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Everything posted by Coffee

  1. Here is the template that you must follow so we can actually help you with your PK appeal. Character's name & rank: SteamID32: Staff member who issued the PK (if you know): Explain why you were PK'd: Why should you be un-PK'd?: Additional Information:
  2. Coffee

    Unban appeal

    Hello I was the staff member who issued this ban. The reason for your ban is because you violated Global Rule 6: The advertising of competing communities will not be permitted. A discussion of competing communities may be allowed in moderation. Communities that do not compete with ours may be discussed freely. You sent me a Discord invite link to another WW2RP server and I'm certain I was not the only person from Prometheus who you sent this Invite link to. I'd also recommend putting some more effort into your ban appeal if you want this to be accepted. Another member of Upper Administration will decide the verdict of your ban appeal soon.
  3. Coffee

    pk Appeal

    Denied. You were PK'd under the PK guideline: On the orders of Feldmarschall, Innenminister, Vizekanzler, Konsul, Kanzler, Prinzregent, Kaiser [PK] You were PK'd with good reasoning because you shot a member of NHC and you faced the In character consequences for doing so.
  4. Denied. You have many POs for RDM and it seems that you have not learned your lesson. Just because you were "a bit angry and sad" that you got PK'd does not justify you getting online to RDM other players and break the server rules. I'd recommend reading the server rules during your ban.
  5. Denied. In my eyes a 1 day ban is a fair punishment for what you did. To make it clear you cannot just RDM / VDM other players because they are AFK.
  6. Accepted. This PK on NSB-Oberpolizeiinspektor Denis Spitz was completely unnecessary.
  7. Hello I was the staff member who banned you. You try to claim that this was some sort of mistake and that "the staff member has banned the wrong person". You also claim that "When I arrived home I attempted to load into the server and I came to a shocking revelation were it showed that I was banned for the reasons I stated above" Let me show you proof that this was not a mistake and that you were on the server and that this situation did actually happen: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i7GoDGcJhU5k5i2cx/d13372igaaDf?invite=cr-MSx0cEksMjAyOTcyNTEwLA (clip) https://imgur.com/jxk0OY5 and https://imgur.com/a/QAbhJlG (Logs) These logs match up with the clip provided. It's the same character name and SteamID...
  8. Denied. You had three NSB agents chasing you and they were shouting at you "stop moving or you will be shot" multiple times while they were pointing guns at you. You decided to keep on running away and as a result you were shot. You fell under the PK guideline: Being killed while not abiding by Fear-RP
  9. Coffee


    Denied. We have first aid kits already, this would not make any sense.
  10. Coffee

    the ban appeal

    Accepted. I'll make this clear, while I understand that it was late and the trial took a long time you cannot just delete your character. You must go through the correct staff approval and procedure for your PK to be valid and done correctly. What you should of done in this situation, was make a ticket and ask if you were allowed to delete your character or for a staff member to get the PK done because you needed to go because it was late for you. Leonhardt Graßl cannot approve for you to delete your character as he is not a staff member. This was a staff issue therefore it's a situation that needs to be handled by a member of staff and Leonhardt Graßl is not a member of staff. Do not take these situations into your own hands next time.
  11. Accepted. From checking the logs it does seem like your wifi actually did cut out and you did not leave the server to avoid Roleplay. This ban will be removed from your record.
  12. Denied. This was RDM you had no reason at all to shoot that member of the NSB. Here are the rules you broke in this situation: General rule: 2. You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. Killing Rule: 11. You may not kill government authorities for no reason. You may not kill the authorities for simply pulling you over or questioning you. You may not kill the authorities for giving you a lawful order. (Leave the area, put that away, identify yourself, etc.) You also have been banned 10 times this year... You don't seem to learn at all so during your ban I'd recommend reading the rules.
  13. Coffee

    DRK for life!

    Hello, I was the staff member who banned you. The reasoning for your ban was because you broke into the Pantheon and started pressing the buttons. One of the buttons you pressed announced that Hendrik Baumer would be coming into the city, which caused a lot of confusion within the server at the time. There is also a sign in the Pantheon button room, which makes it very clear that you should NOT be inside that room and Upper Administration is only permitted to be inside that room. You chose to ignore this and pressed the buttons anyway. Originally, I was going to give you a note for this, but you then you started asking to press the buttons again after I had told you that you were going to be receiving a note. This made it clear to me that what you did was very intentional and you did not really care about the consequences, so I decided a ban would be more necessary.
  14. Coffee

    My PK appeal.

    Denied. You were placed under gunpoint and surrounded by four members of the Military who tried to arrest you. In response you kept on moving and threw a punch at a marine who was involved with the attempted arrest whilst you were under fear RP. In this situation you showed no value or regard for your life and as a result you faced the consequences. You can even see in the clip you was putting in chat "arrest me if gay" "I identify as a dinosaur"... You clearly was not taking the situation seriously and again you faced the consequences. Also to make it clear to you there is no such thing as "Minge hour" and the server rules and guidelines apply 24/7. In the clip you can see you said "I will?" then you moved while under gunpoint then tried to punch the Marine right after so you clearly did not stop. I'd also recommend not using AI to help you make your appeals... And finally Since you don't seem to know the rules or PK guidelines that well I'd recommend reading them. https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/ImperialRP_Rules https://wiki.prn.gg/wiki/PK_Guidelines
  15. Please follow the PK appeal template or your PK appeal will be denied.
  16. Hello I was the staff member who issued the PK. The reasoning for your PK was because you initiated a gun fight outside the ICC, which led to a large gunfight outside the ICC. You were the first person to shoot in this situation therefore, you caused this gunfight to happen. If you had not shot first and continued to try to arrest the people you were going after, this whole situation would have been avoided. You fell under the PK guideline: Dying after initiating a shoot-out
  17. Denied. I don't believe you have learned your lesson because you received a note for punch minging five days ago. Then four days after your note for punch minging, you were banned for punch minging. I believe two days is a fair punishment for your actions. I'd recommend reading the rules during the remaining time of your ban.
  18. I was not the staff member who issued this ban. The staff member who issued this ban was BAL and he will respond to your appeal soon.
  19. Please provide the correct steam ID.
  20. Denied. If you don't want to be unbanned then sure. I don't see what would change if "NITRP" was removed as your ban reason.
  21. Coffee

    RDM Ticket

    Accepted. Thank you for making a report. The reported player will be given an RDM note for this situation.
  22. Coffee

    Ban Appeal

    You are unbanned now. But this seemed like a fair punishment for what you did. For the future, so you can avoid situations like this, I'd like to remind you of General Rule 2: You must have a valid RP reason to kill someone. You may shoot someone if they damage you with a weapon/vehicle. You may not shoot someone because of their physical appearance, faction or simply because they insulted you. You must give someone a verbal or text warning and allow them 10 seconds to respond before escalating the roleplay. Following this warning, you may kill them if they pull out a weapon. Do not bait someone to shoot/RDM you, and do not punch minge or initiate arguments to harass someone. Next time, try to understand the situation and figure out what is actually going on instead of just opening fire without really knowing the context of the situation.
  23. Hello, I was the staff member who issued the flag blacklist. The reason your pet flags were taken from you was because you spawned a prop boat dupe and were driving it around the map. As a result of you doing this, other players started flinging your boat around, which completely ruined the roleplay atmosphere for everyone in the area this was happening in. You had already done this before and you were warned by another member of UA about two weeks ago to not do this again and that the next time you did this, you would lose your pet flags. You did it again, so you lost your pet flags.

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