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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. Hello I was the staff member who approved this PK. On what the Konsul said in his reponse to this PK appeal are the reasons I approved this PK. You were PK'd under the PK guidelines: "On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK]" "On approval of UA+ [PK]"
  2. Your ban has expired so this appeal will be locked.
  3. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    So having a Degenerate character description such as "butt plug inspector and avid dildo destroyer" and then attempting to ban evade on an alt account are "honest mistakes" ? How would I need to explain to you that having your characters description as "butt plug inspector and avid dildo destroyer" is wrong? It's common sense that this character description would be against the server rules.
  4. Denied. This was VDM and as stated in the rules You may not run an individual over with your vehicle unless your life is in danger. In this situation your life was not in danger at all and in the clip provided it did not seem like "they failed to stop after 4 members of both Party & Military attempted to detain them". You don't just get to run some over for simply tresspassing that makes no sense at all. You should of attempted to roleplay the situation out to try and fugure out the context of the situation as to why he was inside the base instead of just running him over. If you attempted to actually roleplay the situation out this entire situation would have been avoided and you would not be banned right now.
  5. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    Hello I was the staff member who issued this ban. At first you were permanently banned for Global rule 13. Then you made an appeal and I accepted your ban appeal and very generously shortened your ban to only 1 week. You then during your ban attempted to ban evade using an alt account. In my opinion i don't believe you deserve to be unbanned any time soon since you broke two Global Rules within the space of 1 week. Another member of Upper Administration will decide the veridct of your ban appeal soon.
  6. Follow the ban appeal template or this will be denied.
  7. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    Denied. While I understand this is a delayed ban this was a valid report and you were punished for breaking the rules.
  8. Your ban is already up anyway but this would have been denied anyway. You was being a minge during a RPI event and you were punished accordingly.
  9. Denied. This ban was completely valid and was a fair decision. I'd recommend using this next week to take a mental health break and read the server rules.
  10. Accepted. Your ban will be lowered from Permanent to 1 week. I'll also make it clear that your next offence for violating Global Rule 13 will be a straight permanent ban and it will remain that way Indefinitely.
  11. Is this an apology or a dispute? Because you have listed this appeal as an dispute but this seems more like an apology. So could you fix that whenever you have a moment if that is a mistake.
  12. Hello I was the staff member who approved this PK. Firstly the leader of the coup was PK'd for attempting to lead this coup and then getting shot. Then you as an active patricpant for this coup where you were attempting to coup the Landespolizei command as a NCO is more than enough grounds to be shot on the spot. Not every situation needs to go to trial espcially when you tried and failed to coup the command staff of the Landespolizei as an NCO. Then you say "others that assisted us were allowed to continue their normal duties and we get killed" after an investigation done by the Landespolizei and NSB for this attempted coup you and others were found to be primary suspects of this attempted coup hence why you were arrested and then eventually shot. You even admit that you were an active particapant in this attempted coup so I don't see any reason why you should be Un-PK'd here.
  13. Denied. Here is the clip of the situation where you left the server to avoid being arrested: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iALQpFASVoq3nb5ob/d1337RttJg7b?invite=cr-MSxPWFUsNDI4Njk5MjAs And the reason you were "Banned with no admin sit" Is because you left the server so you was unable to be brought to a sit. This ban is completely fair and justified.
  14. Denied. The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP". And as Beach said in his response in the clip you were told to stop moving while you were under gun point and you were given multiple warnings to stop. In no regard for your life you told the individual "I am going to shoot you" whilst you were under gun point.
  15. Hello I was the staff member who issued your ban. What you did was forge transfer papers to go from a civilian to the rank of Hauptmann in the Kaiser Guard. And you lied to multiple members of staff claiming that you were "Discharged" at the same rank. Also Is this not meant to be an apology? I don't really see an apology here all I see here is you just blaming someone else for your own actions.
  16. Denied. You have a few POs for this and you still do not seem to learn and you know exactly what you are doing. Vixx also provides you with a perfect explanation as to why you were banned so I'd recommend reading his response. During your ban I'd recommend reading the rules.
  17. Denied. Both Vixx and Layheeee's response perfectly explains the reasoning for your PK and this PK is completely valid.
  18. Hello there I'm the reported staff member in my response I'll provide my side of the story. It seems as if you left out a lot of context to this situation and just included the last 30 seconds or so of our entire interaction. Let's start with how this situation started in the first place. So a civilian was standing next to the Reichstag steps and you just ran up to him and shot him in the head for no reason what so ever so I then shot you for killing an innocent civilian for no reason. You then made a RDM ticket on me and Seiker was the member of staff who took the ticket for your report and then Seiker brought me into the sit where I tried to explain my reasoning for shooting you. As I was trying to explain my side of the story you constantly interrupted me and did not allow me to speak until I made it clear to you that I would no longer speak at all If you continued interrupting me. I then finished explaining my reasoning for shooting you and then began to explain that you was the one who RDM'd in this particular situation and I provided General rule 2 in LOOC and even read it out to you to try and explain to you how you broke the rules. 2. You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. Then your response to this was "Shit better ban half the server lol" "Then damn we better ban half th server. cuz it happens a ton". You then started the "Well other people do it and it's fine but when I do it It's wrong?" argument I then started to explain to you how this is wrong and you started shouting at me and told me to "Shut the fuck up". You then tried to start punching me in the sit to which you were then dragged away by Seiker and told to stop. You then started to call out the entire staff team and saying that "It takes hours for staff to take tickets" "Staff don't deal with tickets and let people RDM" and saying essentially that the staff team are failing to do their jobs. You then called me out specifically by saying "Coffee is failing to do his job and take RDM tickets" and I then asked you when this situation happened were their other staff members online and you responded by saying "Yeah there was 6 members of staff online" then you started to say "Why are you not instructing other staff members to take tickets" and to make this clear and you even said this yourself that this was apparentently over two weeks ago. Then the clip you provided was my response which is the only clip you provided for some reason. I honestly find this very disrespectful because not only is it not true its also that staff members are volunteers for the server who actively contribute and help the community and for you to call out the entire staff team on a claim that is not even true is absolutely ridiculous. Now I'll make it clear that all I did for this situation when I came to the sit was attempt to provide my side of the story and even explain the rules to you to help you follow them so you can avoid getting punished for breaking the server rules yourself even when you intial report was made against me. So now I'll provide the list of why you were banned: NITRP, RDM, ARDM In a staff sit, you being incredibly disrespectful during this staff sit and you also have prior offences for NITRP and breaking the server rules. From the way you acted both In roleplay and out of roleplay I decided that you needed to take a short break from the server so you could calm down and actually read the rules to get a better understanding of the rules and server overall. I'm also very willing to shorten your ban or even outright remove your ban if you were to acknowledge that overall what you did was wrong.
  19. Coffee

