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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. +1 love this man, most wholesome bloke i know would be a great adittion to the team.
    1 point
  3. Can this guy get forum banned
    1 point
  4. beach beat me to the love.
    0 points
  5. You guys rlly Deny me again just for using CHATGPT to correct grammar and just make it a little more well written than i could have done myself? EVERYTHING it said came from me.. I gave a very long paragraph and all it did was fix grammatical errors and sent it back to me, I just thought it would help me sound more professional, However since you guys have been such pricks to me.. I do not care about being unbanned from Ur little Libtard femboy pedophile infested server and have already successfully evaded the ban long ago, yes I got caught once due to a dumb mistake but it wasn't too hard to figure out this server is a joke full of punk ass kids that treat good players like shit. I only appealed again because I wanted to play on my main Steam as it was inconvenient to switch just for this trash server full of complete rejects of society xD Yall are all literally the typical "Discord Mod' living in mommy's basement larping as a real man that they could never be. So just know you can never get me off no matter what you try and I'm still playing daily, jokes on you faggots what kind of ban system is that lolllllllll good riddance maybe y'all will learn to how treat people but please stop with the power trip bc ur bans aren't stopping anyone
    -2 points
  6. "Denied. Horrible grammar. You may submit another appeal when you obtain more braincells." Hound actually puts this as if 1.I was trying to make an actual appeal 2.As if I even need to appeal when I got around the ban in about 10 minutes and have been playing daily. I used horrible grammar on Purpose as I was in a Rush/Have a life outside of my computer screen unlike the mods here. I can assure you my grammar is perfectly fine, The fact is it hit you in the feelings that your "job" that you don't even get paid for is USELESS and has been a waste of years of your life considering your ban system is a Joke. Hopefully this is clear enough so that your tiny brains here at Prometheus can understand this time. Basement Dweller Femboys with no Testosterone left and living with mommy. No people of quality even play this server only degenerate Libtards. (From Experience) However, I will continue to play daily and you'll never know who I even am, Just to call you guys braindead Liberals. So Hound, Who has more braincells here? The admin slaving himself for a useless cause or the guy who is still playing like nothing even happened? Also, Ban me again (Which you cant lol) and ill still just be right back in 10 minutes. HOPEFULLY you guys can read this time and understand I don't care about being unbanned from a shit Gmod Server. Go ahead and close this like cowards without even letting me reply as usual. Yall are so made you cant even actually ban anyone (unless they're just dumb) while I'm sitting here with more $ than y'all will ever have clowning you, And i dare you to even say "Denied" this time before I literally make your server and website shit itself.. See if I'm bluffing but I wouldn't advise it, PEACE FAGGOT FEMBOYS TRUMP 2024
    -2 points

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