Your Name:
SteamID (STEAM_0:X:XXX): STEAM_0:1:424143357
Appeal Type (Apology or Dispute): Apology
Which staff member banned you?: the console
How long is your ban for?: ever
Why were you banned?: on December 7th, 2024, I had decided to play on my favorite alternate history server; however this time I had connected with ill intentions. I had obtained an alternative account to have my way with. After entering the city of Berlin, I went straight to the Inner City Compound where I had enlisted with the local reserve army. It was at this point I was able to obtain an MP-40 Submachine gun, I with haste had deserted my post to have fun with said weapon free of consequence, or so I thought. I soon came in to contact with the local police of the city who had taken positions in front of the Reichstag. With malice I unloaded the 32 round magazine into the police as well as a local Asian man and a member of the Panzer divisions. My fun was soon thwarted as a member of the staff team had banned me.
Almost a month later I try to connect without thought to the server and remember that I had an alternative account still banned which resulted in me being banned upon me loading in.
Why do you deserve to be unbanned?: I don't deserve to be unbanned as I have clearly broken the rules regarding alternative accounts and 100% should not have mass RDMed regardless, I do ask however that an apology be accepted from me and I am given a second chance to LARP again and play on the server again.