I'm the staff member who took the ticket for your PK and processed the permanent kill on your character. My decision was based on the provided context via clip given to me by the individual who shot you as well as our civilian PK guidelines. In this clip , you can see that the player held out their gun to their side and approached you, as another player walked towards you also stating they wanted to ask you some questions, as coincides with the context provided in your appeal.
At this point you took out your gun and began firing, thus starting a gunfight that you lost. In a roleplay scenario, if you see men approaching with a gun, stating they would "like to ask you some questions" you should consider this a serious situation that could reasonably escalate to a dangerous level. Thus when you decided to pull out your gun and initiate a full blown shoot out rather than comply with them, you were actually making the decision to put your life on the line. When you lost that shootout, you died. This follows our Civilian PK guideline No. 9 "Dying after initiating a shoot-out [PK]". I have no personal issues with you being un-pk'd, however I believe, based on our rules, this was a valid permanent kill. If you are un-pk'd by our upper administrative team, congratulations, if not, let this be a lesson to take greater personal care with your other characters in the future and to not make decisions of as escalatory nature in life threatening and dangerous situations that could lead to your death. Thank you for submitting an appeal.