    ban appeal

    Denied. You can make a new ban appeal in two weeks explaining the reasoning for your first initial ban and why you attempted to evade the ban twice. I'd also recommend for your new appeal to use a better excuse rather than "My brother logged onto my account and tried to ban evade".
  20. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    Denied. If you are just going to use AI to make your appeal for you and not even put in the effort to write an appeal yourself then don't even bother making an appeal in the first place.
  21. Coffee


    Denied. Your ban appeal was just denied yesterday and I'll make it clear to you now that you may not make a new ban appeal for 3 weeks.
  22. Denied. The PK guideline you fell under was "Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP". In Dawg's response he sums up the situation perfectly and provides a clear explanation as to why you were PK'd.
  23. Denied. Most of this is simply just Roleplay and an IC issue a Kangroo court or an "incompentent richter" is not really grounds to be unPK'd nor does it go against the server rules. And as Aurelius said I think you are not understanding the context of PK guideline 12: The punishment must fit the crime. You cannot sentence someone to death for minor offenses; ie. not saluting [PK] You were not sentanced to death for a minor offence you were sentanced to death for the following charges: Attempted Murder On The Second Degree On A Government Official x 3 Subversion of State Security The punishment fits the crime for this situation.
  24. I'm going to give you 48 hours to fix your appeal or this will be denied.

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