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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/24 in all areas

  1. Your Name: Regis SteamID32 (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:0:46257945 Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology Which staff member banned you?: Ryan How long is your ban for?: Permanent Why were you banned?: Exile Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I was involved in the ban wave 6-7 months ago where multiple staff and users were banned for being involved in LordVague's 1942RP server. I am making this ban appeal under the approval of Virus, and I would like to apologize to the Upper Management, Whoreson included, for any wrongdoings I've committed prior to my ban. During these 6 months, I've learned my lesson to not involve myself with competing servers as staff when I'm already staff on another server. I wish to have a second chance of coming back to the community because I like this community; had tons of fun while being a part of it, and I wish to be part of it again. Additional Information: I've heard rumors that another reason for multiple of us being banned was because of people calling Whoreson not good things in a VC. I would like to say that I was never a part of this VC when it happened. If I was in the VC, I wasn't in there when these things were said, so if anyone claims that I was, it's a lie since no clip of the situation was ever provided to anyone involved.
    1 point
  2. Hound, you're absolutely right. And I take full accountability for participating and helping organize a competing server. I won't deny my involvement. I made a foolish decision to betray the trust instilled in me while I was staffing for Prometheus to undermine and leech off their services for my own gain. I let my own feelings and thoughts lead my actions. I was fully aware of what I was doing and I made a conscious decision to willingly participate. I could have always said no but chose to join a malicious community. While I stand by my word I did not contribute to the false allegations made, I understand I am still complicit by choosing not to speak up and shut down these rumors. I fully allowed these things to be said around me and I accept that, because of this, I share some of the responsibility as well. I cannot overstate how sorry I am to have not only broke the trust the community, but the members of Upper Administration and Whoreson. I was only made staff thanks to everyone and willingly turned my back to everyone for personal gain. I sincerely wish I could change my actions but I can't change what happened. There is not amount of apologies that can ever undue personal damages I helped caused by allowing these rumors to stand around me. I do hope this is a first step in an apology overdue to everyone
    1 point
  3. CLOSED. REF: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j-KVwHRUtBVcnIqfv_qXy66IgWADJrGvy0Yw-MoWgRw/edit?gid=548853337#gid=548853337
    1 point
  4. uhh idk what i did i still play on the server but i got banned from the discords, what did i do?
    0 points
  5. Yup, not much you can do about it
    0 points
  6. You weren't banned for involving yourself with a competing server, you were banned for helping found a competing server for the purpose of facilitating false and malicious rumors about Whoreson and the UA team. The server also actively used stolen content owned by, and created for, Prometheus. Icing on the cake. This entire paragraph is just odd. You were not 'just' banned for whatever was said in a VC, the entire management for the server you were directly involved with was actively spreading malicious rumors to the tune of "The Prometheus UA team are pedophiles," and "Whoreson actively DDoSes competing servers." While I didn't bother to keep screenshots or videos of any of this, unfortunately, I distinctly remember you being involved to a certain extent. This is insane. All this to say, I'm not exactly against you returning to the community. But be honest about what you did to get banned.
    0 points
  7. +1 Hes very serious and wants to be part of this community Lucas should be banned instead
    -1 points

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