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Everything posted by Hound

  1. Hound

    Ban Appeal

    Format this appeal and use white text. You have 24h to make this readable or it'll be denied.
  2. Hound


    These are handled, but you shouldn't be reporting people for RDM if you, yourself, are also RDMing...
  3. Hound

    Military paygrade

    This is a bug. Do not make suggestion threads for bugs please.
  4. Hound

    Nubs ban appeal

    Accepted. Further offenses will result in a permanent ban, and may result in community exile.
  5. Hound


    This player is already banned.
  6. Hound


    Denied. Your clip does not pick up what you're saying. There is important context that's being left out.
  7. Denied. Horrible grammar. You may submit another appeal when you obtain more braincells.
  8. Hound

    PK Appeal

    You were openly disrespecting a member of national high command in front of the public, which is NOT legal. While this PK may not have been a 'last resort', you are among the lowest ranks on the server. Your behavior in the scene surrounding your PK did not warrant an actual trial or investigation. Ranks have meaning, and a Private openly disrespecting a General, in a setting where political power moves are everything, is practically suicide. This appeal is denied.
  9. No. While it may have been the way it worked in the real world, Kommodores are not considered GOs here, and should not be using any GO insignia because of this.
  10. A few points. Coffee is a member of Upper Administration, and is permitted to issue punishments for situations he is a part of. Do not try to frame you placing toilet props outside a business is some 'RP skit'. It's you being a minge. Don't try and lie about that. The clip you provided and the explanation of the situation are completely at odds with eachother. Your clip doesn't show nearly enough context, and doesn't show Coffee doing anything inherently wrong based on whatever little context it does provide. Staff reports require much more evidence than this. This ban will remain on your record, and this complaint is denied in its entirety. If you're able to find more evidence to support this complaint, you may send me a DM over Discord (@ser_hound)
  11. Yes, you did. You ran away while they were screaming repeatedly, "I have weapons on you." Literal textbook FearRP break. Denied.
  12. Hound

    Ban appeal

    Denied. You are not permitted to dispute a ban that happened more than 3 days ago.
  13. Cannot tell if ragebait or genuine retardation. Denied.
  14. Denied. You can remake this appeal in no less than 30 days with an apology for attempting to ban evade, as well as an apology for lying to us in your appeal.
  15. Hound

    Unban Request

    Oh. Ok. Denied.
  16. Hound

    Unban Request

    How do you fuck this up?
  17. Hound

    Ban appeal

    Denied. That you thought you could dispute this on any level is mindboggling.
  18. Can you maybe explain what you're apologizing for..?
  19. Denied. This doesn't fit the lore at all, really. As @Virwëtztutsaid, it just looks like a copy-paste communist group.
  20. Hound

    Ban Appeal

    Denied. This is not the appropriate way to handle something like this. Make a ticket next time if you want to report someone. Do not take it into your own hands and assume it's justified.

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