirmation, but I only shot him after my NCO said, "Execute this man." As for the other 2 people I killed, they were different people, 2 different people who, from my perspective, were beating a civilian to death. If it were actually such a big problem, I killed 2 people who were idiotically beating someone to death without reason. I think my NCO would have told me, And maybe instead of calling me an idiot, actually give me a reason for why I was banned, or maybe a sit, at least I had zero chance to tell people why I killed three people, and it only skipped to the worst-case scenario; not even my fellow patrol mates had any idea why I was banned.
    0 points
  41. Your Name: James Manning SteamID32: STEAM_0:0:533928412 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Dispute Which staff member banned you?: TheSuperTsar How long is your ban for?: 3 days Why were you banned?: Racism Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I didn't say anything racist and barely talked at all. I was wrongfully banned likely because I share a similar name with the person that was saying racial slurs. Additional Information: I was around the person that was making racist remarks but unfortunately I do not remember their full name. I do know that they were recently discharged from the volkswatch (if this helps find them). Our names are both James Manning but he had a suffix (I do not remember what it was). We were among a small group of others that also had this name.
    0 points
  42. I said that im gonna fuck someone's sister and slickb just broke his character and banned me infront of like 7 people without even giving a chance to explain myself or even ask why i said it or any other question
    0 points
  43. Character's name & rank: Bon Rudolf Oberstleutnant SteamID32: STEAM_0:1:494452536 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Prime Explain why you were PK'd: for "initiating" a gunfight and dying when the fighting was going on for 25 + mins and both sides were starting gunfights. Why should you be un-PK'd?: It wasn't a fair PK. I was following orders while the FM declared the base on full lockdown and that CO's could carry primary arms as NSB and KG were attacking us. Additional Information: I was following my orders given by my feldjager general to hold the femina and let no KG or NSB pass no matter what. The confirmed reports were that KG and NSB were shooting the guards in the ICC garage and at the front ICC gate. My orders from my general had me take myself , a fellow Oberstleutant and 5 other men to take control of the femina building at the back of RS to stop their pushes to the garage. As we approached the femina building 3 KG enlisted started a gunfight with us as soon as we left the garage and we killed them with no casualties, we then took there positions and held our ground from the bushes . The gunfights we had with KG and NSB went on for 25 + minutes and both sides were initiating gunfights at each other. KG and NSB kept pushing armed waves of 4-10 people at a time before Prime was watching me. after holding our ground with no order to retreat Prime was asked by some NSB for a PK on me so he observed for the last 45 seconds and as soon as I died took me to a sit saying that I was the one initiating the gunfight when all of my men were aswell as NSB and KG. I was only following orders and i got PK'd for following them in a Squad I'm going to link a video of the 5 mins before I got dragged and PK'd unfortunately my voice wasn't picked up but you can tell what I'm saying based on the replies Prime was giving me. you can see in the video that they were initiating a gunfight with my men on the left side before they got gunned down but they didn't receive a PK. We then got flanked from behind and killed except 2 of my men who held out a little longer. The vid will show everything I was doing as far back as I can clip (5 mins) before I was taken to a sit. Due to the fact Prime is a high ranking NSB and we were fighting them i do not think Him authorising my PK was ok. When he refused to listen to the full story. He mentions he was flying about for hours but if that were true he would of seen the KG pushing us with weapons drawn, firing apon us and us retaliating, killing them. I have spoke to another super admin ( Cravfe )on the server and showed him the clip and explained everything, Cravfe said that a reconsideration on the PK should happen and at most a Demotion if any punishment is needed. https://youtu.be/buyuAgD2iuI < Clip Any questions please feel free to ask me on discord. bonmeister
    0 points
  44. You didn't even attempt to explain what you were banned for. Explain please.
    0 points

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