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  1. Character's name & rank: Friedhart Thone, GroBadmiral, Minister of War SteamID32: 76561198123978789 Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Virus Explain why you were PK'd: From the information I have been told by Virus I was "Couped" no other information regarding the pk was given nor has it been given despite requests, and what I can decern from Saito (Who conducted the PK) is that I was pkd because I was and I quote "not good enough for the position of Minister of War" and was hiding away during a civil war (Which makes sense I'm NHC why would I go out and get myself killed). Why should you be un-PK'd?: First of all, let's start off with this "coup" there were a multitude of other ways that could have been played out, my character did nothing to deserve to be killed by Saito or for a manor of fact really anyone within the PK guidelines, there are really only a handful of people who I know who may have had potential pks on me, but none of them would apply in this situation as it would be under grief (Which requires the people in question to perform the PK themselves), a coup doesn't mean to kill everyone apposed to you, I could have simply been allowed to leave or better yet, negotiate for someone else to take my place, but no instead you went straight for the gun, bloodless coups exist and have happened, you just used the "Oh we're couping him" excuse to kill my character needlessly. There was absolutely no reason why my character should have been killed in this situation. Furthermore this coup was one person shooting me and two of my guards further that's not a coup not on the slightest, I call this "Coup" a blatant cover for what it is, a blatant violation of the PK guidelines by members of the community who think they can twist the PK guidelines to their advantage, playing the rules as it were, murdering someone for their position and job because their "slow" or because they don't "fit the role" they are in is not within the PK guidelines and is outright ridiculous. Furthermore the civil war (Which Saito on his Kai Kaiser character started BTW) had ended and a ceasefire was called, therefore that cannot be the reason for me being pked either, we had finished fighting with the MOI 10 minutes prior and where about to meet a peace summit at the Reichstag. We had effectively won the civil war and then he decides to shoot me down? Where's the logic in that? Furthermore under Generalrule 26. It also clearly states that you cannot kill your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. PK GUIDELINES 3. Not using PKs as a LAST resort. 5. PKing someone for the sole purpose of taking their job/title. 6. PKing for solely doing work legally within one's job. GENERAL RULES 25. You may not plan the assassination of your commanding officer for the sole purpose of gaining power. You must have a detailed reason for wanting them dead that is in accordance with PK guidelines. This was not a PK of last resort, as you made no attempt to come talk to me about the issue of which you know very well I would have talked about, so does just about everyone else in the server. Hell we didn't even have any bad previous talks with each other, you just decided out of nowhere to shoot me, after complaining about how you lost around 2 million in a civil war of your own making, of which I offered to pay back. This was no unreasonable, you made no attempt to resolve it and went straight to killing me. 4. Attempt to resolve the matter using other means which don't involve PKing first, unless it is deemed impossible, and agreed upon by the approving staff member. Fact of the matter is, this pk, shouldn't have happened in the first place based on the information I have been given and is in clear violation of the PK guidelines and General Rules of the community. If the issue arises regarding the fact that to much time has passed I will happily cede Minister of War and command of the Armed Forces, I just want my character that I have spent 3-5 months on back and to be given a fair shake when it comes to this dodgy PK. Additional Information:
    1 point
  2. 0 points
  3. You need to contextualize the situation. Watch your own video and asses the matter of the fact being you shooting at the Chancellor and dying immediately after shooting at the Chancellor of the German Empire with a MACHINE GUN! You started a Gun-fight because that is the ONLY resolution you have for the majority of your involvements. Not everything needs a shootout, not everyone needs to be gunned down! Your character was a General Ranking Officer who could have used another alternative. This should be a reminder to yourself and other individuals of the KG that once again; A Shootout is not the Resolution to all the problems. DENIED.
    -1 points

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